• MT VOID, 09/03/21 -- Vol. 40, No. 10, Whole Number 2187

    From evelynchimelisleeper@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sun Sep 5 07:29:15 2021
    Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society
    09/03/21 -- Vol. 40, No. 10, Whole Number 2187

    Co-Editor: Mark Leeper, mleeper@optonline.net
    Co-Editor: Evelyn Leeper, eleeper@optonline.net
    Sending Address: evelynchimelisleeper@gmail.com
    All material is the opinion of the author and is copyrighted by the
    author unless otherwise noted.
    All comments sent or posted will be assumed authorized for
    inclusion unless otherwise noted.

    To subscribe or unsubscribe, send mail to eleeper@optonline.net
    The latest issue is at <http://www.leepers.us/mtvoid/latest.htm>.
    An index with links to the issues of the MT VOID since 1986 is at <http://leepers.us/mtvoid/back_issues.htm>.

    Our Status After Henri and Ida (comments
    by Evelyn C. Leeper)
    More Comments on FORBIDDEN PLANET (comments
    by Mark R. Leeper)
    ALIEN DAY by Rick Wilber (book review by Joe Karpierz)
    Robby the Robot (letters of comment by Gary McGath, Kevin R,
    Keith F. Lynch, and John Kerr-Mudd)
    EMPIRE, and DER FALL ROM) (book comments
    by Evelyn C. Leeper)


    TOPIC: Our Status After Henri and Ida (comments by Evelyn
    C. Leeper)

    A few people have asked, so we'll just say here that we are fine.
    Neither Henri nor Ida gave us more than some heavy rain, and we had
    no damage from either that or any wind. We seem to have been to
    the south of the main tracks for both of them. [-ecl]


    TOPIC: More Comments on FORBIDDEN PLANET (comments by Mark
    R. Leeper)

    Last week I recommended FORBIDDEN PLANET as by Turner Classic
    Movies pick of the month. But even such a great film as FORBIDDEN
    PLANET has a few flaws, and I will talk about them this week.

    Apparently MGM wanted to get the film out with as little expense as
    possible. It already has cost $1.9 million, then the most ever
    spent to make a science fiction film, and they did not want to sink
    much more in. The executives decided on releasing the rough-cut of
    the film that it did not want to pay for a final editing. As a
    result we see many editing problems that really should have been
    corrected. There are little pieces of conversations that seem
    either incomplete or totally incoherent. When the cruiser comes out
    of hyperspace, Cmdr. Adams (Leslie Nielsen) is momentarily angry at
    Jerry, perhaps for navigating the cruiser so close to a star. But
    Adams never finishes his sentence and the matter is totally
    dropped, so we have no confirmation what it was all about.

    In another scene we can suppose that Dr. Ostrow (Warren Stevens)
    has started to say something to Adams and stopped himself. But it
    would seem the scene was cut. All we have left is him telling
    Adams "nothing important, skipper." In another scene Altaira has
    decided she loves Adams, but there is nothing that makes it obvious
    when seeing her. Still Adams tells Ostrow, "Something new has been
    added." Ostrow looks at Altaira and somehow knows what Adams
    means. He comments, "That will complicate things." He can see
    love in Altaira somehow, but what he is seeing is invisible to the
    viewer. It can also be seen by the tiger apparently and he turns
    on her, though why a tiger should behave differently to her because
    she was in love is never explained. Adams seems surprised that
    Alta does not understand, but I have to admit I don't either. Much
    of the dialogue is scientifically absurd, like the implication that
    lead isotope 217 is lighter than ordinary lead. Some of the
    science jargon is complete nonsense, with phrases like "short-
    circuit the continuum on a 5 or 6 parsec level."

    I might be overruled on this but that sounds like a load of jargon
    duck tires.

    There are signs that even director Fred M. Wilcox did not give the
    script a close reading. We are told that the energy shaft is
    twenty miles square. Morbius tells this to Adams pointing
    horizontally saying, "Twenty miles," and then pointing in the
    opposite direction repeating, "Twenty miles." That would make the
    shaft forty miles across and the characters would already be in the
    center. In fact, they probably were in a corner of the shaft and
    he was supposed to be pointing along two perpendicular edges. In
    another scene, Altaira describes a dress in detail for Robby to
    make. When we see the dress the length is about right, but
    otherwise it looks very different from what was described. More
    possible errors: the credits call Anne Francis "Altaira," but in
    the film she is almost always called "Alta." She is introduced
    with the shorter name, but characters seem to know about the longer
    one. When the monster is tracked on radar it is as big as a house,
    when we see it is roughly the size of an elephant.

