• MT VOID, 07/07/23 -- Vol. 42, No. 1, Whole Number 2283

    From evelynchimelisleeper@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 9 06:59:46 2023
    07/07/23 -- Vol. 42, No. 1, Whole Number 2283

    Co-Editor: Mark Leeper, mleeper@optonline.net
    Co-Editor: Evelyn Leeper, eleeper@optonline.net
    Sending Address: evelynchimelisleeper@gmail.com
    All material is the opinion of the author and is copyrighted by the
    author unless otherwise noted.
    All comments sent or posted will be assumed authorized for
    inclusion unless otherwise noted.

    To subscribe or unsubscribe, send mail to eleeper@optonline.net
    The latest issue is at <http://www.leepers.us/mtvoid/latest.htm>.
    An index with links to the issues of the MT VOID since 1986 is at <http://leepers.us/mtvoid/back_issues.htm>.

    History of the MT VOID (comments by Mark R. Leeper and
    Evelyn C. Leeper)
    (book review by Joe Karpierz)
    One Octopus, Two ???, Redux (letter of comment
    by David Goldfarb)
    Proof-Reading, History, James Joyce, Pronunciation,
    and MOBY-DICK (letter of comment by Jim Susky)
    This Week's Reading ("On Germania", A MOST DANGEROUS BOOK)
    (book comments by Evelyn C. Leeper)


    TOPIC: History of the MT VOID (comments by Mark R. Leeper and
    Evelyn C. Leeper)

    As we change volume numbers in the middle of the year, this may be
    a good time to once again describe the genesis of the MT VOID,
    pronounced "Em Tee Void".

    The MT VOID started as a zine for the newly formed Science Fiction
    Club at Bell Labs in Holmdel in August 1978, but we have always
    been the editors (and primary writers). It has been weekly for
    decades, and has continued even after we retired and the Science
    Fiction Club dissolved. The current issue is #2278, making it (I'm
    pretty sure) the perzine with the most issues ever, and at 45
    years, one of the longest running.

    In July 1981, our area was split off and moved to Lincroft. At
    that point we thought we needed to spin off a new club, so we
    started re-numbering the MT VOID (not yet called that) at that
    point. Hence the volume roll-over in July. Eventually we ended up
    remerging the clubs and newsletters, but kept the new numbering.

    At some point in the 1980s we also renamed the club as the
    "Mt. Holz Science Fiction Club". "Mt. Holz" came from the
    inter-company mail designations for the three New Jersey locations
    of AT&T et al where we once had meetings:
    MT Middletown
    HO Holmdel
    LZ Lincroft

    As the work environment changed, meetings eventually ended, but the
    MT VOID kept rolling along. We retained the "Mt. Holz" name in the
    heading until last year, when we decided it was misleading to
    pretend there was an actual club behind this. [-mrl/ecl]


    TOPIC: THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE WORLD by Lavie Tidhar (copyright
    2023, Tachyon Publications, ISBN: 978-1-61696-362-0 (trade
    paperback); 978-1-61696-363-7 (digital)) (book review by Joe

    What if I were to hand you a book that would disappear once you had
    finished reading it? You'd probably say that Amazon can do this
    anytime they want since they only sell us the right to read an
    electronic copy of a book, but not the book itself, and they can
    erase it from our e-readers anytime they want.

    You wouldn't be wrong. But what if I told you that this book,
    called LODE STARS, by pulp author Eugene Charles Hartley, has
    encoded within it the means to defend ourselves against the Eaters,
    entities that destroy humans who are reconstituted memories that
    live within black holes, called the "Eyes of God"? Would you want
    a copy of this book? Would you read it? Would you believe it?

    Yep, Lavie Tidhar's fertile imagination is at it again. The same
    mind that gave us THE ESCAPEMENT (which may still have readers
    scratching their heads--in a good way) brings us THE CIRCUMFERENCE
    OF THE WORLD, a novel that starts out innocently enough with the
    story of a young girl in love with mathematics, but makes its way
    to intergalactic space and the weirdness of black holes--among
    other things.

