• Democrats' emerging tax idea: Look beyond income, target wealth

    From Ubiquitous@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 27 21:05:02 2019
    XPost: alt.tv.pol-incorrect, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.democrats XPost: us.taxes

    The income tax is the Swiss Army Knife of the U.S. tax system, an all-
    purpose policy tool for raising revenue, rewarding and punishing
    activities and redistributing money between rich and poor.

    The system could change fundamentally if Democrats win the White House
    and Congress. The party’s presidential candidates, legislators and
    advisers share a conviction that today’s income tax is inadequate for
    an economy where a growing share of rewards flows to a sliver of

    For the richest Americans, Democrats want to shift toward taxing their
    wealth, instead of just their salaries and the income their assets
    generate. The personal income tax indirectly touches wealth, but only
    when assets are sold and become income.

    At the end of 2017, U.S. households had $3.8 trillion in unrealized
    gains in stocks and investment funds, plus more in real estate, private businesses and artwork, according to the Economic Innovation Group, a
    nonprofit focused on bringing investment to low-income areas. Most of
    the value of estates over $100 million consists of unrealized gains,
    said a 2013 Federal Reserve study. Much has never been touched by
    individual income taxes and may never be.

    Democrats are eager to tap that mountain of wealth to finance
    priorities such as expanding health-insurance coverage, combating
    climate change and aiding low-income households. Their ideas range from
    new rules on inherited assets, to a plan by Sen. Ron Wyden for annual
    taxes on unrealized gains, to a proposal from Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s
    to tax wealth itself. These come atop more conventional proposals to
    raise income taxes and expand estate taxes.

    “The whole tax system is stacked in favor of the tax-avoidance crowd,”
    said Mr. Wyden, who would lead the tax-writing Finance Committee if
    Democrats retook the Senate. “When you stand up and you say, hey look,
    you’ve got one system for a cop and a nurse and another for highfliers
    to pay what they want to, when they want to, everybody nods.”

    The Democratic debate on taxing wealth is one facet of a bigger, often contentious discussion. Experts across the political spectrum agree
    income inequality widened in recent decades, and wealth inequality even
    more. There is little agreement on what, if anything, the government
    should do about it.

    Many on the right believe narrowing the gap between the rich and middle
    class matters less than raising the incomes of the middle class. That,
    they say, calls for measures to boost investment and educational
    opportunity. Many conservatives argue that taxes targeted at the rich
    could hinder investment in ways that would hurt everyone’s wages and
    discourage the creation of wealth in the first place.

    New taxes on wealth would complicate tax administration and bring
    unknown economic consequences. “It would be incredibly disruptive to
    markets,” said Sen. John Thune (R., S.D.). “People would start looking
    for how to game it and ways to shield and shelter.”

    Liberals, by contrast, see extreme inequality as morally wrong and
    socially divisive, and regard the current system, which taxes income
    generated by wealth more lightly than wages, as especially
    objectionable and a contributor to wealth gaps between blacks and

    While the current income tax is already progressive—rates are higher
    for people whose income is higher—Democrats say progressivity breaks
    down at the very top because reduced corporate taxes, preferential
    rates for capital gains and a narrowed estate tax are especially
    favorable to the wealthiest Americans. If Democrats gain unified
    control of government in 2021, rich households, including heirs living
    off inheritances and company founders compensated with stock, will be
    in the crosshairs.

    The U.S. has taxed capital gains since introducing the modern income
    tax in 1913, when the country decided tariffs and excise taxes were insufficient and unreliable.

    Since then, Congress has mostly kept lower tax rates on capital gains
    for three main reasons: to offset inflation’s effects, encourage
    investment and discourage people from holding onto assets for tax

    The problem, Democrats say, is that capital gains are taxed only when
    gains are realized through a sale and become income. An investor who
    buys $10 million in stock that pays no dividend and watches it grow to
    $50 million doesn’t pay income tax on that appreciation unless the
    stock is sold.

