• Concerned Citizen Accuses Gay Dads of Being 'Pedophiles' Who Stole Thei

    From dan schaefer@21:1/5 to All on Mon Apr 18 23:23:28 2022
    XPost: soc.culture.african.american, alt.politics.homosexuality, sac.politics XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    On Tuesday, Robbie Pierce, his husband Neal Broverman, and their two
    children—a 6-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter—took an Amtrak train
    from Los Angeles to Oakland, where Broverman, the executive editor of
    LGBTQ publication the Advocate and editorial director for print media at
    parent company Pride, was heading on a work trip.

    Pierce, a substitute teacher, and their children were tagging along.
    Around 10 hours into the journey, a man in their carriage started shouting
    at the family, and particularly their 6-year-old son Calvin.

    “Remember what I told you,” he shouted at Calvin. “They stole you. They’re pedophiles.”

    In a series of tweets the day after the incident, which went viral, Pierce related how he told the man to get away from his family. The man
    responded: “Family!? That’s not a family! You’re rapists. You steal Black
    and Asian kids.”

    Pierce and Broverman fostered Calvin when he was 2, and adopted him 18
    months ago; they are foster parents to their daughter, whom they began parenting a year and a half ago (and decline to name, because she is a
    foster child).

    The man continued to shout: “These guys aren’t natural. Homosexuals are an abomination. They steal and rape kids.”

    Pierce told The Daily Beast that his children had experienced traumatic
    early upbringings, and so this violent verbal abuse was especially
    terrifying. The children cried, and wanted to “practice screaming loud
    enough for help to come,” he said.

    Welcome to Another Year of Anti-Trans, Anti-LGBTQ Lawmaking

    Pierce later discovered that “Remember what I told you” referred to when
    the man had initially approached Calvin as the little boy was going to the toilet on the train earlier in the day—and told him in private what he viciously shouted at the family unit hours later. Calvin had been proud to
    go to the bathroom on his own, then later in the journey had been too
    terrified to return, which had puzzled Pierce. It was because he had been confronted by a total stranger saying the words above about his parents.

    Pierce is particularly angry with Republican politicians like Marjorie
    Taylor Greene and Fox News hosts who have been using anti-LGBTQ language
    around “grooming” in their latest obsessively pursued culture war against
    LGBTQ people, and trans youth in particular.

    Look at the kid these pedophiles "adopted and are grooming".

    <https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/EXZIGdwvNPayxY38PcyMeA-- /YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTcwNTtoPTM5NjtjZj13ZWJw/https://s.yimg.com/uu/ap i/res/1.2/UucXrQVHLXQeRQeDhFjUIA-- ~B/aD02NTg7dz0xMTcwO2FwcGlkPXl0YWNoeW9u/https://media.zenfs.com/en/thedail ybeast.com/b971bc6f9532e0ade56631f829ee6943>


    North Carolina Man Sentenced to 327 Months in Prison for Producing Child Pornography
    U.S. Attorney’s Office
    March 29, 2010

    District of Columbia
    (202) 252-6933
    WASHINGTON—Frank Lombard, 43, of Durham, North Carolina, was sentenced
    today in U.S. District Court to 327 months in prison for producing child pornography, announced U.S. Attorney Ronald C. Machen Jr., Metropolitan
    Police Department Chief Cathy L. Lanier, and Shawn Henry, Assistant
    Director of the FBI’s Washington Field Office. Lombard, a former Duke University employee who pled guilty on December 17, 2009, to sexual exploitation of a minor, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Gladys
    Kessler, who also ordered that Lombard serve a lifetime period of
    supervised release upon completion of his prison sentence, during which
    time he will be required to register as a sex offender.

    According to the Statement of the Offense filed in conjunction with the
    plea agreement, Lombard admitted to streaming a live pornographic image of himself and his prepubescent adopted son to another Internet user via a
    webcam in August 2007, evidence of which was found during a search of
    Lombard’s Durham, North Carolina home pursuant to a federal search warrant
    on June 24, 2009. Lombard also admitted that during a June 24, 2009,
    Internet chat session with an undercover police officer, he invited that officer to fly to Durham, North Carolina, in order to have sexual contact
    with his adopted son. At the time of Lombard’s June 24, 2009, arrest,
    child pornography materials were found in his home, and he admitted to law enforcement agents that he had engaged in sexual contact with his adopted

    This case was brought as part of Project Safe Childhood and the FBI/MPD
    Child Exploitation Task Force. In February 2006, the Attorney General
    created Project Safe Childhood, a nationwide initiative designed to
    protect children from online exploitation and abuse. Led by U.S.
    Attorney’s Offices, Project Safe Childhood marshals federal, state, and
    local resources to better locate, apprehend, and prosecute individuals who exploit children via the Internet, as well as identify and rescue victims.
    For more information about Project Safe Childhood, please visit www.projectsafechildhood.gov.

    In announcing the sentence, U.S. Attorney Machen, MPD Chief Lanier, and
    FBI Assistant Director Henry commended the outstanding efforts and
    coordination of the FBI/MPD Child Exploitation Task Force, Washington Metropolitan Police Department Detective Timothy Palchak, North Carolina
    State Bureau of Investigation Special Agent E. Michael Smith, Jr., and the
    U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of North Carolina. They
    also praised the work of Assistant U.S. Attorney Keith A. Becker, from the
    U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia, who prosecuted this

    https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/washingtondc/press- releases/2010/wfo032910.htm

    Duke University Associate Director Drugging & Raping His Infant Son

    Frank Lombard, 43 year old Associate Director of Duke University’s Center
    for Health Policy, was arrested, 24 June 2009, and charged on child sex
    abuse related counts. On 17 December 2009 he plead guilty to sexual exploitation of a minor and was sentenced, 29 March 2010, to just over 27
    years in federal prison.

    Lombard had been drugging, raping and offering for rape his five year
    adopted son since the child was an infant. He also live-streamed the
    infant rape. An informant told investigators he witnessed “Lombard
    molesting an African-American child on four occasions over an Internet
    video chat.” Lombard had adopted two African-American children that he
    sexually abused. His internet profile “stated he was interested in “perv
    fam fun.”

    Lombard was caught when he invited Washington DC undercover Detective
    Timothy Palchak to fly to North Carolina and “have sex with” his 5 year
    old adopted son. Lombard told the undercover investigator that “he had
    himself molested his child, whom he adopted as an infant, and that he had allowed others to molest his child.”

    He said “the abuse of the child was easier when the child was too young to
    talk or know what was happening” and “he drugged the child with Benadryl
    during the molestation.”

    Upon his arrest, Duke University placed Lombard on unpaid leave and
    terminated his employment in July 2009. Lombard had been employed at Duke
    since 1999.

    Both children were taken into protective custody.

    https://lorihandrahan2.medium.com/duke-universitys-associate-director-of- center-for-health-policy-drugging-raping-his-own-infant-67fb4e765261

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