• The Ed Buck story: How I got got a photo-op with Hillary and got off sc

    From Ed Buck BAGGED & TAGGED Eric Garcet@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 24 04:15:59 2021
    XPost: la.general, alt.politics.media, alt.business
    XPost: dc.politics

    https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/01/09/17/8321528-6573905-image- a-6_1547055571738.jpg

    https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/01/09/17/8321230-6573905-image- m-12_1547055672514.jpg


    On Jan. 7 Los Angeles County emergency crews responding to a 911
    call discovered a second body of a black man within less than 18
    months (apparent cause of death in both cases: drug overdose)
    inside the West Hollywood apartment of 63-year-old openly gay Ed
    Buck, a man who is typically described as a “prominent” and
    “wealthy” Democratic donor.

    The Ed Buck story has prompted all sorts of questions, not the
    least of which–raised by the family of the first overdose
    victim, 26-year-old professional escort Gemmel Moore, who died
    of too much crystal meth in July 2017–was how Buck had managed
    to get off scot-free in famously liberal West Hollywood that
    first time around (authorities declined to prosecute him for
    anything, despite drugs and drug paraphernalia having been found
    in his apartment at the time of Moore’s death). The answer to
    that question seemed to be: Buck had money and political
    connections. Plus, go away, you right-wing conspiracy-theorist
    homophobes, nothing to see here:

    [The 2017 overdose incident] has attracted a lot of attention
    from the right-wing media here and abroad, including
    publications such as the Drudge Report; TruNews, a Christian
    news site; Political VelCraft, a right-wing conspiracy site, and
    Voat.com, a website that promotes conspiracy theories such as
    PizzaGate. Stories on those sites call out Buck’s financial
    support for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, his
    homosexuality, his alleged attraction to young African-American
    men and his alleged drug use.

    But my Ed Buck question is a little different: How little money
    do you have to hand over to Hillary Clinton to get your picture
    taken with her? Not much, it seems. According to donor records,
    Buck forked a mere $2,700 to the Dem presidential candidate in
    2015. The cute Facebook photo above of bowtie-sporting “twins”
    Ed and Hillary apparently ensued.

    Indeed, Buck’s total political contributions over the past
    decade seem to have failed to top $50,000 to a range of
    candidates and PACs. The biggest beneficiary of Buck’s political
    largess seems to have been Kyrsten Synema, onto whose victorious
    2017 Democratic senatorial campaign in Arizona Buck dropped
    $21,000. (Buck seems to love him some Synema, onto whose various
    Arizona races before 2017 he spent $9,200). Otherwise, it’s been
    dribs and drabs of $1,000 here and $1,000 there–with a $2,700
    gift to California Dem Congressman–and major Trump-basher–Adam
    Schiff in 2016. Buck has also made a career out of hosting fund-
    raisers for Dem candidates at which other people make the big

    That’s the “prominent” part of Buck’s political-donor status.
    How about the “wealthy”? The fatal apartment–fatal for the two
    dead men found there–where Buck lives is a one-bedroom, one-bath
    rental unit at 1234 North Laurel Avenue in West Hollywood where
    the going rent for a comparable in this early-1960s complex is
    $1,750 a month. The photos accompanying this U.K. Daily Mail
    account of the Jan. 7 body discovery, including crumbling
    exterior baseboards, tells the story at 1234 North Laurel (Daily
    Mail bonus: an undated photo of Buck sharing a grin with
    California Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown).

    Indeed, Buck’s account of where he made his money seems…vague.
    From an August 2017 story in West Hollywood’s online
    neighborhood news site WeHoVille titled “Who Is Ed Buck?” (and
    featuring a Facebook photo of the blue-eyed onetime model Buck
    cuddling his dog apparently inside the apartment posted less
    than two weeks after Moore’s death):

    Buck [told the Arizona Republic in 1987 that] he worked for the
    Arizona franchise of Rapid Information Services, a business
    owned by a friend that provided driver’s license information to
    insurance companies. Despite his lack of business experience,
    and the business’s poor financial situation (his friend ran it
    out of a one-bedroom apartment), Buck saw great potential in it.
    A year and a half after joining and helping build the business,
    Buck bought it out of bankruptcy for $250,000 and renamed it
    Gopher Courier. Five years later he sold it for what he said in
    another interview was “more than a million dollars profit.”

    Very wealthy at the age of 32, Buck took risks, opening a
    restaurant and getting into the pay telephone business, on both
    of which he lost money. He owned a $280,000 house on top of a
    hill near Squaw Peak (now known as Piestewa Peak), a mountain
    outside of Phoenix….

