• Dr Shantanu Panigrahi - UK's Unsung Hero, Suing 800 Wicked People (2/3)

    From Anonymous@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 9 18:29:20 2019
    [continued from previous message]

    "Jacobus", online liar
    ABM Solicitors of Hayes
    H.M. Passport Office & familiars
    "Jos", RF liar
    Citizens Advice Bureau, Goring-by-Sea
    Constable Alan D. Pughsley QPM, mindless stooge and defender of the Evil Queen Ed Mellor, Senior Solicitor, Capsticks LLP
    Law Society
    OTS Solicitors
    "Viraja", RF liar
    Chelsea College London (1977 bar staff)
    Helen Gaylot of Long Catlis Rd Surgery, Rainham
    Tanya (Tanstalk) Cummins, a pseudonym of the daughter of Rik (Amrik) Kalsi
    West Yorkshire Police
    Christopher Womack, JP
    S Clark, UoG clerk
    French Refugee Organisation (OFPRA)
    Elizabeth Findlay, Senior Counsel
    Inspector Maxwell Holway, a Child Pornographer of Kent Police
    A J Reese, Education Officer claiming to be Headteacher
    Nada, Site Manager of Shell Kent Petrol Station in 2008
    Dr Prakash Rao, BUPA Walderslade
    Manager of The Citizens Advice Bureau, Balmoral Road, Gillingam
    J.Shukla & Co. Chartered Surveyors
    Secretary, Trades Union Congress (TUC)
    Debbie Walton, NHS England Chief Customer Contact Officer
    Anna Turnbull Walker, sadistic matron
    Lauren Wood, HMCTS Customer Service Team
    Lord Irvine of Lairg, dec'd, former Lord Chancellor, for failing to brief the Queen adequately on proceedings
    Teresa Crane, Professional Standards Caseworker, PCC
    Joanna Brown, Casework Administrator at Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education
    "Epic Beard Man", RF liar who accused me of drug-taking
    Beth Coulton, Advisor for IOPC
    Supreme Court of the UK (entire bench serving at July 2016)
    Kevin Eaves of Employment Tribunals
    Lindsay Donohoe c/o The Legal Ombudsman
    Canada House, a KMPT criminal enterprise of shameless bastards which should be razed to the ground
    Gyanajuga Publications, Bhubaneswar
    Thames Avenue Surgery, malpractitioners in Medway
    Deputy District Judge Mark Harvey, after whose bastard grandfather the hospital where I was unlawfully held was named, and who must be arrested immediately Egress Software Technologies Ltd, hackers for the British State
    Kim Brooks at Fosters Law
    Knight & Gale Chambers, a pseudonym for Stenhouse
    British Society of Animal Science
    Mary Shanahan, officer of ACAS
    Zionah Jaldo, Employment Tribunals stooge
    Sergeant Glenn Fisher, PC 46012548
    Elizabeth Smith, Paralegal at the Legal Ombudsman
    Dr Masoud, Consultant Psychiatrist of Canada House
    Bilal Mazhar of Absolute Barristers
    Stephanie Allsager, IOPC
    Gherson Solicitors
    Susan Matthews at Thames Avenue Surgery, Kent, where they are all called Susan Shell Petroleum
    Chicken vandals who threw an egg at the front of my house of January 27, 2013 Tuckers Solicitors, Kent branch
    Parakh Hirani of Room E307 or failing that E308 at RCJ
    Jennifer Brennan, Harrogate Director
    Deportation dep't, Home Office for failing to deport Indian Commissioner
    Sexual Health Advisory Board, Bury St. Edmunds
    Walter H Steffan, a resident of Delaware, USA, email address panigrahi-is-a- cunt[at]chickenfucker.net
    Gordon Seekings of the Liberal Democrats who shielded mailinator Nick Clegg Greg Levinski, a criminal dvaita & adharma on the Religious Forums
    National Pro Bono Centre, Chancery Lane
    The Mayor of Medway
