• MT VOID, 08/12/22 -- Vol. 41, No. 7, Whole Number 2236

    From evelynchimelisleeper@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 14 06:10:47 2022
    08/12/22 -- Vol. 41, No. 7, Whole Number 2236

    Co-Editor: Mark Leeper, mleeper@optonline.net
    Co-Editor: Evelyn Leeper, eleeper@optonline.net
    Sending Address: evelynchimelisleeper@gmail.com
    All material is the opinion of the author and is copyrighted by the
    author unless otherwise noted.
    All comments sent or posted will be assumed authorized for
    inclusion unless otherwise noted.

    To subscribe or unsubscribe, send mail to eleeper@optonline.net
    The latest issue is at <http://www.leepers.us/mtvoid/latest.htm>.
    An index with links to the issues of the MT VOID since 1986 is at <http://leepers.us/mtvoid/back_issues.htm>.

    Six Lost Worlds: The Dramatic Adaptations of Sir Arthur
    Conan Doyle's Novel (Part 4) (film comments
    by Mark R. Leeper)
    A DESOLATION CALLED PEACE (book review by Joe Karpierz)
    THE LOST WORLD (1998) (letter of comment by Gary McGath)
    The MT VOID (letter of comment by Guy Lillian III)
    OF THE ALCHEMIST'S DAUGHTER) (book comments
    by Evelyn C. Leeper)


    TOPIC: Six Lost Worlds: The Dramatic Adaptations of Sir Arthur
    Conan Doyle's Novel (Part 4) (film comments by Mark R. Leeper)

    [continued from last week]

    THE LOST WORLD (1999)

    Richard Franklin directed the 1999 version of THE LOST WORLD as a
    two-hour (minus commercials) pilot for the Canadian TV series of
    the same name. In fact the series sold and apparently ran in
    Canada and the United States. I was less than pleased with the
    pilot, which was very much of a television quality.

    The setup is only vaguely correct and the people never do get off
    the plateau because then we would not have a continuing television
    series, would we? The focus is not even on the characters that
    Doyle created. They are lessened in importance compared to new
    strong (female) characters.

    After an action prolog in which we see a man attacked by something
    big in a jungle, presumably a dinosaur. He finds tall, handsome
    explorer Challenger (Peter McCauley, very unlike Doyle's version).
    He dies in his camp, but not before he leaves Challenger his
    journal and photo negatives of pterodactyls. Challenger returns to
    London with tales of this lost world that he has not visited. He
    tells the geographic society of his discovery. They are skeptical,
    but suggest a special expedition. There are the usual three
    volunteers: Ned Malone (William deVry), Lord John Roxton (William
    Snow, a Pierce Brosnan look-alike), and Dr. Summerlee (Michael
    Sinelnikoff). Michael Sinelnikoff, as I said, also played
    Summerlee in the American version the previous year. In that he
    was a major character. Here, though he plays the same role, he has
    a lot less acting to do.

    In one more variance from the book, Challenger seems to have no
    enmity toward Malone. When the question of who will fund the
    expedition arises a mysterious and beautiful woman steps forward,
    Marguerite Krux (played by Rachel Blakely) and volunteers on the
    proviso that she can come on the expedition. Krux irritatingly has
    attitudes of 1999 and not at all of 1912. She complains about
    museums of "dead things." She wears brief outfits in the jungle.
    They nicely show off her cleavage but would be roughly the
    equivalent of ringing a flying insect dinner bell. She also seems
    to like skinny-dipping. The Victorian Doyle would probably have
    been scandalized by this adaptation of his book.

    The group travels to the rain forest. Along the way they survive
    an attack by headhunters. They also survive the crash landing of
    the balloon they brought for their ascent onto the plateau. The
    landing of the balloon is never shown, probably as an economy
    measure. (The credit sequence shows the splintered piece of
    plateau that is the way the explorers in the book get onto the main
    plateau. The film never actually uses that entrance, choosing a
    perhaps more visual balloon ascent.)

    On the plateau the explorers find Veronica, a Sheena-like jungle
    girl clad in a brief leather two-piece. She also is an abundant
    source of cleavage and is the last survivor of a previous
    expedition that included her parents. She has grown up on the
    plateau, and she lives in a fantastic tree house beyond anything
    Tarzan imagined. It even has an elevator.

    The characters are not well developed. Roxton proves to be a
    likable bounder. The other males are bland and uninteresting.
    Krux would be a character of some interest if she were a little
    less 1999 and more 1912.