    The story jumps to the year 2001, where Delia Welegtabit, that
    young girl now all grown up, married to mathematician Levi
    Armstrong who is obsessed with explaining the workings of the
    universe through mathematics. That's not the only thing he's
    obsessed with. As you might guess by now, the object of his
    obsession is the aforementioned LODE STARS. After he disappears
    searching for it Delia hires rare book dealer Daniel Chase to find
    him. Chase suffers from face-blindness (prosopagnosia) which makes
    him an interesting choice to go looking for Levi. In the process
    of looking for Levi, Chase gets interested in LODE STARS, and
    focuses his search on rare book shops hoping he can turn up a copy
    which will in turn help him find Levi. Who he does find is one
    Oskar Lens, a Russian underworld figure with a criminal past, which
    includes a stint at a prison in Siberia. Lens also wants to find a
    copy of LODE STARS, because he wants to protect himself from the

    Eventually, we get to meet Hartley, a short story writer who never
    quite made it to the big time, although he hobnobbed with all the
    big names of the pulp era. Tidhar is well known as a writer who is
    fond of the history of the field, and in THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE
    WORLD he is not shy about having Hartley interact with some of the
    biggest names in the field at the time. In a call-out to the
    Church of Scientology, Heinlein tells Hartley, "You know ... if you
    really want to make a million bucks, Gene, you should start your
    own religion." Hartley does just that, starting the Church of the
    All-Seeing Eyes. Hartley does a lot more name dropping along the
    way. We not only hear about Asimov and Clarke, but Bradbury and
    A. E. Van Vogt also get shout outs. John Clute and Nick Mamatas
    get mentioned as well. We also get a glimpse into Hartley's
    thoughtful and philosophical side. While recounting an early
    Westercon, Hartley says "You have to understand--we were more than
    writers, we were prophets of a new age. We could see the future, i
    we could imagine it and give it shape."

    We also end up within LODE STARS itself, as a version of Delia
    (yeah, so Delia is looking for a book that has herself as a
    character in it, but doesn't know it), while looking for something
    called "The Occlude", finds a stash of "Ancient obsolete objects of
    all kinds piled up everywhere", and the list is, well astounding.
    Without giving too much away, she discovers items from stories from
    Asimov, Herbert, Van Vogt, Pohl, and others. Tidhar is clearly
    having fun rooting around science fiction's rich history, which
    Hartley himself is doing with the pages of LODE STARS.

    Much like THE ESCAPEMENT, there is no direct path to the ending,
    nor does the ending give a neat resolution to the mystery of
    Hartley and LODE STARS. But then again, it's not clear that the
    book is about those things. Tidhar is a master of misdirection,
    his novels tend to be a lot deeper that what appears at the
    surface, and THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE WORLD is no different. The
    novel is a great, enjoyable, winding ride, and anyone who likes
    Tidhar's work should enjoy it. [-jak]


    TOPIC: One Octopus, Two ???, Redux (letter of comment by David

    In response to comments on the plural of "octopus" in the 06/23/23
    issue of the MT VOID, David Goldfarb writes:

    Catching up on a slightly older MT Void, I find a discussion of "octopus/octopi". I want to start off with one correction: the word
    is not Greek. It is 16th-century scientific Latin--with Greek
    roots, but that doesn't make the word Greek. A pedantic and
    nitpicking distinction to be sure, but I'm not the one who started
    the pedantry here.

    In classical Latin and ancient Greek, the word for this sea
    creature was not "octopus": they used "polypus" (whence the archaic
    English "poulp"). In Greek, ["poulpous" or "polupos"] [Greek
    transliterated because we cannot represent it in ASCII]. This word
    covered all the tentacled cephalopods: what we today would name
    octopus, cuttlefish, and squid. Mauro, in his translation of
    Aristotle, wrote of "duo genera polyporum". The naturalist Pliny
    the Elder likewise wrote about the polypus. And how did he
    pluralize it? He used "polypi".

    I assert that if Pliny could pluralize "polypus" as "polypi", then
    in the modern day we should deem it acceptable to pluralize
    "octopus" as "octopi". Me, I stick to "octopuses", but when people
    with a little knowledge of Classical languages and natural history
    make this complaint, I find it grating. [-dg]


    TOPIC: Proof-Reading, History, James Joyce, Pronunciation, and
    MOBY-DICK (letter of comment by Jim Susky)

    In response to Evelyn's comments on proof-reading in the 06/23/23
    issue of the MT VOID, Jim Susky writes:

    In MT VOID 6/23/2023 Evelyn commented on various spelling and usage
    mishaps--in support of the notion that proof-reading is in decline.

    This led to her commentary on PAST IMPERFECT (04/07/23) which
    alluded to "consensus history", disrespect for primary sources, and
    other historical offenses--along with plagiarism, fabricated back
    stories, and the abuse of grad students and assistants who do
    research and writing without appearance on the marquee.

    (FWIW my editor's eye latched onto "thesis" used to denote multiple

    (and FWIW, I am NO proofreader)

    Finally she mentioned recent "discussion these days of how to teach
    history, and especially what to teach and what to ignore".