    Evolution Team of Deepak Chopra, Bernardo Kastrup, Leo Krauss & Richard Dawkins Jayne Stevens, Medway County Court Petty Clerk
    Craig O'Callaghan, Chief Operating Officer, London International (Durex) Transcripts
    A Bernard Prado, Solicitor (junior advocate) of Dixon & Templeton Solicitors Keith Hinton of QB Division
    Jasvinder Singh Panesar AKA Sivaji, a criminal director of Walsall
    Fosters Law
    Treasury Solicitor & accomplices
    Sue Brady of Maidstone Crown Court
    Solicitors Regulation Authority
    Courtney Olding, Independent Advocate & useless moron
    Neil Pitts, a double agent of the British state
    Unknown hackers who stole the password to Satyam website & used it to resell risperidone
    Shaquille at NHS England Contact Centre may be related to Shaiqa Shaffi
    Derek Russell, an agent of state oppression
    Julie Palmer, PALS & Complaints Admin, KMPT
    Tassells Solicitors, Faversham
    Hodge, Jones & Allen Solicitors (HJA, esp "Brenel")
    Talk Rational forum (TR) (all mods & admins)
    E.B.Oguntona, M.Sc. (Biology)
    Leanne Crowley, IPCC Criminal
    Linda Worsley, a witch from the wicked HMCTS
    Jacqui Goold, Administrator at OISC
    Anne Billinge, Listing Office Manager, Civil Appeals Office at RCJ
    Mark Olson, PMC
    PC 1593 Christopher Parnell of North Yorkshire Police
    Catriona Morrison, tool of the Legal Ombudsman
    Eadey J. who might not be the same as Eady, J
    Lynne Overend, IPCC Senior Administrator
    P Brady, Maidstone Crown Court, claimed unrelated to Mrs Sue Brady
    J. Sherwood, Duty Judge's assistant
    Keith Fletcher, spy for Kent Police
    Ivy Mendola at Authorhouse Pornographers
    Symantec who installed spywares into my computer
    Nitin Dodhia, Admin Court, RCJ
    Kevin Joss, Trainee Solicitor aka Joss Macdonald MP
    Jonathan Melia, Solicitor
    Matrix Chambers, Barristers
    Dr D Thomas, NHS conspirator
    Councillor Tris Osborne
    Freedom of Information assessment unit, Home Office & Manpower Services
    Lois Derham, PALS & Complaints Officer, KMPT
    Administrative Court at RCJ, all corrupt judges & staff
    PC Nigel Shambler (demoted from Insp. following my complaint)
    Edward Milliband MP
    Mary Shanahan, Duty Cover Team London, Eastern & Southern ET/ACAS
    Sue, who refused to supply surname, at QB Issue & Enquiries who signed for my letter at 7:54am on 16 May 2017
    Momotaj Begum of the Case Progression Team at the Admin Court Office, RCJ (likely a pseudonym)
    Commissioner of City of London Police
    Medway Maritime Hospital (all admin & staff)
    Padma Panigrahi at Peter Edwards Law, another wolf in sheep's clothing
    Angela McNab, Medway Mental Health Trust
    Jane Mcneil, HMCTS Kent
    Dr Sudhir Sudhindra Patel MD (Master of Deceit trying for 20 yrs to have me locked up)
    Carol Wilson, Civil Appeals Office, RCJ
    Sebastian Del Monte, Solicitor
    Jaspreet Bhatti, Mental Health Tribunal Applications Clerk
    Tribunals Service Mental Health Administration (TSMH)
    Yashvardhan Kumar Sinha, London High Commissioner for India
    Adam Price-Gill, Labour stooge
    "Sam", PMC
    Gemma Mistry, Casework Administrator for IOPC
    S Farid at the RCJ (for refusal to give full name)
    Dennis Goodinson, c/o HM Prison Service
    Larry Rush, Corrupt Humans Resources Manager at OISC
    Sanchia Wheeler, Solicitor (Birmingham)
    Lee Gledhill, Clerk at Alexander Barristers
    Mark Trowbridge, stalker
    Guido Fawkes, a pseudonym