    There are some other visual problems. Even the outdoor sets were
    clearly shot on soundstages, giving the film a claustrophobic set-
    bound feel. The outdoor paintings are all too obviously paintings,
    albeit imaginative, with an inexhaustible supply of nearby moons.
    The feel is again one reminiscent of the early days of "Star Trek."
    Some of the props are a little strange. The klystron monitor looks
    like a distiller; blasters look a little too much like dressed-up
    packing tubes. When we first see Altaira with a tiger, the cat
    walks in front of a red bush and Altaira follows it. Someone must
    have sprayed the bush between when the cat was filmed and when
    Francis was. The bush turns redder in pieces as Francis walks by
    it. We see the camera move just a little each time a panel is shut
    around Morbius's home.

    MGM was not able to do themselves all the effects for FORBIDDEN
    PLANET and got some technical aid from Disney Studios. The result
    is that several of the scenes have the unmistakable feel of Disney
    animation. When we see sparks in Robby's dome, or long arcs of
    electricity, they look like Disney animation. When walking to the
    reactor, we see a scene in the power shaft that looks very much
    like Disney animation. I assume they also did the rays coming out
    of the blasters, but not very well. The line of the blast remains
    steady even though the gun is shaking around.

    But even with all the groundbreaking approaches in this film, the
    filmmakers were afraid to make a future without paying their
    tribute to religion. A special effort is made to show that these
    future people still believe in God. As Ostrow says, "The Lord sure
    made some beautiful worlds." [-mrl]


    TOPIC: ALIEN DAY by Rick Wilber (copyright 2021, Tor, $29.99,
    Hardcover, 247pp, ISBN 978-1-250-26024-6) (book review by Joe

    What's better than a good old-fashioned nasty sibling rivalry?
    Why, a good old-fashioned sibling rivalry between alien brothers
    who are arguing over the control of planet Earth. What's better
    than that? Well, not only both human and alien sibling rivalries,
    but the humans getting involved in the aliens' rivalry. And that's
    just for starters.

    ALIEN DAY is the sequel to ALIEN MORNING, Rick Wilber's highly
    entertaining and very original take on first contact and alien
    invasion all wrapped into one. As a quick summary, the S'hudonni
    have come to Earth to attain goods from Earth in exchange for
    advanced science and technology. And, of course, it turned out to
    be something quite different, as this arrangement ultimately
    results in humanity living in the shadow of the S'hudonni. Oh,
    humanity does appear to prosper and reap benefits under this
    arrangement, but there's a nagging suspicion--at least I have a
    nagging suspicion--that not is all as it appears with this

    However, there are factions within both humanity and the S'hudonni
    that don't like the way things are going. Twoclicks is the current
    leader of the S'hudonni on Earth, but his brother Whistle is not
    happy with the arrangement in the very least, and a violent
    conflict erupts between the two. As a result, there are to be
    family negotiations back on the S'hudonni to determine who gets
    control of Earth (like I said, a little suspicious, I tell you).
    Peter Holman, the protagonist of ALIEN MORNING, gets to go to the
    homeworld to witness the negotiations and broadcast them to an
    anxious human population on Earth.

    Meanwhile, Peter's brother Tom leads a group of people rebelling
    against what appears to be Twoclicks' benevolent rule. He and his
    gang go about sabotaging various crops that contribute to the
    creation of the alcohol that the S'hudonni are so fond of. In
    reality, Tom is more tied into the conflict between Twoclicks and
    Whistle than he is letting on. The intertwined conflicts make for
    some interesting situations as Tom escalates his attacks.