    All this led me to discover a few things about Joyce. I'd already
    known about his "classic" hairshirt (ULYSSES) but would surely have
    assumed an apostrophe in FINNEGANS WAKE.

    It would be interesting to objectively assess Evelyn's thesis about proof-reading. With access to the Google Books project (and
    others?) a tireless AI could go to work on it--quietly, and without
    arousing breathless conjectures on "threats to humanity".

    (And perhaps AI will soon be routinely used for proofreading
    chores--with suitable actually-intelligent oversight.)

    Re: shifting pronpunciations:

    Strangely, I am reminded that certain common words have been
    mispronounced over the decades. A favorite is "almond". In the
    sixties I learned to say "almond" [as] "Ah mund". Dictionaries
    from that time have an alternate pronunciation, which I have never
    heard, but which sounds "New England" to me. In the seventies I
    heard radio announcers say "AL mund" and seventies dictionaries
    include that pronunciation. By now almost no one "uses" (or omits)
    the once-standard silent ell.

    "Often": The ROM between my ears omits the TEE--but the late 70s
    dictionary at hand admits the T-sound.

    Finally, I am impressed that Evelyn has written a 90,000-word
    "annotation" to MOBY-DICK (!). Somehow "annotation" is too small a
    word when it's >40% of the novel's word-count. [-js]

    Evelyn notes:

    If spell-checkers are any example of AI proof-reading (and I
    suppose they are not), I'm not holding my breath. [-ecl]


    TOPIC: This Week's Reading (book comments by Evelyn C. Leeper)

    "On Germania" by Tacitus was written around 98 C.E. As was the
    case with many of the ancient historians, Tacitus wrote about
    distant lands without ever visiting them, and how accurate the
    various statements in his work are is sometimes questionable. But
    that almost doesn't matter, because over the centuries, Germany's
    detractors have fixated on the negative statements and
    mis-translated the positive ones, while Germans have fixated on the
    positive statements and mis-translated the negative ones. (For
    example, various German translations have translated mentions of
    Germans performing "human sacrifices" as performing just

    TO THE THIRD REICH by Christopher B. Krebs (Norton, ISBN
    978-0-393-34292-5) covers all this. Krebs begins with the
    re-discovery of the single remaining copy of "On Germania" (the
    Codex Hersfeldensis) in 1425. He then goes on to detail how
    scholars since then have interpreted and mis-interpreted, used and
    mis-used, quoted and mis-quoted Tacitus to support their own
    theories (or wishes) about the ancient Germans and their origins,
    their accomplishments, their morals, their language, and their
    "racial purity".

    One has to wonder what the world might look like if this single
    copy had been lost. Without Tacitus, could Germany have built a
    social movement based on the (reported) virtues of the ancient
    Germans "enhanced" with a racial philosophy not found in Tacitus?

    (The racial policy was the subject of a whispered joke during the
    Third Reich: "The Aryans--athletic like Goebbels, slim like
    Goering, and blond like Hitler.")

    One problem is that Krebs invents (or possibly re-defines) various
    very similar words to distinguish among the Germanic people of
    various times and places. The "Germanen" are the (old, ancient)
    Germanic tribes, as opposed to the "Germans", but Krebs also says
    he uses "Germans" if he is quoting or translating a work that uses
    that term for the ancient tribes, and similarly for "Germanien"
    versus "Germany". This may be the way academia does it, but it is
    very confusing to the general reader. [-ecl]


    Mark Leeper

    In high school I was voted the girl most likely
    to become a nun. That may not be impressive to you,
    but it was quite an accomplishment at the Hebrew Academy.
    --Rita Rudner

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Dorothy J Heydt@21:1/5 to eleeper@optonline.net on Mon Jul 10 02:53:12 2023
    In article <91d5f4cc-2c2c-4d03-b000-f29b0a3ec283n@googlegroups.com>, eleeper@optonline.net <evelynchimelisleeper@gmail.com> wrote:
    TOPIC: Proof-Reading, History, James Joyce, Pronunciation, and
    MOBY-DICK (letter of comment by Jim Susky)

    In response to Evelyn's comments on proof-reading in the 06/23/23
    issue of the MT VOID, Jim Susky writes:

    In MT VOID 6/23/2023 Evelyn commented on various spelling and usage >mishaps--in support of the notion that proof-reading is in decline.

    (Hal Heydt)
    When my late wife--Dorothy J. Heydt--wrote _A Point of Honor_,
    one of the characters described a particular design debate among
    the programmers who wrote the VR system in the book as a "big
    endian vs. little endian" difference.