    Master Davison, an evil collaborator of Master Eastman in denying me justice Martin Daniels, 2014 Chair of Barnsole Primary School, related to Brother Daniels
    Kavita Chahal, Assessment Analyst, IOPC
    Neal Champion, PMC
    Lynne J Baecker, stalker
    M A. Bishop, peon of CCMCC
    Philip Harrison of IPCC
    Sertraline Abuse Society
    Caroline J Wilson, FOI/DPA Casework & Customer Services Directorate, IPCC Family Planning Practice in Gillingham
    Taz, who refused to supply surname, a creature of crooked Master Keith Eastman at RCJ
    Russell Jones & Walker, Solicitors
    Christine Powell of HMPO
    Jack Bell, Labour
    Lutomi Kasumu, Solicitor's Clerk
    Marcus (Mark) Harrington, Employment Advisory Tribunal
    Milton Platt, RF liar
    Fleur Meacham, Admin Officer, Professional Standards Dep't of West Yorkshire Police
    Kofi Annan, former Secretary-Director General of UN
    Elgin Marbles Trust, an agent of the British state
    The Original devi8, not a devi but a deviate, webtroll, transsexual & liar Julie Boswell, Solicitor
    PC 126 Ken Callaghan of West Yorkshire Police
    Brian Walker, a legal fiction of Jyoti Gill MP
    Leader of the Opposition,Jeremy Corbyn
    May Parsons, a criminal conspirator
    PC 1220 Shahid Sanya, illiterate of West Yorkshire Police
    Councillor Naushabah Khan
    The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund
    Bassets Solicitors of Gillingham but not Rochester
    Boobie Susan Savage, an agent provocateur of the British Secret Service
    Rural African Network for Poultry, who trafficked contaminated drugs hidden in chickens & blamed me
    Elizabeth Kingsley-Smith, solicitor of eponymous firm
    Paul R. Reddy, Practice Manager, S&G Solicitors
    Barclays Bank
    Victoria Ribbons, undercover agent of the British State at Shah Medical Practice
    Robert Hills, CCMCC Admin Peon
    Lola Ogunsiji, Queens Bench Division
    Amber Rudd, Jr Urologist at Medway Maritime Hospital
    Professional Standards Dep't, West Yorkshire Police
    Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants
    Judge Brian Doyle, President of the Employment Tribunals who must be arrested immediately
    Person(s) unknown who placed human ejaculate in my harmonica in Rainham in 1997 Dr Adoko Emezie, MD (psychiatry) locum to Canada House

    Canada House - Local Mental Health Torturers
    CCMCC - County Court Money Claims Centre
    HMCTS - H.M.Courts & Tribunal Service
    IOPC/IPCC - Unindependent Police Complaints Commissions
    KMPT - Kent & Medway NHS & Social Care Partnership Trust
    NHS - National Health Service
    PMC - Member of paedophile motorcyclist gang who threatened me on roundabouts and with guns
    RCJ - Royal Courts of Justice in The Strand, London
    RF - ReligiousForums.com
    TR - TalkRational.org
    TSMH - Tribunals Service Mental Health Administration, first-tier
    UoG - University of Greenwich

    This schedule should not be seen as conclusive or complete as entries remain under constant review & are updated when new facts & convincing opinions emerge. If you or your organisation is mentioned above, and you believe it is unfair, use Paypal to send US$500 to circassian[at]hotmail.com with the reason for your application for review in the accompanying message. If your application is successful, US$400 will be refunded by the same means, and the name removed. All details, including the wrongdoings leading to the inclusions above, are to be found at shantanup.wordpress.com from which removal is not possible for technical & religious reasons.