    All is not a bed of roses for Peter on the S'hudonni homeworld. He
    is there alone without human companionship. He does have Treble,
    the offspring of Twoclicks and Whistle to keep him company and
    parade him around the homeworld. Through Treble, Peter gets to
    meet the great Mother of the sparring siblings, who will make the
    final decision as to who is in control of Earth. Throw Peter's
    sister Kait into the mix, and you have a full family outing in this

    As a reader who lives in the United States, I feel that there is a
    parallel between what is going on with both the S'hudonni and
    humanity and what is going on here in the U.S. The world situation
    in the novel is pitting brother against brother as a result of
    entities who are struggling for the power to control the
    population, a scenario we are seeing played out every day here in
    the United States. The conflicts are eerily similar. I don't know
    if Wilber intended it, but given the time frame in which I'm
    guessing the book was written, I suspect that national, if not
    global politics played a large part in shaping the story in ALIEN

    Having said that, the undertones don't override what is a really
    terrific story. All of the characters we enjoyed in ALIEN MORNING
    are back here in ALIEN DAY, contributing to this novel in the same
    way they contributed to the prior novel. The book is well written
    and moves along; I was never bored nor did I look ahead to see what
    was coming up next. I was engaged in the story and the characters,
    just as I was in ALIEN MORNING. This book is well worth reading,
    and I expect the third novel in the series to be the same way. I'm
    looking forward to it. [-jak]


    TOPIC: Robby the Robot (letters of comment by Gary McGath, Kevin R,
    Keith F. Lynch, and John Kerr-Mudd)

    In response to Mark's comments on FORBIDDEN PLANET in the 08/27/21
    issue of the MT VOID, Gary McGath writes:

    There's a "Twilight Zone" episode where an inventor is working on a
    secret project in the basement. I cracked up when the invention
    was shown to be Robby. [-gmg]

    Kevin R responds:

    3 eps of "Lost In Space" featured Robby.

    "When Tin Cans Clash!" {War Of The Robots}: <https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0636256/>

    Also "Ghost in Space" (1966) and "Condemned of Space" (1967).

    Robby has "worked" into this century!: <https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1119475/?ref_=nmbio_bio_nm>

    Over fifty years of credits! [-kr]

    Keith F. Lynch writes:

    I'll have to rewatch "Ghost in Space". I knew Robby was in the
    other two "Lost in Space" episodes you mention, but not that one.

    John Kerr-Mudd replies:

    Danger! Will Robinson! IIRC, WIMN. [-jkm]


    TOPIC: This Week's Reading (book comments by Evelyn C. Leeper)

    Douglas Boin (Norton, ISBN 978-0-393-63569-0) is more about the
    history of the Goths and the fall of Rome than about Alaric the
    Goth. Boin starts out by saying how little documentation there is
    about Alaric, so it isn't surprising, but titling it "Alaric the
    Goth" is a bit deceptive. In addition, Boin's focus seems to be on
    how civilized the Goths really were, but that the Romans' prejudice
    against immigrants led them to mistreat, oppress, and murder them.

    The book was written in 2020 and one example of how Boin is trying
    to emphasize parallels to the present day is his description of the
    Romans' treatment of Gothic children:

    "The plan, instituted by Emperor Valens, was to distribute the
    Gothic children "into various towns to prevent them, when grown to
    manhood," of plotting what many people feared would be an
    "insurrection." According to the Roman writers who live to witness
    this episode, the government's policy applied to Gothic boys eight
    to ten years old--"those persons," it was said, "who were too young
    for war." Following the usual Roman military practice, many of the
    older boys were likely enrolled as cadets. The young Gothic boys
    were identified, processed, and sorted, the impersonal nature of
    the border guards' tasks little different from the inhumanity of
    the colonial-era Dacian slave trade. ... State resources were soon
    allocated to implement the border separation policy in full. ...
    The rugged plateaus and cities beyond the Taurus Mountains, in
    Roman Asia, were identified as suitable holding pens for the
    children. Gothic children were forced to say good-bye not only to
    a familiar landscape of childhood memories, but to their actual
    parents, grandparents, and siblings. No documentation was ever
    kept, as far as historians know, that would have identified the
    children or helped reuinite them with their families. An obvious
    paper trail, in fact, is quite likely what the Roman government
    wante to avoid. Cruelty was the intention. Many Gothic parents
    never saw their sons again."

    Sound familiar?