    The special effects are generally indifferently executed and there
    is not much real interaction between humans and dinosaurs. The
    large beasts are seen most frequently from distance. The
    prehistoric animals are an audience attraction, but they are a
    background detail that rarely fits into the plot. In fact, before
    the dinosaurs are first seen by the expedition, nobody even thinks
    to ask Veronica if there are dinosaurs on the plateau or not. The
    actual purpose of the expedition just never comes up. Now that is
    really relegates the dinosaurs to the background and concentrates
    more on the ape-men. Of course, Doyle did much the same. The
    effects might have been good if seen in Willis O'Brien's day but
    are really not up to 1990s standards. The images of the beasts are
    just never really integrated into scenes with people and frequently
    there are bad matte lines. When a pterodactyl grabs Roxton and
    carries him off the lizard undulates in air with the wing-beats,
    but Roxton remains rigid.

    This version is more just a castaway story than a serious
    adaptation of Doyle's book. It is reminiscent of the old
    children's program "The Land of the Lost." The pilot is less
    interested in telling Doyle's story as in setting up the television

    This brings us to the television series. Episodes I have seen have
    not been very interesting and not very faithful to the Doyle. They
    seem to freely move into the area of fantasy and have a lot of
    female flesh. Some of the writing is painfully bad. While
    searching for a way off the plateau the trapped explorers find what
    Challenger calls an "ocean"--on the plateau. He wants to find a
    sea route off the plateau. How exactly does he think that would
    work? How do you have an ocean lapping at the top of a plateau?

    But even while this "sci-fi" series was being produced techniques
    for creating animal images on film improved. And Doyle's story
    was, as always, the perfect showcase for the new effects. So two
    years later the story was filmed a sixth time.

    THE LOST WORLD (2001)

    It is not like previous decade had not had several adaptations of
    Arthur Conan Doyle's THE LOST WORLD. But after the BBC finished
    their "Walking with Dinosaurs" with very realistic-looking effects,
    I suspected that the next natural thing to do with this technology
    for creating lifelike dinosaurs was to juxtapose them with humans.
    No respectable non-fiction presentation could do that. One would
    have to do a story in which humans interface closely with the
    dinosaurs. There is only one classic, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's THE
    humans in viewing distance of an ichthyosaur fighting a plesiosaur,
    but these are not really dinosaurs and it is only one sequence.)
    So once again the Doyle was adapted.

    The BBC, in cooperation with the A&E cable network, brought us a
    new version about 165 minutes long. The special effects combine
    CGI and full-scale models to give us state of the art visuals and
    dinosaur images that look realistic and fit our current
    paleontological knowledge.

    This was, at least to my taste, the best version of the story we
    are likely to get for a while. Willis O'Brien who created the
    effects for the 1925 THE LOST WORLD and then was heartbroken when
    lizards were used in the 1960 version of the film would have been
    very pleased to see this version. Doyle might have been a little
    less pleased with the liberties taken with the plot. But still it
    was done on a relatively intelligent level.

    Bob Hoskins takes a turn playing Challenger, a scientist with the
    reputation for being a crackpot. He outdoes himself when he claims
    that on his last expedition to South America he found a remote
    place where dinosaurs still live. The Royal Society is skeptical
    but fits out an expedition of four led by Challenger and the bland intellectual Summerlee (Edward Fox this time), a skeptic who has no
    patience for Challenger's claims or eccentricities. There is also
    game hunter Lord Roxton (Tom Ward) and news reporter Edward Malone
    (Matthew Rhys). The expedition finds the plateau where Challenger
    saw the dinosaurs all right, but their means of exit is destroyed
    in a way closer than usual to the Doyle, though still somewhat
    revisionist. They have to face the now all-too-real dinosaurs that
    Challenger reported seeing.

    None of the cinematic versions of the novel have been really
    faithful. The newest version only roughly follows the Doyle and
    creates two new major characters. Agnes Clooney, raised in the
    jungle near the site of the plateau has lived in the jungle all her
    life and will act as a guide at the plateau. Theo Kerr (Peter
    Falk) is her uncle, a Bible-thumping missionary at odds with
    Summerlee over the issue of Creationism and Evolution. This is a
    more intelligent revision than in previous versions, but one
    wonders why it is always found necessary to revise the Doyle plot.