    Buck “retired” to West Hollywood in 1991.

    Buck had become an LGBT hero in Arizona during the late 1980s
    for spearheading a successful campaign to impeach and convict
    the allegedly homophobic late Arizona Republican governor Evan
    Meacham (1924-2008) for misuse of government funds. As a reward
    of sorts, Buck got to be grand marshall of the 1989 Gay Rodeo in
    Arizona. But also (according to WeHoVille):

    [The impeachment campaign] also resulted in publicity about
    Buck’s arrest for “public sexual indecency” in an adult
    bookstore in 1983. Buck pleaded guilty and paid a fine, and the
    charge was dismissed. He claimed a cop had seen him grab the
    crotch of a friend. Buck also was called out for trying to get a
    drugstore to fill a fake prescription for Percocet, a highly
    addictive drug that contains oxycodone. In an interview in 1988
    with the Washington Blade, Buck said he had made a copy of an
    existing prescription and needed to fill it because of pain from
    a root canal. Buck was indicted by a Maricopa (Ariz.) County
    grand jury on a charge of “attempting to obtain a narcotic
    through fraud or deceit.” A judge agreed to dismiss charges
    against Buck if he would be tested weekly for drug use for one

    Now you may say–as the family of Gemmel Moore and some black
    activists are currently alleging–that Buck is a rich white guy
    who is using his political connections to evade suffering any
    legal consequences in the deaths of two African-American men.

    But I’m saying something different: that Buck is a guy who may
    or may not have two nickels to rub together but has apparently
    managed to nicely bamboozle a raft of Democratic politicians and
    well-meaning West Hollywood bleeding-hearts over the decades
    because if you ask too many questions–well, go away, you right-
    wing, conspiracy-theorist homophobes, nothing to see here.

    https://blogstupidgirl.wordpress.com/2019/01/08/the-ed-buck- story-how-i-got-my-picture-taken-with-hillary-and-got-off-scot- free-when-a-male-prostitute-odd-in-my-apartment-by-spending-a- few-thousand-bucks-and-doing-the-gay-shtick-24-7/

    TAGS: Barack Obama Homosexual Degenerate Gay Pedophile Democrat
    Liberalism Pervert CNN CBS ABC NBC Disney MSNBC Faggots Hillary
    Clinton Racist Queer Progressive Antifa Faggots Nancy Pelosi

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Nancy Pelosi, So High School@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 5 22:44:28 2021
    XPost: la.general, alt.politics.media, alt.business
    XPost: dc.politics

    https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/01/09/17/8321528-6573905-image- a-6_1547055571738.jpg

    https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/01/09/17/8321230-6573905-image- m-12_1547055672514.jpg

    On Jan. 7 Los Angeles County emergency crews responding to a 911
    call discovered a second body of a black man within less than 18
    months (apparent cause of death in both cases: drug overdose)
    inside the West Hollywood apartment of 63-year-old openly gay Ed
    Buck, a man who is typically described as a “prominent” and
    “wealthy” Democratic donor.

    The Ed Buck story has prompted all sorts of questions, not the
    least of which–raised by the family of the first overdose
    victim, 26-year-old professional escort Gemmel Moore, who died
    of too much crystal meth in July 2017–was how Buck had managed
    to get off scot-free in famously liberal West Hollywood that
    first time around (authorities declined to prosecute him for
    anything, despite drugs and drug paraphernalia having been found
    in his apartment at the time of Moore’s death). The answer to
    that question seemed to be: Buck had money and political
    connections. Plus, go away, you right-wing conspiracy-theorist
    homophobes, nothing to see here:

    [The 2017 overdose incident] has attracted a lot of attention
    from the right-wing media here and abroad, including
    publications such as the Drudge Report; TruNews, a Christian
    news site; Political VelCraft, a right-wing conspiracy site, and
    Voat.com, a website that promotes conspiracy theories such as
    PizzaGate. Stories on those sites call out Buck’s financial
    support for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, his
    homosexuality, his alleged attraction to young African-American
    men and his alleged drug use.

    But my Ed Buck question is a little different: How little money
    do you have to hand over to Hillary Clinton to get your picture
    taken with her? Not much, it seems. According to donor records,
    Buck forked a mere $2,700 to the Dem presidential candidate in
    2015. The cute Facebook photo above of bowtie-sporting “twins”
    Ed and Hillary apparently ensued.

