• Pay per Mile: States Move Toward User-Based Road Tax

    From Ubiquitous@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jan 20 21:05:02 2023
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    XPost: us.taxes

    Hybrid drivers pay twice

    With each gallon of gas pumped in the United States since 1932, drivers
    have been paying taxes. The revenue is used for road repairs and public transportation such as train and bus systems.

    Currently, the Fed takes 18.4 cents per gallon for gas or 24.4 cents
    per gallon for diesel. State gas taxes range from a national high of 61
    cents for gas in Pennsylvania, to a low of 8.95 cents in Alaska.

    But environmentally motivated improvements in fuel efficiency and the
    move to electric vehicles (EVs) translate to less gas sold, resulting
    less tax revenue collected.

    State and federal governments are looking for a new way to fund
    transportation. Through numerous studies by transportation
    organizations, they have landed on mileage-based user fees (MBUF);
    vehicle miles traveled fees (VMT); road user charges (RUCs), or highway
    use fees (HUF). The acronyms all mean the same thing: Drivers pay a tax
    for each mile traveled.

    “All vehicles are going farther on less gas, and that is great for our
    wallets, especially with the gas prices going up. But it’s not so good
    when our transportation system is dependent on that fuel tax,” Trish
    Hendren, executive director of the Eastern Transportation Coalition,
    told The Epoch Times. “The link between usage and payment is broken.”

    The coalition describes itself as a partnership of 17 states and
    Washington, D.C., focused on connecting public agencies across modes of
    travel to increase safety and efficiency. Member states in the
    coalition include Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia,
    Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, North
    Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, and Virginia.

    But the move to user-based fees is a nationwide effort being discussed
    in every state. Oregon, Utah, and Virginia have already implemented
    pilot programs.

    At least 31 states have laws requiring a special registration fee for
    plug-in electric vehicles. Of those, 18 states also assess a fee on
    plug-in hybrid vehicles, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

    Fee for EV and Gas Power
    Virginia implemented a new highway use fee for electric and high-
    efficiency gas vehicles in 2020, in addition to its existing vehicle
    license registration. The HUF is around $20 and is calculated based, in
    part, on a vehicle’s fuel efficiency.

    In 2022, the state started offering Virginia’s Mileage Choice Program,
    a pilot program giving drivers paying the HUF the option to pay on a
    per-mile basis. They save money if they drive less than 11,600 miles,
    the average driven per year by all Virginians. Miles are recorded by a
    device installed on a person’s car and connected to a smartphone.
    Programs in Oregon and Utah are similar.

    “The longer-term vision for a distance-based fee is it will replace the
    fuel tax,” Hendren said. But for now, those who drive high-efficiency
    gas vehicles often pay twice: both at the gas pump and with the HUF. In Virginia, drivers with fuel-efficient vehicles getting 25 miles per
    gallon or greater must pay the HUF.

    In Utah, all plug-in hybrid and gas hybrid vehicles must pay the Road
    Usage Charge, ranging from $21.75–$56.50. EV owners who don’t buy gas
    pay $130.25 a year.

    In Oregon, the vehicle registration fee is based on fuel efficiency.
    The better the mileage (the less gas used), the higher the cost of registration. But those with high-efficiency vehicles can enroll in
    OreGO and get a registration discount. OreGO participants pay 1.9 cents
    for each mile driven, and the money goes to the state highway fund. A
    device on the vehicle tracks miles driven, and drivers of fuel-powered
    vehicles can receive a credit for fuel tax and remote emissions
    testing, the OreGO website says.

    “This is a very challenging topic to talk about because nobody likes
    talking about paying for transportation,” Hendren said. “We all like
    the transportation that we use but paying for it is a hard

    Public Resistance
    Studies recognize that drivers are concerned about privacy and a new
    tax, and offer analysis on what opposition a mileage fee would face.

    “Consumer perception and messaging surrounding what many vehicle owners
    may see as a new ‘fee’ must also be studied before any largescale
    rollout of an MBUF program,” a 2019 study by the Mobility 21 U.S. DOT University National Transportation Center said. The study noted that
    there are privacy considerations, and said it was an unsolved issue.
    “In addition to the intricacies of program design, several
    technological challenges also exist. For example, DOT’s must collect
    mileage data from each vehicle, for each type of road that vehicle
    travels on, but would still require to do so in a manner that protects
    the privacy of drivers.”

    Some studies attempted to minimize the privacy concern by showing other
    ways people are already being tracked.

    “Even if you were tracking with GPS, my phone and other apps do that as
    well. I use E-Z Pass on toll roads and that tracks me,” a New Jersey
    focus group participant was quoted in a November 2022 report of the
    Georgia Joint Study Committee of Electrification on Transportation.

    The number of people concerned about privacy dropped dramatically after participating in a pilot mileage program in Pennsylvania, Delaware,
    North Carolina, and New Jersey, a study of the Eastern Transportation
    Coalition found, Hendren said.

    Developers expect a third party, not the government, will keep track of
    where drivers go, and how much they owe, and some studies have
    indicated that because a third party is doing the tracking, the data is
    safe from government eyes. The data would go to a government contractor
    that would deduct the amount owed from a user’s credit card and pay it
    to the states where the vehicle had been.

    Federal Directive to Increase Revenue
    The 18.4 cent-per-gallon federal gas tax has not increased since 1993.
    Because of inflation, the revenue has about one-third less purchasing
    power than it did when the tax was last raised, according to a January
    2022 report from the federal Government Accountability Office.

    In that report, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates the
    increasing gap between projected fuel tax revenues and federal highway
    spending will require $191 billion in additional funding to maintain
    current spending levels, plus inflation from fiscal years 2022 through

    In November 2021, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act allowed
    for the transfer of $118 billion in general revenue to the Highway
    Trust Fund, which will cover the estimated revenue shortfalls through
    at least 2026. While this funding will cover a portion of the estimated shortfall in the Highway Trust Fund, this transfer represents a one-
    time infusion of funding and is not a sustainable long-term source of
    revenues, the CBO report said.

    The CBO has been telling Congress since 2007 that it must pass a
    sustainable funding solution for maintaining the nation’s highways.

    In 2015, the U.S. Department of Transportation established the Surface Transportation System Funding Alternatives program to provide grants to
    states to explore the feasibility of user-based alternative funding
    mechanisms. That is what funded numerous studies across the country.

    “The Federal Highway Administration is working diligently in response
    to Congress’s directive that we implement programs to better understand
    the full range of factors involved in implementing a mileage-based user
    fee, including public acceptance and administrative feasibility,” a spokesperson for the Federal Highway Administration told The Epoch

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