• WaPo Tears Apart Dem Talking Point That Tax Cuts Only Benefit Wealthy

    From Ubiquitous@21:1/5 to All on Thu Nov 2 21:05:01 2017
    XPost: alt.tv.pol-incorrect, alt.politics.usa, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans, us.taxes

    The Washington Post soundly debunked the claim, made by numerous
    Democratic lawmakers, that the GOP tax reform bill will result in a
    tax increase for middle class households in a fact check published

    A number of prominent Democratic lawmakers have publicly claimed the
    tax reform bill, scheduled to be released Thursday, will result in
    an average tax increase of $794 for households making up to $86,100
    annually. WaPo fact checkers traced the claim back to a report
    produced by Democrats on the Joint Economic Committee, that predicts
    that some 8 million households making less than 86,100 per year will
    see their taxes increased.

    “If enacted, the Republican tax reform proposal would saddle 8
    million households that earn up to $86,100 with an average tax
    increase of $794—a substantial expense for working families,” the
    report reads.

    The Democratic lawmakers, including Sens. Kamala Harris of
    California, Robert Casey of Pennsylvania and Jeff Merkley of Oregon,
    falsely asserted the increase will apply on average to middle class
    families omitting the key detail that the increase will in fact be
    confined to “8 million households.”

    The distinction is important as 8 million households represent just
    6.5% of the nearly 122 million households in the bottom three income
    quintiles. Roughly 80 percent (97 million) of households in the
    bottom three quintiles will receive a tax cut, according to the
    report from which the false claim originated. Additionally, every
    quintile on average receives a tax cut.

    While the most substantial average tax cut will go to the top
    quintile, that group also contains the largest percentage of
    households (32.3) that see a tax increase.

    The fact check concludes with a harsh condemnation of the lawmakers
    who disseminated the demonstrably false talking point.

    “In their haste to condemn the GOP tax plan, Democrats have spread
    far and wide the false claim that families making less than $86,100
    on average will face a hefty tax hike,” the fact check reads.
    “Actually, it’s the opposite. Most families in that income range
    would get a tax cut. Any Democrat who spread this claim should
    delete their tweets and make clear they were in error.”

    Dems & the media want Trump to be more like Obama, but then he'd
    have to audit liberals & wire tap reporters' phones.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From #BeamMeUpScotty@21:1/5 to Ubiquitous on Fri Nov 3 13:22:30 2017
    XPost: alt.tv.pol-incorrect, alt.politics.usa, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans, us.taxes

    On 11/02/2017 09:05 PM, Ubiquitous wrote:
    The Washington Post soundly debunked the claim, made by numerous
    Democratic lawmakers, that the GOP tax reform bill will result in a
    tax increase for middle class households in a fact check published

    A number of prominent Democratic lawmakers have publicly claimed the
    tax reform bill, scheduled to be released Thursday, will result in
    an average tax increase of $794 for households making up to $86,100
    annually. WaPo fact checkers traced the claim back to a report
    produced by Democrats on the Joint Economic Committee, that predicts
    that some 8 million households making less than 86,100 per year will
    see their taxes increased.

    Typical FAKE NEWS from the DEMOCRATS.

    The Democrat Party is coming apart at the seams.

    That's Karma

    22 - Make the Socialists proud of you, strive to be the best at
    mediocrity that you can be.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)