    Indeed, Buck’s total political contributions over the past
    decade seem to have failed to top $50,000 to a range of
    candidates and PACs. The biggest beneficiary of Buck’s political
    largess seems to have been Kyrsten Synema, onto whose victorious
    2017 Democratic senatorial campaign in Arizona Buck dropped
    $21,000. (Buck seems to love him some Synema, onto whose various
    Arizona races before 2017 he spent $9,200). Otherwise, it’s been
    dribs and drabs of $1,000 here and $1,000 there–with a $2,700
    gift to California Dem Congressman–and major Trump-basher–Adam
    Schiff in 2016. Buck has also made a career out of hosting fund-
    raisers for Dem candidates at which other people make the big

    That’s the “prominent” part of Buck’s political-donor status.
    How about the “wealthy”? The fatal apartment–fatal for the two
    dead men found there–where Buck lives is a one-bedroom, one-bath
    rental unit at 1234 North Laurel Avenue in West Hollywood where
    the going rent for a comparable in this early-1960s complex is
    $1,750 a month. The photos accompanying this U.K. Daily Mail
    account of the Jan. 7 body discovery, including crumbling
    exterior baseboards, tells the story at 1234 North Laurel (Daily
    Mail bonus: an undated photo of Buck sharing a grin with
    California Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown).

    Indeed, Buck’s account of where he made his money seems…vague.
    From an August 2017 story in West Hollywood’s online
    neighborhood news site WeHoVille titled “Who Is Ed Buck?” (and
    featuring a Facebook photo of the blue-eyed onetime model Buck
    cuddling his dog apparently inside the apartment posted less
    than two weeks after Moore’s death):

    Buck [told the Arizona Republic in 1987 that] he worked for the
    Arizona franchise of Rapid Information Services, a business
    owned by a friend that provided driver’s license information to
    insurance companies. Despite his lack of business experience,
    and the business’s poor financial situation (his friend ran it
    out of a one-bedroom apartment), Buck saw great potential in it.
    A year and a half after joining and helping build the business,
    Buck bought it out of bankruptcy for $250,000 and renamed it
    Gopher Courier. Five years later he sold it for what he said in
    another interview was “more than a million dollars profit.”

    Very wealthy at the age of 32, Buck took risks, opening a
    restaurant and getting into the pay telephone business, on both
    of which he lost money. He owned a $280,000 house on top of a
    hill near Squaw Peak (now known as Piestewa Peak), a mountain
    outside of Phoenix….

    Buck “retired” to West Hollywood in 1991.

    Buck had become an LGBT hero in Arizona during the late 1980s
    for spearheading a successful campaign to impeach and convict
    the allegedly homophobic late Arizona Republican governor Evan
    Meacham (1924-2008) for misuse of government funds. As a reward
    of sorts, Buck got to be grand marshall of the 1989 Gay Rodeo in
    Arizona. But also (according to WeHoVille):

    [The impeachment campaign] also resulted in publicity about
    Buck’s arrest for “public sexual indecency” in an adult
    bookstore in 1983. Buck pleaded guilty and paid a fine, and the
    charge was dismissed. He claimed a cop had seen him grab the
    crotch of a friend. Buck also was called out for trying to get a
    drugstore to fill a fake prescription for Percocet, a highly
    addictive drug that contains oxycodone. In an interview in 1988
    with the Washington Blade, Buck said he had made a copy of an
    existing prescription and needed to fill it because of pain from
    a root canal. Buck was indicted by a Maricopa (Ariz.) County
    grand jury on a charge of “attempting to obtain a narcotic
    through fraud or deceit.” A judge agreed to dismiss charges
    against Buck if he would be tested weekly for drug use for one

    Now you may say–as the family of Gemmel Moore and some black
    activists are currently alleging–that Buck is a rich white guy
    who is using his political connections to evade suffering any
    legal consequences in the deaths of two African-American men.

    But I’m saying something different: that Buck is a guy who may
    or may not have two nickels to rub together but has apparently
    managed to nicely bamboozle a raft of Democratic politicians and
    well-meaning West Hollywood bleeding-hearts over the decades
    because if you ask too many questions–well, go away, you right-
    wing, conspiracy-theorist homophobes, nothing to see here.

    Posted by Charlotte Allen

    https://blogstupidgirl.wordpress.com/2019/01/08/the-ed-buck- story-how-i-got-my-picture-taken-with-hillary-and-got-off-scot- free-when-a-male-prostitute-odd-in-my-apartment-by-spending-a- few-thousand-bucks-and-doing-the-gay-shtick-24-7/

    TAGS: Barack Obama Homosexual Degenerate Gay Pedophile Democrat
    Liberalism Pervert CNN CBS ABC NBC Disney MSNBC Faggots Hillary
    Clinton Racist Queer Progressive Antifa Faggots Nancy Pelosi

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)