• It's curious how black men keep dying in the home of a liberal white de

    From Ed Buck & SF Gate@21:1/5 to All on Sat Aug 28 02:10:00 2021
    XPost: la.general, alt.politics.media, alt.business
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    https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/01/09/17/8321528-6573905-image- a-6_1547055571738.jpg

    https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/01/09/17/8321230-6573905-image- m-12_1547055672514.jpg

    This is Ed Buck. He is a liberal democrat mega-donor and he has
    a problem.

    Black men keep dying in his home. In August of 2017, Gemmel
    Moore was found dead in the Buck home:

    A 26-year-old man was found dead at the home of a well-known
    Democratic party donor late last month of a drug overdose.

    The incident occurred on July 27 around 7.22pm at the West
    Hollywood home of Ed Buck, a high-profile political activist and
    wealthy contributor to the California and Los Angeles County
    Democratic Party.

    The Los Angeles County Coroner declared Gemmel Moore’s death an
    ‘accident,’ due to a ‘methamphetamine’ overdose, the WeHo Times
    publication reported. But Moore’s family believes that foul play
    was involved in the hours between Gemmel’s arrival at Buck’s
    home and his fatal overdose.

    During a phone interview with the WeHo Times last week, Gemmel
    Moore’s mother, LaTisha Nixon, said that her son had been
    involved with sex-work for the past few years.

    Buck has quite a high profile among democrats- white democrats:

    Buck has given hundreds of thousands of dollars of Democratic
    causes and candidates over the years. His Facebook page boasts
    dozens photos of him with everyone from presidential candidate
    Hillary Clinton to Governor Jerry Brown and even Los Angeles
    Mayor Eric Garcetti. One look at the list of political
    contributions from Buck to Democrats and it’s easy to see that
    while he may have a penchant for young Black men–that liking
    doesn’t extend to Black politicians of whom only one handful
    have received donations.

    And they happily take his money. Here’s Hillary with Buck

    And of course, Adam Schiff:

    And even Governor Moonbeam himself

    I’m not claiming a thing here, but this is allegedly from Buck’s
    Facebook page

    From Red State:

    Despite his entrenchment with gay activist communities it seems
    he has soured those relationships. The Advocate boldly declared
    that Buck is “a prominent Democratic donor who allegedly has a
    fetish for drugging sex workers.” The Los Angeles LGBT Center
    issued a statement requesting the Sheriff’s Department “fully
    investigate this tragedy and aggressively seek justice wherever
    the investigation might lead.”

    Sadly, a second black man has died in Buck’s home

    Protests erupted Tuesday outside the West Hollywood home of
    prominent Democratic donor Ed Buck, with activists calling for
    Buck’s arrest after a man was found dead in the apartment early
    Monday — 17 months after a deceased male escort was discovered

    “Arrest Ed Buck, prosecute Ed Buck, and then a jury needs to
    convict Ed Buck,” activist Jasmyne Cannick said to the crowd
    gathering outside the California apartment Monday night. “This
    man has had two dead bodies in his house, and he is still in his

    Said another demonstrator: “This man is a danger to our

    Neighbors of Buck’s, who were drawn out of their homes as a
    result of the protest, said they have the same questions as
    everyone else and have made their own calls to police, according
    to FOX11.

    It seems unlikely Buck will face charges:

    In July of last year, prosecutors declined to file charges
    against Buck in the death of Moore. According to a coroner’s
    report, Buck’s apartment was full of drug paraphernalia,
    including 24 syringes containing brown residue, five glass pipes
    with white residue and burn marks, a plastic straw with possible
    white residue, clear plastic bags with white powdery residue and
    a clear plastic bag containing a piece of crystal-like substance.

    Despite Moore’s writings:

    In a December 2016 entry, Moore wrote: “I’ve become addicted to
    drugs and the worst one at that. Ed Buck is the one to thank. He
    gave me my first injection of crystal meth it was very painful,
    but after all the troubles, I became addicted…”

    In his final entry, on Dec. 3, 2016, Moore wrote: “If it didn’t
    hurt so bad, I’d kill myself, but I’ll let Ed Buck do it for

    It’s good to be a democrat with powerful democrat friends, you
    know? I’m trying to imagine a scenario involving a Republican
    that would remain this quiet.

    Will they give the money back? Anyone see Kevin Spacey lately?

    http://www.floppingaces.net/2019/01/08/its-curious-how-black-men- keep-dying-in-the-home-of-a-liberal-white-democrat-mega-donor/

    TAGS: Barack Obama Homosexual Degenerate Gay Pedophile Democrat
    Liberalism Pervert CNN CBS ABC NBC Disney MSNBC Faggots Hillary
    Clinton Racist Queer Progressive Antifa Faggots Nancy Pelosi

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