    When the proofs came back for checking, the copy editor had
    changed it to "big indian vs. little indian." Dorothy rather
    indignantly changed it back and added a marginal note, "See: J.
    Swift." When she mentioned this to me, I was able to point out
    that "big endian vs. little endian" is a real dispute among those
    who design computer hardware architectures. (She hand't known

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lowell Gilbert@21:1/5 to Dorothy J Heydt on Mon Jul 10 10:46:56 2023
    djheydt@kithrup.com (Dorothy J Heydt) writes:

    (Hal Heydt)
    When my late wife--Dorothy J. Heydt--wrote _A Point of Honor_,
    one of the characters described a particular design debate among
    the programmers who wrote the VR system in the book as a "big
    endian vs. little endian" difference.

    When the proofs came back for checking, the copy editor had
    changed it to "big indian vs. little indian." Dorothy rather
    indignantly changed it back and added a marginal note, "See: J.
    Swift." When she mentioned this to me, I was able to point out
    that "big endian vs. little endian" is a real dispute among those
    who design computer hardware architectures. (She hand't known

    Because hardware people get to weigh in earlier in the architecture
    design than software people, little-endian has (largely) won the battle
    at this point.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Peter Trei@21:1/5 to Dorothy J Heydt on Mon Jul 10 07:51:49 2023
    On Sunday, July 9, 2023 at 11:01:26 PM UTC-4, Dorothy J Heydt wrote:
    In article <91d5f4cc-2c2c-4d03...@googlegroups.com>,
    ele...@optonline.net <evelynchim...@gmail.com> wrote:
    TOPIC: Proof-Reading, History, James Joyce, Pronunciation, and
    MOBY-DICK (letter of comment by Jim Susky)

    In response to Evelyn's comments on proof-reading in the 06/23/23
    issue of the MT VOID, Jim Susky writes:

    In MT VOID 6/23/2023 Evelyn commented on various spelling and usage >mishaps--in support of the notion that proof-reading is in decline.
    (Hal Heydt)
    When my late wife--Dorothy J. Heydt--wrote _A Point of Honor_,
    one of the characters described a particular design debate among
    the programmers who wrote the VR system in the book as a "big
    endian vs. little endian" difference.

    When the proofs came back for checking, the copy editor had
    changed it to "big indian vs. little indian." Dorothy rather
    indignantly changed it back and added a marginal note, "See: J.
    Swift." When she mentioned this to me, I was able to point out
    that "big endian vs. little endian" is a real dispute among those
    who design computer hardware architectures. (She hand't known

    Since the term was being used in a programming context, did she
    alter the text beyond the spelling? While in Swift it means 'a dispute
    over something of totally unimportant', as you say, for programmers
    it has real meaning, and it is never used in the Swiftian sense when
    discussing computers.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Dorothy J Heydt@21:1/5 to petertrei@gmail.com on Mon Jul 10 16:29:48 2023
    In article <2a306327-31c7-4d22-a701-ac0e0d998e4en@googlegroups.com>,
    Peter Trei <petertrei@gmail.com> wrote:
    On Sunday, July 9, 2023 at 11:01:26 PM UTC-4, Dorothy J Heydt wrote:
    In article <91d5f4cc-2c2c-4d03...@googlegroups.com>,
    ele...@optonline.net <evelynchim...@gmail.com> wrote:
    TOPIC: Proof-Reading, History, James Joyce, Pronunciation, and
    MOBY-DICK (letter of comment by Jim Susky)

    In response to Evelyn's comments on proof-reading in the 06/23/23
    issue of the MT VOID, Jim Susky writes:

    In MT VOID 6/23/2023 Evelyn commented on various spelling and usage
    mishaps--in support of the notion that proof-reading is in decline.
    (Hal Heydt)
    When my late wife--Dorothy J. Heydt--wrote _A Point of Honor_,
    one of the characters described a particular design debate among
    the programmers who wrote the VR system in the book as a "big
    endian vs. little endian" difference.

    When the proofs came back for checking, the copy editor had
    changed it to "big indian vs. little indian." Dorothy rather
    indignantly changed it back and added a marginal note, "See: J.
    Swift." When she mentioned this to me, I was able to point out
    that "big endian vs. little endian" is a real dispute among those
    who design computer hardware architectures. (She hand't known

    Since the term was being used in a programming context, did she
    alter the text beyond the spelling? While in Swift it means 'a dispute
    over something of totally unimportant', as you say, for programmers
    it has real meaning, and it is never used in the Swiftian sense when >discussing computers.

    (Hal Heydt)
    Beyond reverting to what she wrote (as opposed to what the
    copyeditor thought it ought to be), she didn't change it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)