XPost: nz.general, nz.politics
Admittedly this is from 1998 but then again not much has changed in the
way of nz.* newsgroups since that time. Seems to me it could be the basis
for a revised FAQ in 2023. Of note nz.politics and the reason for it's existence.
The nz.* Usenet Hierarchy FAQ
Maintained by Simon Lyall (
Version number 1.57
Created - Jun 1 1998
Subject: 1.2 What nz.* groups are there?
The following is a list of the currently recognized nz.* newsgroups. These groups should be covered by all sites that claim to carry the nz.*
Discussion of television, exhibitions and books etc. Traffic is fairly
light and as with several of the smaller groups much of the traffic that
would normally be expected to take place in this group goes on in
nz.general instead.
This is a moderated forum for the posting of commercial messages including those advertising Jobs. All messages must follow a set format (see the FAQ posted to the group). The group is currently moderated by a team of
moderators. Submissions should be sent to
nbm@usenet.net.nz while the moderators can be contacted via
Anything computer related.
e.g. why modems need telepermits, Good computer companies.
For-sale and Jobs posts should go to nz.wanted or nz.biz.misc.
The cesspool of the nz.* hierarchy, Everything tends to be discussed
here with other groups only picking up the scraps.
Examples: speed cameras, Shortland Street, Current affairs.
If at all possible, you should use a more specialized nz.* group in order
to make sure your post stands out from the clutter.
This is a moderated group for posting important announcements on Internet
links and services in New Zealand. The group is moderated to prevent chat
and to reduce the number of unwanted posts. All discussion on posts to
group should take place elsewhere, usually nz.net.admin. The guidelines
for posting to the group are regularly posted and the moderators' address
This group provides a forum for the discussion of issues surrounding
the Internet in New Zealand. Queries as to the status of various services should be posted to this group as well as follow-ups on posts to nz.net.announce. Discussion of newsgroups reorganizations with the nz.* hierarchy should also take place here.
This group is for discussion of Internal business of ISOCNZ as well as
other issues that it is concerned with.
nz.politics.announce is a moderated forum for the posting of official
press releases, election results and announcements by Government bodies and other entities involved in the political process and government of New
Since the group is not intended as a discussion medium followups must be directed to another newsgroup (usually nz.politics) or to the poster.
Articles will be crossposted only at the moderators' discretion and normal official announcements should not be crossposted to nz.politics
The following (or their spokespersons) may post Official Information, statements, announcements and releases to the group:
* Ministers of the Crown.
* Members of Parliament.
* Registered political parties.
* Candidates in General and by-elections.
* The Electoral Commission.
* The Chief Electoral Officer.
* The Registrar of Electors.
* The Clerk of the Writs.
* The Representation Commission.
In addition the following may be posted
* Administrative posts and Information about the Newsgroup
* FAQs related to politics in New Zealand.
* Announcements of online political resources, mailing lists, newsgroups
and web sites.
Posts must be in plain text and have a legitimate from address that will
reach the author. Anonymous post are not accepted.
Posts which contain substantially the same text may not be posted more
than once every two weeks and the moderators may place a limit on a
particular entity's posts provided this is not less than 10 posts and/or
30 kilobytes per day.
All forms of political discussion relating to New Zealand.
Sports, games, and other outdoor and indoor activities.
Any posts which deal with things of interest to or about the area or
region are welcome and on-topic in this group. This includes discussions
of local activities and events, local non-commercial buy/sell/wanted
posts, local issues and personalities and anything else that relates to
the area covered by the group.
The following things are not welcome:
Chain letters, including "Make Money Fast" articles
Known hoaxes (like the "Good Times Virus")
Articles posted as separate copies to several newsgroups (spam)
Articles excessively cross-posted (see below for details)
Articles containing significantly more quoted than new content Duplicate/rapidly reposted messages
Commercial messages of any kind.
Also crossposts to any non-regional nz.* group are by definition off-topic unless a follow-up to only one group is set. If you are posting
something in nz.general or nz.wanted then there is no need to post it in
say nz.reg.auckland.general
Crossposts to other regional groups may be appropriate if the post deals
with something that crosses some regional boundaries. An example may be a
post talking about using the Waikato River to supply water to Auckland.
This may be appropriate for both nz.reg.auckland.general and nz.reg.hamilton.general.
If it is cross-posted to more than four regional groups then it should be
in nz.general/nz.politics/nz.wanted etc., as appropriate. Cross-posts to
every regional group will be regarded as spamming and abusive behavior.
Crossposts to other groups such as misc.transport.urban may be
appropriate but in any case cross posts to more than four groups are
considered unwelcome.
An exception may me made to the crosspost limit for FAQs, CFVs and other administrative posts.
Social issues, traffic is very light.
All sorts of 'green' issues relating to the environment, many posts are articles forwarded from other publications or electronic forums.
nz.soc.queer is a forum for the discussion of issues relating to the New Zealand queer community. It is a discussion group to cater for people who
feel themselves to be excluded from the "straight" community because of sexuality or gender orientation issues. This includes, but is not limited
to: gay men, lesbians, bisexual men and women, transgendered people,
people in multiple-partnered relationships, friends of any of the above,
and those who are curious or unsure.
This is NOT a valid forum for discussion of the "correctness" or otherwise,
of any of the previously mentioned orientations/preferences. Other
newsgroups exist where this discussion can occur.
This is NOT a valid forum for hate posts against the previously mentioned orientations/preferences.
Any posts discussing religion generally, specific religions, faiths,
plus philosophy and ethics as it relates to religious backgrounds are
all on-topic for this group.
The following things are not welcome:
Chain letters, including "Make Money Fast" articles
Known hoaxes (like the "Good Times Virus")
Articles posted as separate copies to several newsgroups (spam)
Articles excessively cross-posted
Articles containing significantly more quoted than new content Duplicate/rapidly reposted messages
Commercial messages of any kind.
For test posts. See Section 8.0 for more information.
The place to post non-commercial For-Sale, Wanted, Looking for people and personals. See Section 8.0 for more information.
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