A few days ago I purchased my first Gimbal, a Zhiyun Crane M2 [1]. This
morning the plastic knob of the joystick got torn off. This whole
construction (plastic knob stuck onto the interior part of the joystick) doesn't seem to be particularly stable.
While I could take the whole device back to the dealer and claim
warranty, I wonder if this would be the best solution.
1. If the dealer is customer-friendly, they might replace my gimbal with
a brand-new one. Due to the construction, however, the same problem
might reappear within a few months.
2. If the dealer doesn't care, he might just return the device to China
for repair or replacement, leaving me without a gimbal.
Can anyone tell from first-hand experience if manufacturers in the far
east are willing to send a portion of suche tiny replacement parts if
requested by a customer?
Thanks for your help!
[1] <
www.wasfuereintheater.com - Neue Theaterprojekte im Ruhrpott
»Meine Stücke wachsen nicht von vorne nach hinten, sondern von innen nach außen.« Pina Bausch
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