• How black racist queer Vester Lee Flanagan Went from Escort to Anchor t

    From Truth In Media Reporting@21:1/5 to All on Tue May 24 23:16:57 2016
    XPost: alt.fan.disney.afternoon, alt.tv.csi, alt.tv.survivor
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    Around 7 AM on Wednesday, Vester Lee Flanagan II texted a
    friend. "I'm sorry," he wrote. "I had no other choice."

    The 41-year-old, who at the time was being chased by police
    after killing two former coworkers at a local news station and
    uploading the footage to social media, told Robert Avent not to

    And at first, he didn't. Avent was still asleep, and couldn't
    call back for a few hours, when he was at work. When the friends
    finally connected, Flanagan told his former gym buddy to check
    CNN and promptly hung up. Moments later, Flanagan was dead.

    Since the August 26 shooting of Alison Parker and Adam Ward, a
    bevy of lawsuits, manifestos, suicide notes, and other documents
    have emerged to tell the story of how Flanagan went from being a
    male escort to a failed TV anchor to a disgruntled shooter. In
    them, he claimed variously that he was depressed over his
    failing looks and enraged over perceived racial injustices
    perpetrated by people he'd worked with over the years.

    After the shooting, authorities discovered that the decor in
    Flangan's apartment consisted almost entirely of headshots and
    pictures of him working as a TV anchor.

    Flangan's outrage seems to go all the way back to his high
    school days, according to one of his suicide notes, which were
    sent to ABC News. In it, he claims that he was kicked off the
    football team by coaches who were jealous of his good looks.

    His life seemed to hit a high point around 1996, when he took
    his first job in Savannah, Georgia. It was there that he fell in
    love with a guy named Kenny, according to the note.

    "Ken was there for me in ways I cannot even describe," Flanagan
    wrote. "What a great experience that was—all around. A
    scenic/romantic city...a new romance...a career hitting on all
    cylinders. Sadly, we only had a short period of 'happiness' as
    it related to my career, anyway."

    His life started unraveling again after he moved to Florida. In
    a 2000 lawsuit, Flanagan claimed that after taking a job in
    Tallahassee, he was bullied and profiled. He would repeat
    similar allegations in Roanoke, Virginia, after he was fired
    from a job there in 2013 for being difficult. In another
    harassment case, Flanagan called the situation "nothing short of
    vile, disgusting, and inexcusable," according to the New York
    Times. Flanagan reportedly reacted to that firing by killing and
    ceremoniously burying his two cats.

    Even after he was terminated and working a series of insurance
    jobs, Flanagan continued to live in a drab apartment, right
    across from the TV station. His neighbors there say he was
    combative and sometimes flung cat feces onto peoples' porches.
    (And video has emerged of a July road rage incident that took
    place after another driver confronted Flanagan for driving

    In the weeks leading up to the shooting, Flanagan started
    calling ABC in advance of faxing his suicide notes. In his final
    missive, he claimed was responding to South Carolina church
    shooter Dylann Roof and wanted to start a race war.

    But a separate manifesto eventually delivered to his friend
    Robert Avent—who passed it along to the New York Daily
    News—offers alternative motivations that center on his previous
    employment as a male escort. According to Avent's account,
    Flanagan was more concerned with his fleeting looks than with

    "I totally CANNOT score right now. . .," Flanagan wrote his
    friend. "And this is from a man who used to be paid hundreds an
    HOUR to sleep with men." In the letter, he claimed that he was
    upset about getting old, and was afraid that heads would "stop
    turning" at his appearance.

    During his final conversation with Avent, Flanagan remained
    calm. "Oh, I did something this morning," he apparently said. "I
    shot and killed two people."

    "How come you're talking to me in a calm voice?'" Avent told the
    Daily News he remembered saying.

    "Well, you know, I just feel, I didn't like those people,"
    Flanagan reportedly replied.

    The disgruntled former newsman then told his friend he wasn't
    going to prison, and that he loved him. He abruptly terminated
    the call and shot himself in the head.

    http://www.vice.com/read/manifestos-notes-and-documents-show-how- vester-lee-flanagan-went-from-escort-to-anchor-to-on-air-shooter-

    Illegal alien muslim Barack Hussein Obama seizes on this tragedy
    caused by one of his mentally ill homosexual, black racist nuts,
    to wave the flags for more gun control.

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