    I had been spending a great deal of money sending Faxes & making telephone calls to organizations such as the courts & other parties. I learnt from my wife that hospital staff were coming to get me on 23 March 2004. I felt that she had been plotting against me behind my back with Dr Patel to have me institutionalised. I had to escape & so on the morning of the day of their arrival I did all the normal clock time checks & came to the conclusion that the Almighty wanted me to head for Dover with a view to going to France under my asylum application. My clock checks had revealed that I would not be actually getting on a boat to France that day. I was merely to have the passport renewal issue raised as a query at Dover Docks & pursue the matter of asylum. I took the train to Dover & explained to the Dover authorities that I had a letter from the French Refugee organization (OFPRA). I hung around the Docks for 15 minutes & the man came up & started quizzing me. I gave my wife's name & home telephone number to him. He telephoned & spoke to my wife & the next thing that happened was that I was bundled into the back of a police van & taken to the Scarboro Ward of the Arundel Unit of William Harvey Hospital, Ashford, Kent, where I was assessed by 2 doctors, to whom I talked about Brahmanism. I was detained under Section 2 of the Mental Health Act. It was only after I lawfully absconded from hospital three months later that on 18 June 2004 the International Criminal Court finally replied that the matters I had submitted were outside the jurisdiction of the court, but that this may be reconsidered. I wrote back requesting a reconsideration. The ICC is pathetic protecting the Queen of the United Kingdom who deserves to be beheaded. - https://shantanup.wordpress.com/2018/08/05
    To Medway County Court: There were separate cases lodged which explains the reasons for the variation in the money amounts that I mentioned. Now the whole thing has coalesced into a single case against the UK State, so there is to be no person except Her Majesty the Queen to whom the Claim Form will be addressed. Please clarify if she has immunity. - https://shantanup.wordpress.com/2018/08/11
    To County Court Money Claim Centre: Please let me know today whether this Claim Form will be served on Mrs Theresa May, the Prime Minister. & on 7 September 2018 to the Court of Appeal that "Since the charge is disputed by Deputy District Judge Harvey & Master Eastman & I deny ever saying anything against Justice Eady, it is necessary for the Court of Appeal to set a Hearing Date to consider the evidence very soon in order to give the Supreme Court time to consider any subsequent Appeal from me before January 2019 when I will abscond to India for asylum should I be found to be guilty." - https://shantanup.wordpress.com/2018/09/07
    Explanation of why the "pigshit", "bastard" British race should be eliminated - https://shantanup.wordpress.com/2016/01/07

    COMPLAINT REFERENCES (Partial List only)
    NHS, NHS Solicitors: C-312517, TS9-1, NMS/116752. Rampton-52, KMPT-18-06, M19- 01-12845
    NHS England Complaint Consolidation Ref: CAS-538022/JM, C2073056
    IOPC: 2018/107722, 2018/107680, 2018/102085, 2018/099477
    IPCC (IOPC predecessor): 2017/078871, 2013/100381-4, 2013/011356
    Kent Police: IX/00187/18, 08-0943, 11-1467, 19-0665, CRONLINE 145922, 2016/070088, DX/00363/16, 2013/663, 60066, CO/486/14, CO/745/14, CO/00040/13, CAD 30-0303, NIP No. 49350897
    W. Yorkshire Police: 13180304621, 13180304634, CO/678/18
    HM Passport Office: AA/65498356
    Legal Ombudsman: FIR-CMP-058960, ABC:00612001, CMP-0694543, CMP-069454 ABC:03900813, CMP-073770, F014033, ABC:03044544
    PHSO Ombudsman: E2058772
    OISC: C9145
    Court Cases: 2018/PI/11721, HQ17X01773, ME010463, A20170027, 46TY0039517
    Case against PM Theresa May: E35YM660
    CCMCC - County Court Money Claim Centre: CM-FRLGN-08-18-56559
    Employment Tribunal: 2302960/2014C, UKEATPA/0461/15/DM, 1101675/2008/JG
    OPCC: OPCC/MS/COM/194/16
    BSB PCD: PR 2014/0168
    Government Legal Dept: Z1819776/TBL
    University of London: OIA/EF/881857434
    Cabinet Office: TO615415
    POhWER Client ID: 299052
    First4Lawyers Claim No. 1841064
    Solicitors' References: ... many ...