    What I found strange, though, was that while Boin's last chapter
    talks about subsequent sacks of Rome, he completely omits the Sack
    of Rome in 1527 by the troops of Charles V, arguably the worst sack
    of Rome. It lasted a month, and 45,000 Romans were killed,
    wounded, or exiled.

    The problem is that the lack of focus on Alaric results in a real
    scatter-shot book: it touches on the history of the Goths (and the
    Vandals), the attitudes of fifth and sixth century Romans toward
    immigrants and diversity, (some of) the later sacks of Rome, the
    archaeology of the Goths and their sack of Rome, and a lot of other
    stuff. (It still doesn't tell me why they haven't tried to find
    Alaric's burial place in the Busento River using metal detectors,
    since a great hoard was supposedly buried with him.)

    In my opinion, Boin should have picked a focus, e.g., the history
    of the Goths and their interaction with Rome, and written that.
    (An example of this sort of book would be THE STORM BEFORE THE
    STORM by Mike Duncan, focusing on a specific period at the end of
    the Roman Republic rather than a specific individual.)

    THE FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE by Michael Grant (Collier, ISBN 978-0- 02-028560-4) is 250 pages long, which is rather short for such a
    comprehensive title, especially since the historical description is
    only about a tenth of that. (One could claim that this is because
    leaving out the decline saved a thousand pages, but that would just
    be snarky.) This book could more accurately be titled THIRTEEN
    such as "The Generals against the State" and "The Other World
    against This World".

    But one could just as easily have lists of other lengths, depending
    on how much one wants to collect related causes under a single
    banner. "The Poor against the State", for example, includes
    agrarian slavery, blockage of land by large landholders,
    destruction of peasantry, feudalization, large landed properties,
    and taxation, all of which are separate items in Alexander
    Demandt's 210 items listed in his DER FALLS ROM(*). (His list is
    also marvelously self-contradictory, listing abolition of gods,
    Christianity, lack of religiousness, mystery religions, religious
    struggles and schisms, superstition, and the ever-popular "Jewish

    Obviously, one has to see if these "causes" would also apply to the
    Eastern Empire, but the truth is probably that it was the
    conjunction of all these causes. If the Eastern Empire only had
    157 of Demandt's causes, that might not have been enough to tip the
    scales. At any rate, for someone looking for a book a bit less
    intimidating than Edward Gibbon's opus, and that doesn't cost $90
    and have 719 pages of German like Demandt's, this is a reasonable
    overview of some of the causes of the Western Empire's fall.

