"You mean the card game?" Ryan asked reaching for the Betamon card in his >pocket.
"Yes. When the cards are scanned into the D-4s, the data configuration
within the card >makes the Digimon on the card bio-emerge."
"You mean like this."
"You have a card with you, this makes things much easier. Slice it through >the >digivice."
Ryan gave the Commander a weird look, but ran the card down the side of the >Digivice.
"Ha, I knew nothing..." Mari's boast was interrupted as 0s and 1s flashed >across the >screen. The card also began flashing 0s and 1s. The card grew
and morphed its shape. >The result was a strange amphibius-type creature
with a horn on its head.
Name: Betamon
Level: Rookie
Type: Amphibius Digimon
Attribute: Virus
Attacks: Beta Slugger, Electric Shock
Commander: For those of you who don't know, Betamon is a rookie Digimon
with an >energy attack called the Beta Slugger. It performs admirably
under water.
Betamon yawned. "Hiya," he greeted.
"Y... you talked," Ryan gasped.
"Of course I talked, can't you?" Betamon's voice sounded like a small
boy's. Ryan carefully picked up Betamon.
"You're real. You're really real!"
The others were too awestruck to comment. Surprisingly, the first one to
get their voice >back was Chi.
"That was incredible."
"I knew she was telling the truth all the time," Shinji said.
"Ryan, it's up to you and Betamon to defeat Frigimon."
"O... okay," Ryan said. "How do I get there?"
"The same way you got here, through the Digiport."
"You mean a Digiport really exists?"
"Of course, it transforms your body into digital information and sends it
to another >computer.
The process is called datalink. To access it, command the
Digiport to open >then datalink followed by your destination."
"Kind of like the television show," Ashley commented.
Ryan aimed his Digivice at the computer screen while picking up Betamon and >carrying >him under his shoulder.
"Digiport open, datalink to Ontario,
Canada." Just like before, >the screen swallowed up him.
Ryan and Betamon materialized from a computer in an apartment building. It >was still >on but the user wasn't in the room.
"Whoa, what a rush," Ryan commented.
"Can we go on that ride again?" Betamon asked.
"Maybe later," Ryan replied. Seeing nobody in the apartment, Ryan picked
up Betamon >and left.
Chaos reigned outside. The police had set up a baracade in front of
"Fire," the Captain commanded.
Bullets poured
into Frigimon.
"That won't work," Betamon commented.
"How do you know?" Ryan commented.
"Frigimon is made of data. You can't destroy data, just delete it."
"But isn't it the same thing?"
"No, data can't be destroyed, just reconfigured. And sometimes the >reconfigurement >results in nothing."
"Wow, you're pretty smart for just a little guy."
"Thanks. Uh... what'd I say again?" Ryan sighed.
Frigimon laughed. "What are you trying to do, tickle me?
Take this, Sub-Zero Ice >Punch!"
A blast of white energy struck the cops and turned them into solid ice >statues.
"Stop!" Ryan called as he and Betamon stood between the frozen cops and >Frigimon.
"Ooh, what have we here, someone trying to be a hero. Well, hero, take
this. Sub-Zero >Ice Punch!"
"Beta Slugger!" An energy burst struck the punch and counteracted it. >Frigimon >brought his fist down to squish Betamon
but Betamon
rolled out of the way.
"Betamon, why don't you digivolve?" Ryan asked not believing he was saying >that.
"Only you can... Beta Slugger!... do that for me."
"How should I know? Beta Slugger!" Ryan looked at his D-4. How to make >Betamon >digivolve?
As if it could sense his question, a button on the side of the Digivice
lite up.
Ryan >carefully pressed it.
Betamon's body began being coated in numerical data. The data reconfigured
Betamon's body into a long serpentine shape.
"Betamon, digivolve to...
Name: Seadramon
Level: Champion
Type: Aquatic Digimon
Attribute: Data
Attacks: Ice Blast, Ice Winder
Frigimon: "It's Seadramon, Betamon's champion level. Although he can fly,
he does his best under water."
"I don't believe it," Ryan said for the umpteenth time. "He did it, he >digivolved."
Seadramon slithered forward and wrapped his body around Frigimon. Frigimon >gagged.
"Ice Blast!" Seadramon blasted Frigimon's head. The giant Digimon fell
"Hit him one more time, Seadramon!" Ryan shouted.
"Ice Blast!" A spear of ice pierced Frigimon's head. His body dissolved
into data which >then was absorbed into the D-4. Seadramon then turned
back into Betamon.
"I thought you said that data couldn't be destroyed."
"It wasn't. It returned to the Digital plane, but not before copying
itself into your >Digivice. Here, download it."
"Download it? How?"
"Say Digi-download Frigimon data."
"All right. Digi-download Frigimon!" Numbers sped along the screen of
Ryan's D-4. Betamon's body breifly flashed numbers then he glowed white.
"Plaw!" Betamon spat at the statues and they melted, turning back into >officers.
"Huh, what happened?" The Captain asked.
quickly hopped into Ryan's arms >and acted very silent.
"Hey, kid, where did it go?"
"Where did what go?"
"The giant polar bear."
"I didn't see any giant polar bear."
"Great, how am I going to explain this to my Sergeant?"
Ryan datalinked back to the control room. The others had watched the
battle through a >GPS.
"Now you see what we're up against," the Commander said. "Until the
barrier is strong, >the Digimon will keep pouring into our world. And like >animals, Digimon out of their >own territory act hostile."
"I'm positive that Betamon and I won... hey, where is Betamon?"
"That's the problem with rookie-level Digimon. They don't have enough
energy to remain in physical form. They returned to their card state."
Ryan reached into his pocket and took out the Betamon card. The Commander >handed >him a small plastic case with a string attached. "You can keep it
in here until it's >needed again."
"Wait a minute." Mari stepped between Ryan and the Commander. "You're
doing this >under the assumption that we actually care about what's >happening."
"So you don't care about what happens to your planet if Digimon run wild >here?"
"That's not what I mean and you know it.
I mean
you take us from our homes, and >expect us to put our lives on the line for >what? If you ask me, you're some psychopath >with no regard for human
life. You have no right to force us to put our lives on the line >for >nothing."
"Why that little..." Chi put a hand on Nikolai's back stopping him from >finishing the >sentence.
"You're right, Marisa. I have no right to force you to put your lives on
the line. So I'm >going to give you each a choice. Accept this task, or >refuse it. If you accept it, don >your D-4. If not, then hand me it and
I'll find someone else to do it, someone willing."
"I'm in whether I like it or not," Ryan said as he put his D-4 on his
"I want to help out, so I'm in too," Chi said putting her's on.
"Me too." That came from Ashley.
"Hey, who knows, it might be fun," Nikolai said putting on his.
"You have a strange definition of fun," Shinji said. "I'm in also."
"You're going to need all the help you can get," Jorge said. He donned his
as well.
Eli put his on without any comment.
Everybody looked at Marisa. She was the only one who hadn't put hers on. >Their looks >were ones of confusion, wonder, and even a little snippity.
"Oh, sure, give me the guilty conscience. All right." Marisa put hers on.
"Then it looks like the Digidefenders are assembled."
"Frigimon is made of data. You can't destroy data, just delete it."
"But isn't it the same thing?"
"No, data can't be destroyed, just reconfigured. And sometimes the >reconfigurement >results in nothing."
"Wow, you're pretty smart for just a little guy."
"Thanks. Uh... what'd I say again?" Ryan sighed
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