    INDEX (see https://shantanup.wordpress.com/diary-2)
    Attempt at rejoining FRDB - Resignation from membership of British Liberal Democrats - Our house attacked by an egg - My medical condition diagnosed of Persistent Delusional Disorder - Seeking a way back into active science & agricultural research - Kent Police's investigation of stalking harassment & impersonating harassment perpetrated against me - Dr Shantanu Panigrahi takes up membership of United Kingdom Independence Party - Dr Shantanu Panigrahi's Scientific career in doldrums at the University of Greenwich - How my application for the position of Cover Supervisor in a local school in Kent was treated - My experience of alcohol & alcoholism - Judicial Proceedings against Kent Police's & Independent Police Complaint Commission's processing of my internet harassment complaints - I lodged an official complaint to United Kingdom Independence Party for Discrimination - My Legal Ombudsman proceedings against Alexander Barristers Chambers
    My submissions to the cabinet office of the Government on the failings of the British Justice System - A bundle of evidence submitted to Medway County Court in my case against the University of Greenwich - Grounds for withdrawing from governorship of a school as a charitable act to the State - Here is me tackling the charge of being a rapist & a misogynist - Why I decided to try & become a vegan - Here is me examining the law on whether the UK police can be challenged in a court - Here is me seeking funding for a project that I would like to write a book on the British - Preface to my proposed book entitled 'Unravelling the British' - The conduct of Dugdale Solicitors to a request for help on an employment grievance - Fresh proceedings issued by Dr Shantanu Panigrahi at the High Court against the University of Greenwich - The employment dispute with Shell Franchises taken to the Tribunal - Challenging an infraction judgment at Religious Forums
    Dispute at Clearly Business Solutions Limited Petrol Station Employment - An open letter to the Government of the United Kingdom highlighting my suffering from experiences of the British Justice System - A Personal Account of Realisation - Application for Reforms to the Parliamentary Standards Commission of the United Kingdom - Judge Hildebrand appointed to investigate my complaints against the Civil courts of the United Kingdom - Challenging a governmental decision in the Courts of the United Kingdom - Proceedings with the Judicial Appointments & Conduct Ombudsman of the United Kingdom - Application for Asylum in India - My asylum-associated proceedings at the United Nations - Update on my citizenship of the United Kingdom - Negotiations with AuthorhouseUK on publication of my books on reality - Referral of the Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman to the Speaker of the House of Commons for Prime Minister's Question Time - Examining possibilities for private prosecutions
    An Open Letter issued to Egregious inviting his comments on failed email communication - Formal commencement of my private prosecution - Unravelling State-organised criminal conspiracy - How I investigated the State to identify the State-organised persecution on me - Civil proceedings against Olympia Publishers & AuthorhouseUK Publishers - The Nature of the Lord I experienced - Private prosecution for state-organised persecution on me - Question put forward for Leader of the Opposition for Prime Minister's Question Time - Restoration of Queen Dethronement Proceedings with Compensation Payment at Medway County Court - Bar Standards Board terrorises Dr Shantanu Panigrahi with legal complications in response to his complaints - My tentative consideration of the Idea of the English Democrats Political Party - Court Order sought to compel AuthorhouseUK to publish my book - UK State arranges for two doctors to come to Dr Shantanu Panigrahi's home as an appointment - Phands returns to post an annoying comment
    My proceedings confirmed at the Queens Bench Division against the National Health Service - I joined the Labour Party of the United Kingdom - Dr Shantanu Panigrahi returns to the Mental Health Tribunal for a Judgement - Walter H Steffan posts some enlightened thoughts on me - My Corresspondendence with the International Criminal Court - Appeal at the Independent Police Complaints Commission - Queens Bench Division ignores a reminder from me for proceedings - Legal Ombudsman surfaces & then retreats again - Referral of proceedings with Kent Police & Police & Crime Commissioner to the Prime Minister - Issuing of a Counterclaim against Kent Police on a speeding offence - Resumption of a Judicial Review in the Administrative Court of the Royal Courts of Justice - Response to a deceitful letter from Kent Police - Correspondence with Mr John Stenhouse to recruit him as a barrister to tackle Kent Police - Correspondence with AbsoluteBarrister to recruit a barrister to tackle Kent Police Correspondence with Fosters Law (County Solicitors) in an attempt to recruit a solicitor to tackle Kent Police - Correspondence with Furley Page solicitors in an attempt to recruit a solicitor - An attempt to recruit Tassells Solicitors to tackle Kent Police - Correspondence with Medway Magistrates Court on the Notice of Intended Prosecution - Correspondence with Maidstone Crown Court on the speeding offence - Application to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom - A Second Application to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom - Response of Kent Police to the Complaint lodged at the Independent Police Complaints Commission - Legal proceedings issued against the Law Firm Absolute Barrister - Slater & Gordon Lawyers are referred to the Legal Ombudsman - Proceedings with the Queens Bench Duty Judge at the High Court - Progress of N1 Claim Form through the Queens Bench Division of the High Court - The circumstances of my resignation from the Labour Party - Prevarications & Machinations at the High Court
    Appealing two high court orders in Claim against Kent Police & Codefendants - Wigmore Medical Centre arranges a Health Check on me - Application to classify Dr Shantanu Panigrahi as a vexatious litigant by the Indian High Commission - The UK State inserts Blog comments here & supresses the resolution through legal channels - Seeking a High Court Order to the Appeal lodged - Appeal to the Court of Appeal on State-organised persecution - Trying to secure the services of OTS Solicitors - Reporting the latest crimes committed against me to Kent Police - A threat to me from an anonymous emailer - Proceedings at the Office of Immigration Services Commissioner terminated - Devi8 posts an interesting comment for discussion - Phands surfaces yet again - Complaint to the Home Office against the Office of Immigration Services Commissioner - Offer of pro bono legal assistance from Cherie accepted - devi8 posts another interesting comment in this Blog for discussion - I applied for pro bono legal representation
    Renewed submission to the Court of Appeal - Has WordPress given Dr Shantanu Panigrahi an ultimatum to close down his Blog? - Communications with the Indian High Commission & the OISC - Complaint to the Home Office on aim at not becoming stateless - Two more annonymouse threatening emails sent in to me by the UK State - Correspondence with Monneka Tahir concerning the Legal Ombudsman - Correspondence with UK Passport Agency concerning the validity of my passport - Clarification of my travel to Greece sought from the Greek Embassy - Has there already been a judgement rendered on this civil matter - Greenberry Publishing & Austin Macauley Publising consider publishing 'The Allurement of Reality' - Mr Justice Eadey issues a statement on my complaint - Anonymous email concerning my citizenship - Khilji comments on my anonymous emails as being weird - Progress made by Cherie in tracing Khilji - The UK State lodges a defence on my citizenship at the General Court of European Union
    Invitation to revisit the High Court of Justice thwarted - Referral of the complaint to Mrs Esther McVey, Member of Parliament - The UK State commences legal proceedings against me - Offer of financial support to help me fight State tyranny accepted - The UK State starts proceedings to have me medically- incarcerated - Clarification of an email received from the Court of Justice of the European Union - Repeated submission to the General Court of the European Union - Outcome of complaint to the Independent Office for Police Conduct on State-organised conspiracy to pervert justice - Update on High Court Claim proceedings - Contempt of Court proceedings against Dr Shantanu Panigrahi announced by the UK State - Curious anonymous email that I assumed was from the Indian Government - A proposal for settlement of legal issues rejected - Further correspondence with the Court of Appeal - Arrest Warrant Applications pending at Maidstone Crown Court
    A formal complaint lodged at Kent Police about my being made stateless as a crime - Pye Tait Ltd of Harrogate submit a report concerning me to the Police - Court Order sought from Maidstone Crown Court concerning private prosecution as counter prosecution - A threat received from an anonymous source that I may be arrested soon - Further communications to the Greek Embassy in London concerning my visit to Greece in April 2018 - Seeking the due process for a Judicial Review of the decisions of Maidstone Crown Court - Renewed correspondence with the Legal Ombudsman - Defence lodged against at anonymous threat to have me arrested on various charges - Correspondence with the Independent Office for Police Conduct concerning charges faced - The holiday in Greece - Update on defence lodged against proceedings against me by the UK State - End of the saga? - West Yorkshire Police issue a warning to me - Proceedings commences at Medway County Court for obstruction of justice
