• Knob Gobbler Kevin De León's Response to Returning Gay Donor's Dirty Mo

    From Gavin Newsom Johnson Polisher@21:1/5 to All on Sat Aug 21 09:04:21 2021
    XPost: la.general, alt.politics.media, alt.business
    XPost: dc.politics

    $26,000 is a lot of money for a political candidate. They would
    know immediately if they’d returned that amount of money from a
    donor. So California State Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de
    León’s response to being asked publicly if he’d returned the
    over $26,000 he’d received from scandal engulfed prominent
    Democratic donor Ed Buck–was less than honest.\

    The question came up at a recent candidate’s forum held by the
    Feel the Bern Democratic Club of Los Angeles and seemed to
    completely catch De León off guard. His initial reaction was to
    deflect and point out all of the other politicians who received
    money from Buck instead of taking responsibility for his own

    Gemmel Moore died of a crystal meth overdose in Ed Buck’s home
    last July. His death was immediately classified as an accidental methamphetamine overdose by the coroner, but after his personal
    journal was published and other young men stepped forward
    recounting similar stories about a man who they say has a
    Tuskegee Experiment like fetish which includes shooting drugs
    into young Black men that he picks up off the street or via
    dating hookup websites, the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department’s
    opened a homicide investigation.

    In his journal, Moore wrote, “I honestly don’t know what to do.
    I’ve become addicted to drugs and the worst one at that,’ a
    December entry reads. ‘Ed Buck is the one to thank. He gave me
    my first injection of crystal meth it was very painful, but
    after all the troubles, I became addicted to the pain and

    “My life is at an alltime [sic] high right now & I mean that
    from all ways. I ended up back at Buck [sic] house again and got
    munipulated [sic] into slamming again. I even went to the point
    where I was forced to doing 4 within a 2day [sic] period. This
    man is crazy and its [sic] sad. Will I ever get help?”

    His last entry, dated Dec. 3, 2016, reads: “If it didn’t hurt so
    bad, I’d kill myself, but I’ll let Ed Buck do it for now.”

    A coroner’s report confirmed that the popular Democratic donor’s
    home was littered with drug paraphernalia including 24 syringes
    with brown residue, five glass pipes with white residue and burn
    marks, a plastic straw with possible white residue, clear
    plastic bags with white powdery residue and a clear plastic bag
    with a “piece of crystal-like substance.” The police report
    also indicated that someone at the scene “is suspected to be
    known to exchange drugs for sex.”

    And even though Democrats–from California to Washington
    D.C.–have wasted no time in calling for Republicans to return
    the cash of Las Vegas casino giant and Republican National
    Committee finance chairman Steve Wynn after sexual misconduct
    allegations surfaced from women who worked at Wynn’s
    casinos–they’ve been less than willing to return the dirty money
    of their own donors.

    To be fair, De León is one name on a long list of those who
    received donations from Buck. A list that includes California
    gubernatorial candidate Gavin Newsom, Congressmembers Ted Lieu
    and Adam Schiff and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti.

    In California, De León has been positioning himself as the
    progressive Democrat’s choice to unseat incumbent United States
    Senator Dianne Feinstein in the upcoming election.

    By way of disclosure, I spoke with De León in person at the
    winter meeting of the California Democratic Party in Millbrae.
    He assured me then that the money was going to be returned or
    had already been returned–a mixed message that I immediately
    passed onto Moore’s mother Latisha Nixon. I told De León to
    have his people give me a call if they had any problems getting
    the money to the fund set up to support Buck’s victims. That
    was November.

    Furthermore, I met with you last November at the meeting of the
    African American Caucus and you said then it was or would be
    taken care and it has not been. #GemmelMoore #receipts pic.twitter.com/z1O8PFXPDb

    — Jasmyne Cannick (@Jasmyne) February 1, 2018

    So I was more than a little perplexed at his response during the
    candidate’s forum about returning Buck’s money. De León (and
    his people) knew that the ask was not for the money to be given
    to some random nonprofit organization or to be returned back to
    Ed Buck–but to be given back to the people harmed by Ed Buck and
    where it could do the most good.

    Many of of Buck’s victims are all young, Black, gay men who are
    either homeless or on the verge of being homeless–a demographic
    that I would argue De León cares and knows nothing about. Some
    of these young men are still on drugs while others have kicked
    the habit and are trying to get their lives together. A few are
    sick–really sick. And then there’s Gemmel Moore’s family who is
    closely monitoring the sheriff’s department’s homicide
    investigation in hopes that criminal charges are eventually
    filed against Buck.

    When women in the entertainment industry fighting sexual
    harassment made the call for donations to be made to the Time’s
    Up Legal Defense Fund–a fund set up to provide funding for
    legal support to women and men in all who have experienced
    sexual harassment, assault, or abuse in the workplace–the call
    was very clear. Give the money to a fund put into place to
    directly help and support the victims.

    A similar public ask was made to Democrats in California last
    year in the wake of the tragic death Gemmel Moore–return the
    money to a fund set up to assist in supporting the young, Black
    gay victims of Buck’s and fighting for justice for Gemmel Moore.

    To date Congressmember Karen Bass has returned her money in
    addition to Democratic attorney and Congressional candidate
    Bryan Caforio. Stonewall Democratic Club returned a fraction of
    the money Buck gave to them and West Hollywood Councilmember
    John D’Amico returned $25 of the thousands he received from Buck.

    While De León wants to be seen as a champion of women who have
    been sexual harassed or abused and the #MeToo movement–even
    asking his colleague and former roommate Senator Tony Mendoza to
    take a leave of absence as investigators look into allegations
    that Mendoza sexually harassed several women–he’s been less than
    forthright in his dealings about Ed Buck and returning Buck’s
    dirty money.

    Kevin De León has not returned the money he received from Ed

    I would argue that during De León’s time in office thus far,
    Blacks have never been a priority or for that matter a concern
    for him. But now De León is sending a clear message that the
    lives and experiences of African Americans, in particular Black
    gay men, just aren’t that relevant to him.

    If Blacks–and voters period–in California want a preview of
    their importance to Kevin De León should he manage to unseat
    U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, they need look no further than
    his response (or lack thereof) to the death of Gemmel Moore.

    https://www.jasmyneacannick.com/kevin-de-leons-response-to- returning-donors-dirty-money-foreshadows-whats-to-come-if-hes- elected-to-the-u-s-senate/

    TAGS: Barack Obama Homosexual Degenerate Gay Pedophile Democrat
    Liberalism Pervert CNN CBS ABC NBC Disney MSNBC Faggots Hillary
    Clinton Racist Queer Progressive Antifa Faggots NAMBLA

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