    While the triangle of Challenger, Summerlee, and Kerr contest
    science, a romantic triangle of Clooney, Roxton, and Malone
    sprouts. The novel is "revised" throughout. In the novel,
    Challenger is the most irascible character with a reputation for
    violence against newspaper reporters like Malone. Hoskins loses
    this dimension and seems to be the most pleasant and amiable of the
    expedition members. The story starts as great fun, though in the
    last hour the writing is disappointingly pedestrian.

    Among the modifications from the Doyle is the effort to humanize
    the sub-human ape men on the plateau. In the book they were cruel
    killers who entertained themselves dropping their enemies over
    cliffs. That aspect was considerably toned down for this
    television version. This is the longest version yet made so there
    is more emphasis on South American color than there was even in the

    The special effects are certainly what sets this version apart from
    previous cinematic adaptations of the novel. Still, the dinosaurs,
    while more real-looking than previous version, are not quite
    integrated with the people. When we see an entire dinosaur,
    requiring CGI, it cannot quite interact with the people
    superimposed in the scene. It was much like early Ray Harryhausen
    rarely had the creatures he created interacting directly with
    people. When need be, he could have cowboys lasso a dinosaur, but
    such effects were used sparingly and it showed. In this LOST WORLD
    we see even less such interaction. People will be chased by a
    dinosaur that looks realistic, but on a different plane from the
    people. What does that mean? It is hard to describe.

    Admittedly, in the 1950s it was very easy to describe what was
    wrong with the special effects of a film. In the 21st century
    complaints with the special effects are more abstract and harder to
    explain. But some limitations are still obvious to the eye.

    This is probably the best version of THE LOST WORLD since the 1925
    version. It will probably be a while until a better version of THE
    LOST WORLD is made.

    [concluded next week]



    TOPIC: A DESOLATION CALLED PEACE by Arkady Martine (copyright 2021,
    Tor, $26.99, 494pp ISBN 978-1-250-18646-1) (book review by Joe

    A DESOLATION CALLED PEACE is the spectacular sequel to Arkady
    Martine's Hugo-Award-winning novel A MEMORY CALLED EMPIRE. It's
    tough act to follow when your debut novel is as successful as A
    MEMORY CALLED EMPIRE, but Martine manages to write not only a novel
    that is as good as her first, but one that is quite possibly even

    Diplomat Mahit Dzmare is back on Lsel Station along with her two
    imago lines of Yskander Aghavn planted firmly in her head. At the
    end of MEMORY, Dzmare had alerted both Lsel and the Teixcalaan
    Empire of an impending alien invasion on the outside of Teixcalaani
    Space. Nine Hibiscus, and her second it command, Twenty Cicada,
    are out at the forefront of the impending war with the aliens.
    Things are complicated, though. She and a small fleet--small
    because it just isn't big enough to deal with the impending
    invasion--have been sent out by a faction that may not want her to
    survive. Political forces on Lsel Station want the impending war
    to drag on forever, depleting the Empire forces so it doesn't have
    enough resources to eventually absorb Lsel. To make matters worse,
    there apparently is no way of communicating with the enemy.

    When Nine Hibiscus calls back home to get a diplomat trained in
    first contact communication, Three Seagrass, by virtue of her
    position in the government, assigns herself to the mission and
    eventually finds and drags along Mahit with her; after all, she's
    been wanting to see Mahit again and Dzmare may have just the right
    kind of training to help her with this mission.

    Back at the end of MEMORY, the Empire was in a state of upheaval.
    There's a new emperor on the throne, and a new heir--an
    eleven-year-old boy, a clone who is genetically 90% of the previous emperor--who gets involved in the political fray back home. He
    assigned to be the "little spy" of the emperor, Nineteen Adze, as
    she tries to figure out what is going on within her own government
    and the various ministries that run it. That curious and
    intelligent eleven year old, Eight Antidote, takes a lot of
    initiative and goes off exploring avenues that he probably wasn't
    supposed to, and he learns the ins and outs of how the ministries
    work and how they're manipulating the conflict out at the edge of
    the empire.

