• MiSTed: The Tale of Grumpy Weasel, Chapter 1 [ 0 / 1 ]

    From Joseph Nebus@21:1/5 to All on Thu Nov 24 03:58:43 2022
    XPost: alt.tv.mst3k, alt.fan.mst3k

    Hi, lingering remnants of Usenet. You know how I like to keep alive the tradition of the MiSTing, with at least one new thing every year. This year I took inspiration from one of my favorite projects of recent time, Arthur Scott Bailey's _The
    Tale of Fatty Raccoon_, and looked to his other work. Thus do I come to his _The Tale of Grumpy Weasel_, a story set in the same woods and grasslands and farm as Fatty Raccoon's story.

    I do not promise that I will do all the chapters of _The Tale of Grumpy Weasel_. But I have done at least the first chapter, and I hope you enjoy it this Turkey Day. Thank you, good day, and ... good ... day.

    Joseph Nebus
    Math Blog: https://nebusresearch.wordpress.com
    Humor Blog: https://nebushumor.wordpress.com --------------------------------------------------------+---------------------

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