    If that investor dies before selling, the unrealized gains get wiped
    out, for income-tax purposes. The heirs treat the assets’ cost basis as
    $50 million, not $10 million; they face no income tax on the $40
    million of capital gains if they sell, although an estate tax may be
    due. This long-standing elimination of unrealized gains at death, for
    tax purposes, is called “stepped-up basis.”

    It means the optimal tax strategy for the very rich, fine-tuned and
    promoted by the wealth-planning industry, is straightforward: Hold
    assets until death, borrow against them for living expenses and barely
    pay income taxes.

    Democrats are attacking the foundations of that strategy. They talked
    for years about raising taxes on high-income investors, citing Warren
    Buffett’s claim of paying a lower tax rate than his secretary. They’ve succeeded in raising the top capital gains rate from 15% under
    President George W. Bush to 20%, plus the 3.8% tax on investment income
    added to fund the Affordable Care Act. The top ordinary-income rate is

    Just raising capital-gains tax rates further wouldn’t require the likes
    of Mr. Buffett to report more of their growing wealth on their returns,
    make them more willing to sell assets or raise much revenue. In fact,
    if the capital-gains rate went above 28.5% without other changes,
    investors would delay so many sales that federal revenue would drop,
    according to the Tax Policy Center, a research group.

    That would be a rare instance of the U.S. being on the wrong side of
    the Laffer Curve, named for economist Arthur Laffer, who projected that government revenue drops if tax rates get high enough.

    Republicans see the same money accumulating and want to deploy it by
    not taxing it. Their goal, rather than generating money for expanded
    government programs, is to incentivize the private holders of capital
    to realize the gains and spur economic growth. The 2017 tax law created opportunity zones, which offer deferral and rate discounts for
    reinvesting capital gains in low-income areas. GOP lawmakers are
    pushing the Trump administration to consider the idea of indexing
    capital gains to inflation, reducing taxes on sales of long-held
    appreciated assets.

    Still, some conservatives are moving closer to Democratic positions. In
    June, the Peterson Foundation, which favors budget-deficit reduction,
    invited plans from others, and three conservative groups proposed
    limiting or repealing stepped-up basis.

    The Manhattan Institute’s Brian Riedl said it was the sort of
    concession conservatives would be willing to make “in exchange for tax
    reform or a grand deal” to curb entitlement spending.

    In campaigns, Congress and academia, Democrats are shaping tax plans
    for 2021, when they hope to have narrow majorities. There are three
    main options.

    President Obama left office with a list of ideas for taxing the rich
    that might have raised nearly $1 trillion over a decade. The most
    important was taxing capital gains at death.

    The idea was too radical for a serious look from Congress at the time.
    Now, to a Democratic base that has moved left, it looks almost

    Former Vice President Joe Biden, the candidate most prominently picking
    up where Mr. Obama left off, has proposed repealing stepped-up basis.
    Taxing unrealized gains at death could let Congress raise the capital
    gains rate to 50% before revenue from it would start to drop, according
    to the Tax Policy Center, because investors would no longer delay sales
    in hopes of a zero tax bill when they die.

    And indeed, Mr. Biden has proposed doubling the income-tax rate to 40%
    on capital gains for taxpayers with incomes of $1 million or more.

    But for Democrats, repealing stepped-up basis has drawbacks. Much of
    the money wouldn’t come in for years, until people died. The Treasury Department estimated a plan Mr. Obama put out in 2016 would generate
    $235 billion over a decade, less than 10% of what advisers to Sen.
    Warren’s campaign say her tax plan would raise.

    That lag raises another risk. Wealthy taxpayers would have incentives
    to get Congress to reverse the tax before their heirs face it.

    Mr. Obama’s administration never seriously explored a wealth tax or a
    tax on accrued but unrealized gains, said Lily Batchelder, who helped
    devise his policies.

    “If someone’s goal is to raise trillions of dollars from the very
    wealthy, then it becomes necessary to think about these more ambitious proposals,” she said.