    (*) Abolition of gods, abolition of rights, absence of character,
    absolutism, agrarian question, agrarian slavery, anarchy, anti-
    Germanism, apathy, aristocracy, asceticism, attacks by Germans,
    attacks by Huns, attacks by nomads on horseback. Backwardness in
    science, bankruptcy, barbarisation, bastardisation, blockage of
    land by large landholders, blood poisoning, bolshevisation, bread
    and circuses, bureaucracy, Byzantinism. Capitalism, change of
    capitals, caste system, celibacy, centralisation, childlessness,
    Christianity, citizenship (granting of), civil war, climatic
    deterioration, communism, complacency, concatenation of
    misfortunes, conservatism, corruption, cosmopolitanism, crisis of
    legitimacy, culinary excess, cultural neurosis. Decentralisation,
    decline of Nordic character, decline of the cities, decline of the
    Italic population, deforestation, degeneration, degeneration of
    intellect, demoralisation, depletion of mineral resources,
    despotism, destruction of environment, destruction of peasantry,
    destruction of political process, destruction of Roman influence,
    devastation, differences in wealth, disarmament, disillusion with
    state, division of empire, division of labour, earthquakes, egoism,
    egoism of the state, emancipation of slaves, enervation, epidemics,
    equal rights (granting of), eradication of the best, escapism,
    ethnic dissolution, excessive aging of population, excessive
    civilisation, excessive culture, excessive foreign infiltration,
    excessive freedom, excessive urbanisation, expansion, exploitation.
    Fear of life, female emancipation, feudalisation, fiscalism,
    gladiatorial system, gluttony, gout, hedonism, Hellenisation,
    heresy, homosexuality, hothouse culture, hubris, hyperthermia.
    Immoderate greatness, imperialism, impotence, impoverishment,
    imprudent policy toward buffer states, inadequate educational
    system, indifference, individualism, indoctrination, inertia,
    inflation, intellectualism, integration (weakness of),
    irrationality, Jewish influence. Lack of leadership, lack of male
    dignity, lack of military recruits, lack of orderly imperial
    succession, lack of qualified workers, lack of rainfall, lack of
    religiousness, lack of seriousness, large landed properties, lead-
    poisoning, lethargy, levelling (cultural), levelling (social), loss
    of army discipline, loss of authority, loss of energy, loss of
    instincts, loss of population, luxury. Malaria, marriages of
    convenience, mercenary system, mercury damage, militarism, monetary
    economy, monetary greed, money (shortage of), moral decline, moral
    idealism, moral materialism, mystery religions, nationalism of
    Rome's subjects, negative selection. Orientalisation, outflow of
    gold, over-refinement, pacifism, paralysis of will, paralysation,
    parasitism, particularism, pauperism, plagues, pleasure- seeking,
    plutocracy, polytheism, population pressure, precociousness,
    professional army, proletarisation, prosperity, prostitution,
    psychoses, public baths. Racial degeneration, racial
    discrimination, racial suicide, rationalism, refusal of military
    service, religious struggles and schisms, rentier mentality,
    resignation, restriction to profession, restriction to the land,
    rhetoric, rise of uneducated masses, romantic attitudes to peace,
    ruin of middle class, rule of the world. Semi-education,
    sensuality, servility, sexuality, shamelessness, shifting of trade
    routes, slavery, Slavic attacks, socialism (of the state), social
    tensions, soil erosion, soil exhaustion, spiritual barbarism,
    stagnation, stoicism, stress, structural weakness, superstition.
    Taxation, pressure of terrorism, tiredness of life,
    totalitarianism, treason, tristesse, two-front war,
    underdevelopment, useless diet, usurpation of all powers by the
    state, vaingloriousness, villa economy, vulgarisation."



    Mark Leeper

    Precedents do no stop where they begin, but,
    however narrow the path upon which they enter,
    they create for themselves a highway whereon they
    may wander with the utmost latitude ... no one thinks
    a course is base for himself which has proven
    profitable to others.
    --Velleius Paterculus

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul Dormer@21:1/5 to evelynchimelisleeper@gmail.com on Sun Sep 5 15:52:00 2021
    In article <176357de-0ffc-4c7e-a580-9ddc15530455n@googlegroups.com>, evelynchimelisleeper@gmail.com () wrote:

    Douglas Boin (Norton, ISBN 978-0-393-63569-0) is more about the
    history of the Goths and the fall of Rome than about Alaric the

    There's actually a R.A. Lafferty historical novel about Alaric - Alaric:
    The Day the World Ended, aka The Fall of Rome.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Dorothy J Heydt@21:1/5 to eleeper@optonline.net on Mon Sep 6 01:29:36 2021
    In article <176357de-0ffc-4c7e-a580-9ddc15530455n@googlegroups.com>, eleeper@optonline.net <evelynchimelisleeper@gmail.com> wrote:

    TOPIC: More Comments on FORBIDDEN PLANET (comments by Mark
    R. Leeper)

    MGM was not able to do themselves all the effects for FORBIDDEN
    PLANET and got some technical aid from Disney Studios. The result
    is that several of the scenes have the unmistakable feel of Disney
    animation. ...

    Once long ago, when Bjo Trimble was living in LA, I visited her
    and she decided to take me to meet Forry Ackerman. So we drove
    up to his house. He wasn't home, but his door was unlocked and
    Bjo took me on in. We saw lots of neat artwork, and lying on his
    desk was a concept drawing of the Id Monster. It was a pencil
    drawing that neither moved around nor flashed in and out, and I
    could see clearly what it looked like.

    You'll remember Morbius telling his visitors that the Krell
    didn't make pictures, and that the only clue he had as to what
    they looked like was the shape of their doorways.

    But the visitor (and the aucience) have already seen the plaster
    cast of the monster's foot, with its huge pad and long claw.

    The Id Monster in the drawing had the body shape of a Krell, with
    two heavy clawed feet under it. It had no hands.

