Mark Rainier is an employee of
Massey University, in Palmerston North,
New Zealand.
Mark Rainier sexually harasses young
female students at Massey University.
Mark Rainier abuses his job of allegedly
providing support services to students.
Mark Rainier makes disgusting propositions,
and behaves in a threatening manner
towards vulnerable young female students,
at Massey University.
Mark Rainier lies and claims to be some
kind of church-going christian, so that
he can pretend that he is trustworthy.
Mark Rainier is actually a snotty,
corrupt pseudo-christian.
Mark Rainier is a disgusting, harassing,
threatening, perverted predator.
In multiple cases, Mark Rainier approached
young female students, and talked about how
he likes to take care of them. And then
pulled out his phone, and showed a disgusting
pornographic picture of woman in a schoolgirl
uniform, lifting her skirt, and showing her
Mark Rainier bragged that he likes them
young and fresh and innocent, in his own
One young first year student said that
she was going to file a complaint. Then,
Mark Rainier bragged that, he has been
getting away with this for many years.
Mark Rainier has been enabled by his
employer, Massey University, to harass,
abuse, and threaten vulnerable young
female students.
Mark Rainier threatened to make false
accusations against a student, to get
her kicked out of Massey University.
Mark Rainier lied and claimed that,
university regulations state nobody is
allowed to, in his words, give him lip.
Meaning to question his alleged authority
to kick students out.
Then, he sneered. And said that, if the
student was willing to actually, give him
some lips, then he might go easy on her.
A really creepy thing is that, Mark Rainier
comes across as effeminate. And is probably
a closeted gay man. Who thus hates women.
Perhaps that is why this evil predator
Mark Rainier falsely pretends to be a decent
christian, while sexually harassing vulnerable
young female students.
Mark Rainier appears to be an effeminate
but closeted gay man. And his corrupt
fantasies of being an authoritative christian
and taking advantage of young females,
make him dangerous.
Mark Rainier sullies the reputation of his
employer, Massey University.
Mark Rainier has been enabled by his employer,
Massey University, which has ignored multiple
complaints, over many years, from female
Mark Rainier is dangerous. Some young female
students have described his repeated approaches
as stalking. These young women fear for their
safety. They are worried that Mark Rainier
might escalate to committing a sexual assault.
Some suggest that Mark Rainier may already
have sexually assaulted one or more young
female students. And that, the victims were
too afraid to report it.
Mark Rainier is a creepy little dirtbag.
Mark Rainier needs to be fired by Massey
Mark Rainier publicly damages the reputation
of Massey University.
Every young female student who has been
sexually harassed and threatened by this
predator Mark Rainier is encouraged to please
report it. Tell anyone and everyone at his
employer, Massey University, about how he
abuses vulnerable students, who are paying
for a safe, decent educational environment.
Tell anyone and everyone outside of
Massey University, about your experiences
with being harassed and threatened by
Mark Rainier.
Massey University needs to fire Mark Rainier
immediately, to reduce the severe damage that
he does to their institutional reputation.
Mark Rainier is scum.
Mark Rainier is a predator.
Feel free to contact Mark Rainier directly,
and tell him what you think of his disgusting
Mark Rainier
(06) 356 9099 ext. 86364
Better yet, feel free to contact Massey
University Vice-Chancellor, Jan Thomas.
And tell her what you think of Mark Rainier
sexually harassing vulnerable young students,
and damaging the reputation of the university.
Jan Thomas
(06) 350 5096
Time is up, scumbag.
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