    There's a lot going on here. Political intrigue both in the Empire
    and at Lsel station; a conflict with an overpowering and
    uncommunicative enemy; a potential plant within the fleet that may
    be there to ruin the effort to resolve the conflict with the enemy;
    a diplomat with two extra sets of memories running around in her
    head; a pair of lovers whose conflict may derail the effort of
    dealing with the enemy; and a young boy who is growing up faster
    than most his age and who may just hold the key to the entire

    A DESOLATION CALLED PEACE is the Space Opera that was promised at
    the end of A MEMORY CALLED EMPIRE. But it's more than just that.
    It's got weight and heft. Sure, it's got frightening aliens that
    the protagonists are struggling to understand. It's got space
    ships shooting at each other. It's got believable characters with
    real problems. It's got puzzles to solve. It's got
    Empires--because after all, Space Operas have Empires. But mostly
    what it has is a terrifically written story that, when combined
    with its predecessor, is a good a science fiction tale as we've
    seen in a very very long time. [-jak]


    TOPIC: THE LOST WORLD (1998) (letter of comment by Gary McGath)

    In response to Mark's comments on THE LOST WORLD (1998) in the
    08/05/22 issue of the MT VOID, Gary McGath writes:

    [Mark writes,] "Six years after the Canadian production of THE
    LOST WORLD, the story was again adapted in the United States with
    some unusual variations. Even the title was modified. Following
    became popular to include the original author's name in the title
    of films based on classics. It somehow promised that the content
    fidelity to the original work. BRAM STOKER'S DRACULA added a love
    interest for Dracula that Bram Stoker would not have recognized,
    and MARY SHELLEY'S FRANKENSTEIN had Victor bringing his bride back
    from the dead in precisely the way that the character in the book
    did not. Still, it was popular for a while to put the author's
    name in the title. Hence in two years we have two different films

    Some people were so annoyed with the changes Peter Jackson made to
    LORD OF THE RINGS that they said it should be called "J.R.R.
    Tolkien's Lord of the Rings." [-gmg]


    TOPIC: The MT VOID (letter of comment by Guy Lillian III)

    In response primarily to the 08/05/22 issue of the MT VOID, Guy
    Lillian III writes in THE ZINE DUMP #55:

    Each week a new MT VOID appears in my e-mail. In it the witty
    fannish duo Mark and Evelyn Leeper, plus the occasional guest,
    comment on science fiction--books, films, TV--and do so with
    intelligence and energy. No talk of fandom here; the subject is
    the genre. In recent months, we’ve seen the team discuss and
    review various interpretations, almost all awful, of Doyle’s THE
    LOST WORLD, GOOD OMENS, great samurai films (including the
    unforgettable DUEL ON GANRYU ISLAND), Hal Clement’s classic NEEDLE,
    the re-told World War II story of Operation Mincemeat, and an
    interesting look at racist robots in antique SF and how they
    reflect the general social tenor of the times. Consistent,
    intriguing, quality work. I must also thank Mark for his support
    in my new struggle with Parkinson’s. [-gl]

    Evelyn notes:

    The racist robots were actually real current AIs, alas, rather than
    those in antique SF. [-ecl]


    TOPIC: This Week's Reading (book comments by Evelyn C. Leeper)

    OLIVE ODYSSEY by Julie Angus (Greystone, ISBN 978-1-553-65514-5) is
    half about the history, biology, and uses of olives and olive
    trees, and half a travelogue involving a sailboat and a
    ten-month-old baby. For what I was interested in, there was too
    little of the former, and too much of the latter. My attitude was
    not improved when Angus talked about how her baby screamed through
    the entire flight from the United States to France; she expressed
    no remorse about subjecting her fellow passengers to this. The
    details of their difficulties in buying a sailboat had nothing to
    do with olives either. (And she told someone that she had thought
    that light olive oil had fewer calories than regular olive oil.)
    Ultimately, I somewhat gave up, flipping through what was left of
    the book to read about olives in the sections that talked about

    (Gallery/Saga, ISBN 978-1-481-46651-6) is a mash-up of
    few other classic horror and detective tales, but with primarily
    female characters. It was enjoyable enough, but at times a bit
    heavy-handed, and I found it hard to suspend my disbelief that
    these characters could all end up meeting each other. (I'm
    interested in comparing it to THE DAUGHTER OF DOCTOR MOREAU by
    Sylvia Moreno-Garcia, especially as I liked her MEXICAN GOTHIC.)


    Mark Leeper

    Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest
    of men, for the nastiest of motives, will somehow work
    for the benefit of us all.
    --John Maynard Keynes

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Gary McGath@21:1/5 to eleeper@optonline.net on Sun Aug 14 14:47:20 2022
    On 8/14/22 9:10 AM, eleeper@optonline.net wrote:
    Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest
    of men, for the nastiest of motives, will somehow work
    for the benefit of us all.
    --John Maynard Keynes

    Keynes thought that being more well-off and comfortable and having nice
    stuff is "the nastiest of motives"? That explains a lot about him.