    No wonder the Krell wanted to get past the need for any physical instrumentality!

    But it had the face of an ape, with the fangs of a full-grown
    male chimpanzee.

    I forget the name of the Disney artist who designed that thing.*
    But he was good.

    *If I were at home I could get the DVD out, but I'm at a gaming
    convention, helping Hal shill for the gaming convention we're
    going to be running next February, Deo volente. (We had to cancel
    the one scheduled for this year.)

    Dorothy J. Heydt
    Vallejo, California
    djheydt at gmail dot com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Kevrob@21:1/5 to Dorothy J Heydt on Mon Sep 6 16:25:56 2021
    On Sunday, September 5, 2021 at 9:41:00 PM UTC-4, Dorothy J Heydt wrote:


    I forget the name of the Disney artist who designed that thing.*
    But he was good.

    *If I were at home I could get the DVD out, but I'm at a gaming
    convention, helping Hal shill for the gaming convention we're
    going to be running next February, Deo volente. (We had to cancel
    the one scheduled for this year.)


    Happy shilling!

    I think Joshua Meador is the animator in question.


    https://outline.com/ceXw5s which is:



    Kevin R

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Dorothy J Heydt@21:1/5 to kevrob@my-deja.com on Tue Sep 7 01:07:07 2021
    In article <9e6b7452-e140-48d7-8630-2214fa65fb94n@googlegroups.com>,
    Kevrob <kevrob@my-deja.com> wrote:
    On Sunday, September 5, 2021 at 9:41:00 PM UTC-4, Dorothy J Heydt wrote:


    I forget the name of the Disney artist who designed that thing.*
    But he was good.

    *If I were at home I could get the DVD out, but I'm at a gaming
    convention, helping Hal shill for the gaming convention we're
    going to be running next February, Deo volente. (We had to cancel
    the one scheduled for this year.)


    Happy shilling!

    Thanks! We're just back (Monday afteroon) and many old friends
    and gamers were happy to see us. We keep saying, "We *hope* to
    hold DunDraCon next February, here's our website, watch this


    (If anyone's in the Northern California area and is interested.)

    I think Joshua Meador is the animator in question.


    https://outline.com/ceXw5s which is:


    Yes! That's what I saw [a copy of] on Forry's desk.

    Cool, is it not?



    Dorothy J. Heydt
    Vallejo, California
    djheydt at gmail dot com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Kevrob@21:1/5 to Dorothy J Heydt on Mon Sep 6 20:00:12 2021
    On Monday, September 6, 2021 at 9:20:59 PM UTC-4, Dorothy J Heydt wrote:
    In article <9e6b7452-e140-48d7...@googlegroups.com>,
    Kevrob <kev...@my-deja.com> wrote:
    On Sunday, September 5, 2021 at 9:41:00 PM UTC-4, Dorothy J Heydt wrote:


    I forget the name of the Disney artist who designed that thing.*
    But he was good.

    *If I were at home I could get the DVD out, but I'm at a gaming
    convention, helping Hal shill for the gaming convention we're
    going to be running next February, Deo volente. (We had to cancel
    the one scheduled for this year.)


    Happy shilling!
    Thanks! We're just back (Monday afteroon) and many old friends
    and gamers were happy to see us. We keep saying, "We *hope* to
    hold DunDraCon next February, here's our website, watch this


    (If anyone's in the Northern California area and is interested.)

    I think Joshua Meador is the animator in question.


    https://outline.com/ceXw5s which is:


    Yes! That's what I saw [a copy of] on Forry's desk.

    Cool, is it not?

    So cool!



    You are welcome. I saw FP a few times starting in the 1970s.
    I used to frequent Milwaukee's Oriental Theater, in its heyday
    as an arthouse/repertory cinema and occasional concert venue.
    One friend of mine started ushering there in high school, and
    eventually worked his way up to manager. He was also involved
    in programming films at various XCons. I can't remember if I first
    saw it at a con or at the Oriental, or on our family's black & white
    TV, but it was always a favorite. One of my fellow fen/roommates
    bought the soundtrack LP of "electronic tonalities," which made
    interesting party music! [That apt was a bit of a "slan shack."]

    Kevin R

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)