• Re: Federal (Union shielding!) investigators point to design flaw as po

    From tinsdale@21:1/5 to All on Mon Nov 20 00:02:41 2023
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.labor-unions, chi.general
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    On 19 Nov 2023, tRUMP VERMIN Inmate P01135809 <elonx@protonmail.com>
    posted some news:ujdf1a$3snkp$21@dont-email.me:

    "She"? What the fuck does this cunt know about physics and railroad engineering?

    CHICAGO (CBS) – Federal investigators said the CTA Yellow Line crash
    that resulted in dozens of injuries might have happened because of a
    design problem that prevented the train from stopping before striking
    snow equipment on the tracks.

    During a press conference on Saturday afternoon, Jennifer Homendy, the
    chair of the National Transportation Safety Board, said the
    investigation team determined the design problem made it so the breaking distance the train had was 1,780 feet, about 1,000 feet shorter than
    newer systems.

    Investigators did not detect any obvious errors on the part of the
    driver, who was slowing the car at the time of the crash. The CTA knew
    the equipment was on the track ahead of the train and they were trying
    to stop.

    Homendy stressed the findings she shared on Saturday were preliminary
    and that more investigation needs to take place. A final analysis will
    take months to complete.

    "The breaking distance should have been longer," Homendy said, referring
    to the CTA's system. "A brand new system today, with the same track,
    they should have had 2,745 feet to stop that train ... not 1,780 feet.
    That is a design problem."

    She said more modern design systems allow for longer stopping distances, especially as trains have gotten heavier with more passengers.

    "Really surprising that these tried and true older cars have a design specification flow that for years we've been operating with perhaps,
    unsafe stopping distances," said Joe Schwieterman, a professor at DePaul University and an expert in the field of transportation. "This, you
    know, just shows how we constantly need to be vigilant about these new
    risks, because this was a lot of injury here."

    Homendy said the Yellow Line train was traveling at 26.9 miles per hour
    at the time of the collision with the snow fighter locomotive.
    Investigators looked at video footage from multiple cameras.

    She also said there were six employees on the snow fighter locomotive at
    the time of the crash and that the equipment was on the tracks for
    planned training.

    Homendy also mentioned an issue with residue on the track as the train
    tried to stop, which caused the wheels to skip.

    She added that the audio that appeared to show some were aware of the
    snow equipment on the tracks was a warning not for the train that
    ultimately crashed but for the one trailing it.

    Riders told CBS 2 they didn't recall any squeeling brakes, whistles, or

    NTSB officials said it's unclear how much of the CTA system might be
    operating under the old design, but they stressed they believe the CTA
    is still as a whole, a safer option than driving.

    In all, 38 people on the CTA train were hurt. There were 31 passengers
    and seven CTA employees on the train. A total of 23 were sent to area hospitals, some with serious injuries.

    Investigators said it was still unclear when the Yellow Line would
    resume operations in that section of the system.

    CBS 2 has reached out to the CTA for comment but has not heard back.

    https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/cta-yellow-line-crash-flaw/?intcid=C NR-02-0623

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