    Gary McGath http://www.mcgath.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Kevrob@21:1/5 to Gary McGath on Sun Aug 14 12:16:43 2022
    On Sunday, August 14, 2022 at 2:47:23 PM UTC-4, Gary McGath wrote:
    On 8/14/22 9:10 AM, ele...@optonline.net wrote:
    Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest
    of men, for the nastiest of motives, will somehow work
    for the benefit of us all.
    --John Maynard Keynes
    Keynes thought that being more well-off and comfortable and having nice
    stuff is "the nastiest of motives"? That explains a lot about him.


    JMK was presumably trying to rebut Adam Smith.


    It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages. {etc}


    - Book I, Chapter 2 of "Wealth of Nations"


    This from a civil servant, who collected a significant proportion of
    his income through coercion.

    Kevin R

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Robert Woodward@21:1/5 to Kevrob on Sun Aug 14 21:56:28 2022
    In article <3f6eb0a4-61d6-464e-a639-2689f05a128fn@googlegroups.com>,
    Kevrob <kevrob@my-deja.com> wrote:

    On Sunday, August 14, 2022 at 2:47:23 PM UTC-4, Gary McGath wrote:
    On 8/14/22 9:10 AM, ele...@optonline.net wrote:
    Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest
    of men, for the nastiest of motives, will somehow work
    for the benefit of us all.
    --John Maynard Keynes
    Keynes thought that being more well-off and comfortable and having nice stuff is "the nastiest of motives"? That explains a lot about him.


    JMK was presumably trying to rebut Adam Smith.


    It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them
    of our own necessities but of their advantages. {etc}


    - Book I, Chapter 2 of "Wealth of Nations"


    This from a civil servant, who collected a significant proportion of
    his income through coercion.

    Wasn't this a position that he was appointed to AFTER the publication of _Wealth of Nations_? (BTW, if I follow your definition correctly, all
    civil servants collect most of their income from coercion because the
    vast majority of government income is from taxes).

    "We have advanced to new and surprising levels of bafflement."
    Imperial Auditor Miles Vorkosigan describes progress in _Komarr_. —-----------------------------------------------------
    Robert Woodward robertaw@drizzle.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Kevrob@21:1/5 to Kevrob on Tue Aug 16 15:44:42 2022
    On Tuesday, August 16, 2022 at 6:32:44 PM UTC-4, Kevrob wrote:


    In the 1790s, the students paid their lecturers directly, acc to:

    I should have typed "1700s." Smith died in 1790.


    Kevin R

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Kevrob@21:1/5 to Robert Woodward on Tue Aug 16 15:32:43 2022
    On Monday, August 15, 2022 at 12:56:31 AM UTC-4, Robert Woodward wrote:
    In article <3f6eb0a4-61d6-464e...@googlegroups.com>,
    Kevrob <kev...@my-deja.com> wrote:

    On Sunday, August 14, 2022 at 2:47:23 PM UTC-4, Gary McGath wrote:
    On 8/14/22 9:10 AM, ele...@optonline.net wrote:
    Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest
    of men, for the nastiest of motives, will somehow work
    for the benefit of us all.
    --John Maynard Keynes
    Keynes thought that being more well-off and comfortable and having nice stuff is "the nastiest of motives"? That explains a lot about him.


    JMK was presumably trying to rebut Adam Smith.


    It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that
    we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address
    ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them
    of our own necessities but of their advantages. {etc}


    - Book I, Chapter 2 of "Wealth of Nations"


    This from a civil servant, who collected a significant proportion of
    his income through coercion.
    Wasn't this a position that he was appointed to AFTER the publication of _Wealth of Nations_? (BTW, if I follow your definition correctly, all
    civil servants collect most of their income from coercion because the
    vast majority of government income is from taxes).


    If I was unclear, I apologize. By "This from..." I was referring to the remark by Keynes that the Leepers used at the end of MT VOID #2236.

    I would hesitate to call an 18th century Don at a Scottish University a "civil servant." Who owned, operated and funded those at that time? The Crown?
    The Kirk? The Edinburgh town council? Was it what we would now call a

    In the 1790s, the students paid their lecturers directly, acc to:


    Kevin R

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)