• MT VOID, 10/01/21 -- Vol. 40, No. 14, Whole Number 2191

    From evelynchimelisleeper@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 3 05:36:29 2021
    Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society
    10/01/21 -- Vol. 40, No. 14, Whole Number 2191

    Co-Editor: Mark Leeper, mleeper@optonline.net
    Co-Editor: Evelyn Leeper, eleeper@optonline.net
    Sending Address: evelynchimelisleeper@gmail.com
    All material is the opinion of the author and is copyrighted by the
    author unless otherwise noted.
    All comments sent or posted will be assumed authorized for
    inclusion unless otherwise noted.

    To subscribe or unsubscribe, send mail to eleeper@optonline.net
    The latest issue is at <http://www.leepers.us/mtvoid/latest.htm>.
    An index with links to the issues of the MT VOID since 1986 is at <http://leepers.us/mtvoid/back_issues.htm>.

    Films and Novelizations and Films and ... (comments
    by Mark R. Leeper)
    Robby the Robot (letter of comment by R. Looney)
    FORBIDDEN PLANET (letter of comment by Kip Williams)
    YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE (letter of comment by Paul Dormer)
    Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov (letters of comment
    by Gary McGath, Tim Merrigan, Dorothy J. Heydt,
    Radovan Garabik, and Peter Trei)
    This Week's Reading (THE RELENTLESS MOON and CAKES AND ALE)
    (book comments by Evelyn C. Leeper)


    TOPIC: Films and Novelizations and Films and ... (comments by Mark
    R. Leeper)

    Last week Gary McGath suggested that since the film MOONRAKER was
    not a faithful adaptation of Ian Fleming's novel, and so a
    novelization had been written, therefore someone should film that
    novelization, and then write a novelization of *that* film. This
    is not unlike what happened with the "Living Dead" films, as I
    wrote back in 1988 in my review of RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD II:

    1. And now let us speak of the generations of the Living Dead. Now
    Richard Matheson was mindful of the popularity of vampires that
    stretcheth back to Dracula and yes, even unto Varney. And he said,
    "I shall make me a modern vampire story." And he took unto himself
    a typewriter and there was born a writing called *I AM LEGEND*.
    And the fans looked upon *I AM LEGEND* and they dubbed it pretty

    2. Now *I AM LEGEND* begat three films in degrees that varieth.
    And their names are *INVISIBLE INVADERS*, *THE LAST MAN ON EARTH*,
    and *THE OMEGA MAN*. The two younger admitted their parentage, but
    not the oldest. The two older were meager of budget, but not the
    youngest. But it was the middle one, *THE LAST MAN ON EARTH*, than
    became the father of generations. It starred Vincent Price and was
    made in the distant land of Italy.

    3. And it came to pass that in the land of Pittsburgh there dwelt a
    lowly maker of television commercials. And his name was George
    Romero. And Romero looked upon *THE LAST MAN ON EARTH* and sayeth
    unto himself, "Now there is how to make a horror movie for few
    pieces of silver." And he spake unto John Russo, saying, "Write me
    a script." And in the fullness of time there was *NIGHT OF THE

    4. But *NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD* was poor of prospect and none had
    heard of it and fewer cared. And it played only at theaters with
    big screens and no walls.

    5. And Roger Ebert looked upon it and his eye was offended. And he
    took unto himself a typewriter and spake unto legions of his anger,
    a very grievous error. And the *READERS' DIGEST* was among the
    legions who heard his lamentations and repeated his words unto
    hosts. And the hosts repeated the words unto multitudes.

    6. And *NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD* prospered. And John Russo took
    unto himself a typewriter and wrote the novel of the film.

    &. And in the fullness of time George Romero saw that there were
    multitudes who were mindful of *NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD* and he
    made *Dawn of the Dead*. And in the land of Italy *DAWN OF THE
    DEAD* was known by the name of *ZOMBIE* and multitudes had audience
    with it.

    8. And Lucio Fulci said, "Here is how to make a film for not many
    pieces of silver but which will call forth legions." And he made
    *ZOMBIE II*. And in the land of America there had been no *ZOMBIE
    I*, so there *ZOMBIE II* was called *ZOMBIE*. And in the lands of
    Italy and America there were legions of filmmakers who looked upon
    the prosperity. And they had envy of audiences of multitudes and
    of the smallness of the investment. And many made films like unto
    what they had seen.

    9. And John Russo looked upon the storm and lo he was wonderly
    wroth. Had he not written the writing of *NIGHT OF THE LIVING
    DEAD*? And the courts said, yes, he did. And lo, did this not
    mean he could also make sequels? But Romero said no, he knew
    whereof he wanted the series to go. But the courts spake unto
    Romero, saying "Give unto Russo equal right." And he did.

