• Rand Paul: Have to Cut Taxes on Top 1 Percent or It's Not a "Significan

    From Ubiquitous@21:1/5 to All on Fri Nov 3 21:05:01 2017
    XPost: alt.tv.pol-incorrect, alt.politics.usa, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh
    XPost: alt.radio.talk, us.taxes

    The Kentucky senator says members of Congress have bought into the
    'class warfare' of the Left

    by Kathryn Blackhurst

    Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Thursday on “The Laura Ingraham Show”
    that the House’s tax plan will deliver economic growth, although it
    doesn’t really constitute “a significant tax cut” as President
    Donald Trump said it would.

    The House’s watered-down Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, released Thursday,
    would reduce the number of income tax brackets to four, with rates
    of zero percent, 12 percent, 25 percent and 35 percent. In addition,
    the corporate tax rate drops from 35 percent to 20 percent — short
    of the 15 percent tax rate Trump championed on the campaign trail,
    but still a significant change.

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    Although Paul applauded some aspects of the bill's content, he
    expressed disappointment, saying the proposed legislation as it now
    stands wouldn't deliver the "significant tax cut" Trump and
    Republicans promised.

    "If you don't cut the top 1 percent, you don't really have a
    significant tax cut," Paul told LifeZette Editor-in-Chief Laura
    Ingraham. "What they've done is, they've bought into the class
    warfare on the individual side."

    "So at the top, there's not going to be much of a tax cut. There
    will be some. And in the middle, there's going to be a little bit —
    there's mostly going to be eliminating deductions. And at the
    bottom, the bottom already don't pay much income tax and will
    continue not to pay much income tax," Paul added.

    The senator from Kentucky said that if the U.S. wants to create jobs
    and keep them in the country, Congress must "lessen the punishment"
    it has doled out on corporations and the top 1 percent of income

    "We're punishing corporations and the workers of those corporations
    so much that companies are fleeing and going abroad. So we have the
    highest corporate income tax in the world. It's going down to 20
    percent," Paul said. "The president's been a good leader on this. He
    has pushed up until the last minute of the last hour last night.
    House leadership is still trying to not give him the corporate tax
    cut he's asked for."

    Even though the bill would only lower the corporate tax rate to 20
    percent, Paul said this move still would "be huge" for the country.

    "The best news out of this is, lowering the corporate rate will help
    the country. And I think we will see growth," Paul said. "Already
    we're seeing about 3 percent growth in the country because of the
    enthusiasm for President Trump and his policies. I think we're going
    to get 4 or 5 percent growth if we get this thing through, within a
    year or two."

    "For the individuals, it's not as good as I would like. I would like
    to see every individual up and down get a lower rate, and
    particularly on the top part of the spectrum because the top part of
    the spectrum pays most of the taxes," Paul continued.

    But the Democrats have been particularly effective in pushing the
    narrative that tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans disadvantage
    poorer Americans, and many Republicans have found themselves
    convinced by portions of these emotional arguments, Paul suggested.

    "We have to understand that the owners of our businesses — the
    people we work for — are richer than us. They pay more taxes," Paul
    said. "But if you lower their taxes, they will either buy stuff or
    hire more people. If you raise their taxes, it goes into the
    nonproductive economy, which is Washington, D.C., and it will be

    "So really, even if rich people get a tax cut, we should all stand
    up and cheer because it means more jobs for us because you're
    leaving more money in the private sector," Paul continued. "So I'm
    one of the few that will stand up on TV and say everybody's taxes
    should go down, including the wealthy."

    Dems & the media want Trump to be more like Obama, but then he'd
    have to audit liberals & wire tap reporters' phones.

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