    Kent Police undertake the investigation of the obstruction of justice - Service of proceedings to West Yorkshire Police - Notification to issue Claim Form at Medway County Court - Correspondence with North Yorkshire Police - Devi8 & Original devi8 postings in this Blog - Referral of the complaints to the Lord Chancellor of the United Kingdom - Hampshire Police want to interview me under caution - Finally, there will be court proceedings - Appeal to National Health Service for restoration of registration at Wigmore Medical Centre - Proceedings confirmed at CCMCC for Hearing at Medway County Court - Application to have the Indian High Commissioner expelled from the United Kingdom - The Independent Office for Police Conduct considers my complaints against various Police Forces of the UK - National Health Service appoints a Case worker to investigate its misdemeanours against me - So-called Victims of Panigrahi arrange a petition against Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
    CCMCC Court gives approval to proceed with up to 600 Claims - OTS Solicitors are referred to the Legal Ombudsman for obstruction of justice - Proceedings issued against the Independent Office for Police Conduct for obstruction of justice - Update on N1 Claim Submission to CCMCC Court against the National Health Service - Further developments on my application to the Lord Chancellor on my complaints - An Open Letter to the Prime Minister Mrs Theresa May - Enquiry at the General Court of the European Union on progress on State- organised persecution - Correspondence with West Yorkshire Police concerning Notice of Harrassment issued to Me - Court Order issued concerning my prospects to issue Claims - Legal Ombudsman reconsiders the complaint against OTS Solicitors - Police must be allowed to conduct the work of investigating crimes without interference - Proceedings at the Court of Appeal - Appeal to the Supreme Court of the Court of Appeal's decision on route of appealing the CCMCC's Court Order
    Visit by Kent Police's policeman to our home - Correspondence with Wigmore Medical Centre on Removal from Practice List - Further correspondence with the Court of Appeal - Continuing the search for a new GP Practice to register with -
    Search for a new lawyer to progress the Appeal at the Court of Appeal - Further correspondence with the Legal Ombudsman - Communications with the Prime Minister's lawyer - Progress in Court Proceedings - Bid for out of court settlement of the dispute fails - Charles Calthrop makes a submission to the CCMCC concerning Monneka Tahir - Further consultations with solicitors - Transfer of Claim proceedings to the Central London County Court - Ill health problems & appointment with Canada House Consultant Psychiatrist - Communications with Courtney Olding an independent advocate - Enquiry at the Central London County Court on progress of Claim - State-sponsored terrorism through the manipulation of the national health system
    Further correspondence with patients experience complaints service - Revival of court proceedings at Medway County Court against the Prime Minister - Further correspondence with POhWER, a charity - Freedom of Information Request - Further communications with the Prime Ministers Lawyer, Mr Thomas Bartlett - UK State's Defamation of me classifying me as an anti-Semite - Correspondence with Mr Gurpal Singh Tiwana - Termination of Membership of Religious Forums - Strange apparently anonymous email received from someone - Further correspondence with Courtney Olding - NHS England starts the process to assess my complaint - A 'Nick Clegg' sends Dr Shantanu Panigrahi an email - Appeal of Court Order from the Central London County Court - Contempt of Court proceedings against the National Health Service - Renewed submissions on complaint to Courtney Olding of POhWER - Tanya Cummins files a complaint against Dr Shantanu Panigrahi with Kent Police - Professor Bhardwaj comes to the rescue of Dr Shantanu Panigrahi - Comments on Legal Proceedings

    KENT POLICE CLAIM THESE MESSAGES FROM phands[at]aol.com ARE NOT ACTIONABLE! https://discussionforumfortruthseekers.wordpress.com/2012/12/10/kent-police-say-
    that-no-criminal-offence-was-committed-concerning-poster-comments-from-phands- at-talk-rational -
    03-10-2012: I look upon telling people about you as a public health warning: Avoid the toxic waste from the sewer that is S. Panigrahi... a verminous rapist who claims to be a doctor of biology, but knows nothing about evolution, & works in a petrol station. You are the least civilised person I know of. You advocate rape & the viewing of women as chattels, & you pretend to have a doctorate in biology, but you know nothing about biology.