    10. And John Russo took unto himself a typewriter and wrote a book
    called *RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD*. And in the fullness of time he
    made him a film called *RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD*, though it were
    not in the likeness of the book.

    11. And George Romero made a third "Living Dead" film, *DAY OF THE
    DEAD*. And it was released in a short span of days from *RETURN OF
    THE LIVING DEAD*. And audiences looked upon *RETURN OF THE LIVING
    DEAD* and many were well pleased. But when audiences looked upon
    George Romero's *DAY OF THE DEAD*, many said that his day was done.

    12. And John Russo was well used to writing novels from "Living
    Dead" films. And, yea, it came to pass that he wrote a novel of the
    film *RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD* and called it *RETURN OF THE
    LIVING DEAD*. And some fans and librarians were wonderly wroth and
    spake in anger, saying, "One author cannot write two entirely
    different novels and give them but one title. For lo, many
    libraries are geared to the principle that if two novels have but
    one author they will have different titles. And if two novels have
    but one title they will have different authors." But John Russo
    turned his face from these people. And, in truth, few libraries
    had either book.

    13. And it came to pass that *RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD* was
    popular unto its generation and it begat *RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD

    [The following chart is best read with a fixed-width font.]

    Genealogy of the Living Dead

    | Night of the |
    | Living Dead |
    Romero | Russo
    | |
    v v
    ---------------- ---------------- -----------------
    | Dawn of | | (European) | | Return of the |
    | the Dead |===| Zombie | | Living Dead |
    |______________| |______________| |_______________|
    | | |
    | | v
    | | -----------------
    | | (Fulci) | Return of the |
    | | |Living Dead 2 |
    | | |_______________|
    v v
    ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
    | Day of | | (European) | | (American) |
    | the Dead | | Zombie II |====| Zombie |
    |______________| |______________| |______________|



    TOPIC: Robby the Robot (letter of comment by R. Looney)

    In response to comments on Robby the Robot in the 09/10/21 issue of
    the MT VOID, R. Looney writes:

    Speaking of Robby, last time I was in Vegas I noticed one of these
    photos, framed and on a wall:



    Mark responds:

    I am surprised there were no comments about the mixed relationship
    they would have. [-mrl]


    TOPIC: FORBIDDEN PLANET (letter of comment by Kip Williams)

    In response to Dorothy J. Heydt's comments on the novelization of
    FORBIDDEN PLANET in the 09/24/21 issue of the MT VOID, Kip Williams

    The novelization isn't the only oddly recreated bit of FORBIDDEN
    PLANET. When we lived in Houston around 1984, the comic shop I
    went to had a stack of FORBIDDEN PLANET 45s. Since the movie had
    no music track, these actually were "inspired by" the movie.
    Fittingly, the store was named Third Planet.

    Keeping to my lifelong tradition of letting things like that get
    away without picking one up and learning more, I let it get away
    without picking one up and learning more. [-kw]


    TOPIC: YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE (letter of comment by Paul Dormer)

    In response to John Hertz's comments on YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE in the
    09/24/21 issue of the MT VOID, Paul Dormer writes:

    Reminds me of an exchange reported in a paper many years ago. When
    examining some report in committee, the Labour MP Ian Mikardo
    pointed out that the word "only" was in the wrong place. A Tory on
    the committee (probably went to Eton and Oxford or Cambridge)
    suggest he should also take Ben Jonson to task for "Drink to me
    only with thine eyes."

    Mikardo (left school at an early age) pointed out that Jonson meant
    drink to me with thine eyes and not with a pint of beer. Drink
    only to me would me mean drink to me and not the barmaid at the Dog
    and Duck. [-pd]

    Evelyn writes:

    For those interested in yet more comments on Ian Fleming, see "On
    Ian Fleming as Craftsman" recently published at <https://kirkcenter.org/essays/on-ian-fleming-as-craftsman/>.


    TOPIC: Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov (letters of comment by Gary
    McGath, Tim Merrigan, Dorothy J. Heydt, Radovan Garabik, and Peter

    In response to Evelyn's comments on Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov
    in the 09/24/21 issue of the MT VOID, Gary McGath writes:

    The notification Petrov got said there were five missiles. Even
    with that number, the lack of any additional ones made him
    suspicious. I have a song about him:



    Tim Merrigan adds:

    For which, he got both a reprimanded from his superiors in the
    Kremlin, and a "Hero of the Soviet Union" medal (the highest medal
    awarded in the Soviet Union). [-tm]

    Dorothy J. Heydt observes:

    Hey, it beat what Napoleon said to one of his marshals: "For
    winning the battle, I'm giving you the Croix de Guerre. For
    disobeying orders, I'm going to have you shot." [-djh]

    Gary replies:

    There's a similar bit in [Victor] Hugo's novel NINETY-THREE. A man
    carelessly lets a cannon get loose on the deck of a ship, where it
    rolls around wrecking stuff and killing people. (After reading
    that, I understood where "loose cannon" comes from.) He then
    restrains it at great personal risk. The Marquis de Lantenac gives
    him a high commendation and then has him executed.

