XPost: la.general, alt.politics.media, alt.business
XPost: dc.politics
https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/01/09/17/8321528-6573905-image- a-6_1547055571738.jpg
https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/01/09/17/8321230-6573905-image- m-12_1547055672514.jpg
A Los Angeles investigator has uncovered evidence that Democrat
mega-donor Ed Buck raped at least 12 men and told the Democratic
party to “stay silent” about his crimes.
According to Jasmyne Cannick, Ed Buck is a serial rapist and
possible murderer.
Thegatewaypundit.com reports: Last Monday, the body of another
young black gay escort was found at the West Hollywood home of
Ed Buck, a top Democrat donor and political activist.
As previously reported, a black gay escort named Gemmel Moore
died of a meth overdose at Ed Buck’s West Hollywood home in July
of 2017.
The LA County District Attorney’s Office previously declined to
prosecute Ed Buck saying the evidence is “insufficient to prove
beyond a reasonable doubt that (Buck) is responsible for the
death of Gemmel Moore,” which sparked an outrage from family
members and others in the community.
On Monday Jasmyne Cannick told FOX and Friends nearly a dozen
black men have come forward to speak on their experiences with
“serial predator” Ed Buck.
Cannick also went off on the Democrat Party: “Over 77% of black
people in California vote Democratic. We vote for Democrats.
It is a shame that when something like this happens, when you
have the chair of your state party when at the time of this ,
Eric Bauman, who was willing to turn a blind eye as well as
instruct others not to speak on it. As a black woman, as a
black Democrat, I expect more from my party.
Via FOX and Friends:
https://newspunch.com/investigator-ed-buck-raped-12-men- democratic-party-silent/
TAGS: Barack Obama Homosexual Degenerate Gay Pedophile Democrat
Liberalism Pervert CNN CBS ABC NBC Disney MSNBC Faggots Hillary
Clinton Racist Queer Progressive Antifa Faggots Nancy Pelosi
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