• Re: As residents near Ohio train derailment begin to file lawsuits, som

    From Joe's disasters@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 20 04:34:33 2023
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    On 25 Jan 2022, Victor Tandofsky <vtandofsky2@gmail.com> posted some news:ssqa89$m1a9$4@news.freedyn.de:

    Another union worker fuckup. Right after Biden gave these bastards a
    massive pay hike.

    Since returning to work following the derailment of a Norfolk Southern
    train carrying hazardous chemicals, Rick Feezle said he has had a raspy
    voice and chest pain.

    His wife has experienced sore throats and headaches, he said.

    Feezle, 63, said he has worked in the area around East Palestine, Ohio,
    all of his adult life and operates two businesses there: a salvage yard
    and an auto shop.

    He's part of a group of people who live or work near the derailment site
    who have filed a class action suit against Norfolk Southern. The Feb. 3 incident resulted in a fire and chemical spill, forcing residents within a roughly 1-mile radius to evacuate. Several days later, the rail company released and burned vinyl chloride — a flammable gas — a move officials
    said would alleviate the risk of an explosion.

    Authorities said residents could return home two days after that.

    "Nobody can tell us what we should do other than 'It’s safe, go head on
    back in there,'" Feezle said, his voice crackly. "And the fish are dying
    and animals are dying and I can hardly talk and my chest hurts."

    His lawsuit is one of at least six class action suits already filed
    against Norfolk Southern since the accident. For the most part, those
    suing the company allege that they’ve lost income due to evacuations, were exposed to cancer-causing chemicals and no longer feel safe in their

    Norfolk Southern said it was "unable to comment directly on litigation."
    But in a public update on Thursday, the company noted that in addition to
    its ongoing cleanup work, it was distributing more than $2 million in
    financial assistance to affected families and businesses to help with the
    costs of the evacuation, as well as creating a $1 million fund for the community.

    Feezle and his fellow plaintiffs are requesting compensation from the
    company for lost business revenue and expenses incurred during their evacuations. They’re also seeking punitive damages for exposure to toxic chemicals.

    The Environmental Protection Agency classifies vinyl chloride as a
    carcinogen, and routine exposure can increase one’s risk of liver cancer
    or damage.

    Another recently filed class-action, not involving Feezle, alleges that
    the rail company "discharged more cancer causing Vinyl Chloride into the environment in the course of a week than all industrial emitters combined
    did in the course of a year" in the U.S.

    Lisa Sodergen, a plaintiff in that suit, said in legal filings that her
    house was “surrounded by toxic black smoke” that irritated her lungs, eyes
    and skin. Sodergen lives in Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, about 5 miles
    from the derailment site, which is outside the evacuation zone.

    “She lives with ongoing pulmonary irritation and fear for the long-term consequences to her health and water supply,” the suit alleges.

    Along with another plaintiff, she is seeking damages for the increased
    risk of future illness and costs of medical monitoring to ensure the early detection of disease.

    Rene Rocha, an attorney at Morgan & Morgan Lawyers who represents
    Sodergen, said both plaintiffs in that case have had ongoing health issues
    that arose after the derailment.

    "When you talk to them, they run out of breath or start coughing," he

    As of Thursday, the EPA has helped evaluate the indoor air in more than
    500 homes, in conjunction with Norfolk Southern, and has not detected
    vinyl chloride above levels of concern in any of them. Gov. Mike DeWine
    said Thursday that the municipal water was safe to consume, based on the results of sampling and tests done by the EPA, Norfolk Southern and other agencies.

    In an open letter, Norfolk Southern CEO Alan Shaw promised to stay in the
    area “as long as it takes to ensure your safety and to help East Palestine recover and thrive.”

    Feezle said his employees — which include many of his family members — are still drinking bottled water, since they’re not convinced that the water
    supply is free of contamination. The Ohio Department of Health is
    recommending that people who get their drinking water from private wells
    use bottled water until those wells are tested.

    Feezle also said he has heard customers complaining about the lingering
    stench in the air. The EPA said last week that byproducts of vinyl
    chloride can emit smells at levels lower than what is considered

    Before making decisions about whether to keep operating his businesses in
    East Palestine, Feezle said, he’s waiting on independent water and air
    quality tests, which are being organized by his lawyers starting next
    week. Until the derailment, he said, he had been planning to pass his two businesses on to his children and employees one day.

    “If it’s bad and it’s gonna kill us, let us leave,” he said. “It’s gonna
    be a lot of bankrupt people and a lot of people that will take a long time
    to get started again, but least we’ll be alive.”

    Feezle also owns several rental properties in town, at least four of which
    are in the evacuation zone, he said.

    “The first person that really gets sick, that town is going to be a ghost town,” he said. “My businesses will be closing down, and I’ve worked all
    my life. I started in business when I was 19 and worked for myself that
    whole time. And my property values are going to plummet. I believe it cost
    me millions of dollars, the train wreck.”

    On top of all this, Feezle added, he is scared that he or his family
    members might develop cancer someday.

    “I’m afraid we’re all gonna be out of here in five years, one way or
    another," he said.

    <https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/lawsuits-filed-ohio-train- derailment-rcna71192>

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