    Petrov got the Dresden Prize and the Future of Life Award, the
    latter posthumously, but I can't find any reference to his getting
    an award from the Soviet Union. [-gmg]

    Radovan Garabik adds:

    More importantly, the Russian language wikipedia (known for its
    thoroughness and reliability, yeah, right) does not mention any
    USSR medals, and it has a section on his awards. [-rg]

    Tim writes:

    One of the episodes of "Mysteries at the Museum" covered his medal,
    I think it was at an American Museum, and explained why he got it,
    and why it was on display in an American museum. [-tm]

    Gary McGath opines (hey, I'm running out of "said-isms!):

    I once watched a few episodes of "Mysteries at the Museum." As
    reliable sources of information go, it's somewhere between the
    National Enquirer and Q. [-gmg]

    Peter Trei replies to Gary re the Marquis de Lantenac:

    I'm reminded of Titus Manlius Imperiosus Torquatus, a 4th Century
    B.C. Roman General, who executed his own adult son for disobeying
    military orders: <https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titus_Manlius_Imperiosus_Torquatus>



    TOPIC: This Week's Reading (book comments by Evelyn C. Leeper)

    I finally got--and read--THE RELENTLESS MOON by Mary Robinette
    Kowal (Tor, ISBN 978-1-250-23696-8). This is the third novel in
    the "Lady Astronaut" series (there is also a novella). I read the
    first two novels when they came out, three years ago. Maybe it's
    my age, but at this point, I don't remember a lot from them. So
    while THE RELENTLESS MOON is a well-written novel in the mode of
    classic science fiction, I didn't get as much out of it as I
    probably would have had there not been a three-year gap. In
    particular, I didn't remember the relationships among all the
    people, or even their ethnicities. And therein lies a major flaw
    of a series. I still recommend the book, but you need to have read
    and remembered the first two books.

    (And what does "relentless moon" mean? How can a moon be
    relentless? "Relentless" implies a certain intentionality, a
    conscious effort towards an end. Unless we are going to discover
    that the moon is alive, I don't see how it can be relentless.)

    I am also slogging my way through the Hugo finalists. Okay,
    "slogging" is probably unfair--many of the finalists are quite
    good. But even as I see the list of what remains for me to read, I
    find myself thinking about W. Somerset Maugham's CAKES AND ALE,
    started and sitting on my shelf waiting for me to continue. It is
    delightful and witty and enjoyable, and frankly more enticing than
    most of the science fiction waiting for me.

    Some examples of Maugham's writing:

    "The wise always use a number of ready-made phrases (at the moment
    I write 'nobody's business' is the most common), popular adjectives
    (like 'divine' or 'shy-making'), verbs that you only know the
    meaning of if you live in the right set (like "dunch"), which give
    ease and a homely sparkle to small talk and avoid the necessity of
    thought. The Americans, who are the most efficient people on the
    earth, have carried this device to such a height of perfection and
    have invented so wide a range of pithy and hackneyed phrases that
    they can carry on an amusing and animated conversation without
    giving a moment's reflection to what they are saying and so leave
    their minds free to consider the more important matters of big
    business and fornication."

    "A man who is a politician at forty is a statesman at three score
    and ten. It is at this age, when he would be too old to be a clerk
    or a gardener or a police-court magistrate, that he is ripe to
    govern a country."

    "After mature consideration I have come to the conclusion that the
    real reason for the universal applause that comforts the declining
    years of the author who exceeds the common span of man is that
    intelligent people after the age of thirty read nothing at all. As
    they grow older the books they read in their youth are lit with its
    glamour and with every year that passes they ascribe greater merit
    to the author that wrote them."

    [The above assumes they don't re-read them and discover the suck
    fairy--a creature who comes to old favorite books or other media
    that one has not revisited in years, takes away everything in them
    that one loved, and makes them suck--has been at work.]

    [After noting that Evelyn Waugh disparages the first person
    narrative] "All the same I can find one reason why certain
    novelists, such as Defoe, Sterne, Thackeray, Dickens, Emily Bronte,
    and Proust, well known in their day but now doubtless forgotten,
    have used the method that Mr. Evelyn Waugh reprehends."

    "It is strange (and instructive) to read now the book that created
    such a sensation; there is not a word that could bring a blush to
    the cheek of the most guileless, not an episode that could cause
    the novel reader of the present day to turn a hair."

    [Sort of like seeing what films got "A" certificates in Britain
    decades ago, or even "X" ratings here.]

    "And I reflected also that there is no example in literary history
    of an author committing suicide while engaged on the composition of
    a literary work. Whatever his tribulations, he is unwilling to
    leave to posterity an uncompleted opus."