    06-10-2012: Calling a fucktard a fucktard isn't abusive, it's descriptive. 07-10-2012: He's a suggestible fucktard... we sent him to A+ as well/ 0 to banned in minutes.
    08-10 2012: He actually did admit to "coercing" his wife into sex after she said no, in a thread at SC. No joke. I was considering forwarding it to the UK police.
    14-10 2012: Have you tried not being a misogynist pedophile?
    31-10-2012: Unless it's you enshrining oppression of women & sex slavery for women in proposed laws. You hypocritical liar... You are a revolting, hypocritical cunt.
    2-11-2012: You can describe yourself as whatever you like... it doesn't change the fact that you are an unenlightened, revolting fucktard with the IQ of a small soap dish. Who asked women if it's OK for them to be treated as sex slaves for desperately bigoted middle-aged hindu chicken-molesters without the option of refusing? Oh... wait... that was you. I think, given the evidence of what he advocates on the internet, that he is a misogynistic cunt with the IQ of smegma & the social skills of a wolverine with toothache, while being a cowardly bully who only picks on women, & is deserving an enema of barbed-wire soaked in phosphorus. Speaking with all due mildness & restraint, of course. 3-11-2012: Hey, fuckface... you forgot the end of the quote: "You fit right in". Sewers need more brown turds... & you fit the description... & the smell. Oh... I'm also a Religion moderator, just for completeness. But, yet again, try to figure out why someone who is passionate about human rights is disgusted & repelled by the foul nature of your views, particularly your hatred & disdain for women... You are truly a clueless fuckwit... Shantanu, wherever he is, is a self-avowed fucktard of the first & worst water. No matter where he floats to the top of the bowl, he'll always be a turd. I feel no burn... shanty is pathetic. As you said, that was a throwaway comment ages ago, which (to be fair) I have reiterated a few times to see what reaction I would get... usually none, except for un-self-aware moonbats like the verminous misogynistashantu... Once again wrong, fuckhead... look at the membership dates. I was here long before we needed to wipe you off our shoes. The "sewer" jibe is older than your time here too. Don't you get tired of being wrong all the time? As for humanity, I don't treat women as sex slaves... you have admitted on more than one forum that you do, & that you want this barbarism enshrined in law. In fact, the Human Rights forum at SC was set up at my suggestion, & that's why I am one of the moderators thereof. Further, you benighted clod, I actually care about rights & equality - you only care about your own gratification, at any cost to others. Before you accuse others of ignorance, I suggest you check the plentiful evidence to the contrary... look at my Human Rights (and other) posting history - you won't find me recommending that other humans be subjected to my will. You, on the other hand... As to your risible claim to be 100% right about everything... now you claim to be a great evolutionary biologist... a few days ago, you admitted that you didn't know enough evolutionary biology to comment on a given topic, & requested pointers to places to learn. Your own words also betray you again, as you reveal in your turgid outpourings at wordpress, you were an animal scientist, dabbling in chicken-feed, & failed to

    [continued in next message]

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