XPost: alt.fan.disney.afternoon, alt.tv.csi, alt.tv.survivor
XPost: alt.autos.cadillac
Deer Andy Parker, would you rather have witnessed Vester Lee
Flanagan cutting up your screaming daughter alive with an axe or
chainsaw and posting the video to youtube? The crazy fag was
going to kill them with whatever he could get his hands on.
Andy Parker, the father of slain WDBJ journalist Alison Parker,
is demanding that politicians restrict access to firearms,
saying he will personally become a crusader for this issue if
need be.
"If I have to be the John Walsh of gun control and -- look, I'm
for the Second Amendment, but there has to be a way to force
politicians that are cowards and in the pockets of the NRA to
come to grips and make sense -- have sensible laws so that crazy
people can't get guns. It can't be that hard," said Parker in an
interview with CNN's "New Day."
Walsh created "America's Most Wanted" and became a prominent
victims' rights advocate after his son was murdered in 1981.
Alison Parker, 24, was a journalist with WDBJ in Roanoke,
Virginia. On Wednesday morning, she and her cameraman, Adam
Ward, 27, were gunned down during a live broadcast. The gunman,
whom police have identified as former station employee Vester
Lee Flanagan, also filmed the shooting and put footage of it up
on social media.
What generally happens after mass shootings is that politicians
offer their condolences but wave off any calls for gun control
or other legislative measures. They say it's too soon and not
the right time. But with mass shootings happening nearly every
week, this sort of response essentially puts the issue off
Parker said Thursday that he doesn't want the country to simply
sit back and give him time to grieve. He wants something to be
"[P]oliticians from the local level to the state level to the
national level, they sidestep the issue. They kick the can down
the road. This can't happen anymore," he said.
Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) called Parker Wednesday, and
Parker told him he was going to be a "crusader" on the issue.
"And I know that the NRA, their position is going to be -- I can
hear it now. They're going to say, 'Oh gee, well, if they were
carrying, this never would have happened,'" Parker said.
"I've got news for you. If Alison or Adam had been caring an AK-
47 strapped around their waist, it wouldn't have made any
difference," he added. "They couldn't have seen this thing
coming. So I don't want to hear that argument from the NRA, and
you know that's going to happen. And I'm going to take it on."
Parker made a similar call for action Wednesday night on Fox
News, saying he was ready to "shame legislators" who oppose
solutions like more background checks for gun purchases.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/andy-parker-gun- control_55df1a3be4b08dc094868b2b
Illegal alien muslim Barack Hussein Obama seizes on this tragedy
caused by one of his mentally ill homosexual, black racist nuts,
to wave the flags for more gun control.
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