    "She never had anything but praise for the new Mrs. Driffield; she
    was not exactly pretty, she said, but she had a very nice face; of
    course she wasn't quite, quite a lady, but Edward would only have
    been uncomfortable with anyone too grand. She was just the sort of
    wife for him. I think it may be not unjustly said that Mrs. Barton
    Trafford fairly ran over with the milk of human kindness, but all
    the same I have an inkling that if ever the milk of human kindness
    was charged with vitriol, here was a case in point."

    And for those who visit authors' home to see where they sat, and
    wrote, and ate, Maugham has this to say: "He wouldn't let her
    change a thing and she had to go to work with the greatest care;
    she says she simply couldn't have lived in it and she was
    determined to have things right, so she had to change things one by
    one so that he didn't pay any attention. She told me the hardest
    job she had was with his writing desk. I don't know whether you've
    noticed the one there is in his study now. It's a very good period
    piece; I wouldn't mind having it myself. Well, he had a horrible
    American roll-top desk. He'd had it for years and he'd written a
    dozen books on it and he simply wouldn't part with it, he had no
    feeling for things like that; he just happened to be attached to it
    because he'd had it so long. You must get Amy to tell you the
    story how she managed to get rid of it in the end."

    He also has one character quoting Dickens but implying it was his
    own words: "What I always say to my boys is, if you've got a pound
    and you spend nineteen and six you're a rich man, but if you spend
    twenty shillings and sixpence you're a pauper. Look after the
    pence, young fellow, and the pounds'll look after themselves."



    Mark Leeper

    One man's folly is another man's wife.
    --Helen Rowland

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  • From Dorothy J Heydt@21:1/5 to eleeper@optonline.net on Sun Oct 3 21:03:51 2021
    In article <570636f6-ebee-460c-8616-19c577890911n@googlegroups.com>, eleeper@optonline.net <evelynchimelisleeper@gmail.com> wrote:
    Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society
    10/01/21 -- Vol. 40, No. 14, Whole Number 2191

    Co-Editor: Mark Leeper, mleeper@optonline.net
    Co-Editor: Evelyn Leeper, eleeper@optonline.net
    Sending Address: evelynchimelisleeper@gmail.com
    All material is the opinion of the author and is copyrighted by the
    author unless otherwise noted.
    All comments sent or posted will be assumed authorized for
    inclusion unless otherwise noted.

    To subscribe or unsubscribe, send mail to eleeper@optonline.net
    The latest issue is at <http://www.leepers.us/mtvoid/latest.htm>.
    An index with links to the issues of the MT VOID since 1986 is at ><http://leepers.us/mtvoid/back_issues.htm>.

    Films and Novelizations and Films and ... (comments
    by Mark R. Leeper)
    Robby the Robot (letter of comment by R. Looney)
    FORBIDDEN PLANET (letter of comment by Kip Williams)
    YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE (letter of comment by Paul Dormer)
    Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov (letters of comment
    by Gary McGath, Tim Merrigan, Dorothy J. Heydt,
    Radovan Garabik, and Peter Trei)
    This Week's Reading (THE RELENTLESS MOON and CAKES AND ALE)
    (book comments by Evelyn C. Leeper)


    TOPIC: Films and Novelizations and Films and ... (comments by Mark
    R. Leeper)

    Last week Gary McGath suggested that since the film MOONRAKER was
    not a faithful adaptation of Ian Fleming's novel, and so a
    novelization had been written, therefore someone should film that >novelization, and then write a novelization of *that* film. This
    is not unlike what happened with the "Living Dead" films, as I
    wrote back in 1988 in my review of RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD II:

    [magnificent prose saved to disk and snipped here. Bravo!]

    TOPIC: FORBIDDEN PLANET (letter of comment by Kip Williams)

    In response to Dorothy J. Heydt's comments on the novelization of
    FORBIDDEN PLANET in the 09/24/21 issue of the MT VOID, Kip Williams

    The novelization isn't the only oddly recreated bit of FORBIDDEN
    PLANET. When we lived in Houston around 1984, the comic shop I
    went to had a stack of FORBIDDEN PLANET 45s. Since the movie had
    no music track, these actually were "inspired by" the movie.
    Fittingly, the store was named Third Planet.

    Keeping to my lifelong tradition of letting things like that get
    away without picking one up and learning more, I let it get away
    without picking one up and learning more. [-kw]

    I had one of those 45s once: it was actually performed by Louis
    and Bebe Barron on their electronic instruments, and was not bad.
    I did a solo modern dance to it for some occasion or other in
    junior college and got a lot of applause. (Never mind that I
    forgot my carefully prepared choreography halfway through and had
    to improvise. Ah, youth ... mine and my audience's.)

    Dorothy J. Heydt
    Vallejo, California
    djheydt at gmail dot com

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