• Re: "Elon Musk welcomes his Twitter as platform set to accept his $43bn

    From Wave bye Democrat House majority@21:1/5 to nambla nancy on Mon May 23 02:59:44 2022
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, alt.dementia, alt.politics.republicans
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    In article <t2l12e$3mt4k$116@news.freedyn.de>
    nambla nancy <nambla_nancy@ggmail.com> wrote:

    Mitchell Holman wrote:

    Musk knows nothing about social media
    and cares even less. He is using this to
    bump up his Dogecoin cybercurrency profits.

    Stupid conspiracy kooks like to think that they've "figured it out".
    They *never* want to believe what they've been told, no matter how
    plausible. They are "smart", and everyone who disagrees is

    Liberals are stupid so we must suck them in and kill them all.

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