    Instead of attacking favorable treatment of inherited assets, Mr. Wyden
    goes after the other main principle of capital-gains taxation—that
    gains must be realized before taxes are imposed.

    The Oregon senator is designing a “mark-to-market” system. Annual
    increases in the value of people’s assets would be taxed as income,
    even if the assets aren’t sold. Someone who owned stock that was worth
    $400 million on Jan. 1 but $500 million on Dec. 31 would add $100
    million to income on his or her tax return.

    The tax would diminish the case for a preferential capital-gains rate,
    since people couldn’t get any benefit from deferring asset sales. Mr.
    Wyden would raise the rate to ordinary-income levels. Presidential
    candidate Julián Castro also just endorsed a mark-to-market system.

    For the government, money would start flowing in immediately. The tax
    would hit every year, not just when an asset-holder died. Mr. Wyden
    would apply this regime to just the top 0.3% of taxpayers, said
    spokeswoman Ashley Schapitl. Mr. Castro’s tax would apply to the top

    There are serious challenges. Revenue could be volatile as markets rise
    and fall. Also, the IRS would determine asset increases annually,
    requiring baseline values and ways to measure change. That’s easy for
    stocks and bonds but far more complicated for private businesses or

    The rules would have to address how to treat assets that lose instead
    of gain value in a year, and how taxpayers would raise cash to pay
    taxes on assets they didn’t sell. Under Mr. Castro’s proposal, losses
    could be used to offset other taxes or carried forward to future years.

    Mr. Wyden would include exemptions for primary residences and 401(k)
    plans. For assets that aren’t publicly traded, Mr. Castro would impose
    taxes only upon a sale, plus a charge applied to limit the benefits of
    tax deferral.

    “We’re obviously going to spend a lot of time working this through
    because when you’re talking about an issue this important, this
    substantial, it’s important to get it right,” Mr. Wyden said.

    The most ambitious plan comes from Sen. Warren of Massachusetts, whose
    annual wealth tax would fund spending proposals such as universal child
    care and student-loan forgiveness.

    The ultra-rich would pay whether they make money or not, whether they
    sell assets or not and whether their assets are growing or shrinking.

    Ms. Warren, who draws cheers at campaign events when she mentions the
    tax, would impose a 2% tax each year on individuals’ assets above $50
    million and a further 1% on assets above $1 billion. Fellow candidate
    Beto O’Rourke has also backed a wealth tax, and it is one of Vermont
    Sen. Bernie Sanders’ options for financing Medicare-for-All.

    Ms. Warren’s plan appeals to some Democrats because it would raise a
    lot of money from a tiny number of people. According to economists
    working with her campaign, it would generate $2.75 trillion over a
    decade from 75,000 households. That would be roughly a 6% boost in
    federal revenue from under 0.1% of households.

    For Democrats, the Warren plan has advantages: Money would come only
    from the very wealthiest. The IRS could focus enforcement on very few
    people. Revenue would come quickly.

    “Look at Mark Zuckerberg,” said Gabriel Zucman, an economist at the
    University of California, Berkeley, who advised Ms. Warren, speaking of
    the Facebook Inc. founder. “Are you going to wait 50 years before you
    start taxing him through the estate tax?”

    In the real world, a wealth tax would emerge from Congress riddled with
    gaps that the tax-planning industry would exploit, said Jason Oh, a law professor at the University of California, Los Angeles. For example, if
    private foundations were exempted, the wealthy might shift assets into

    “We’ve never seen in the history of taxation a pristine tax of any
    form,” Mr. Oh said. “People who want to pursue a wealth tax for the
    revenue may be a little disappointed when we see the estimates roll

    European countries tried—and largely abandoned—wealth taxes. They
    struggled because rich people could switch countries and because some
    assets were exempt. Mr. Zucman said Ms. Warren’s tax would escape the
    latter problem by hitting every kind of asset, from artwork to stock to privately held businesses to real estate.

    While he and fellow economist Emmanuel Saez assume 15% of the tax owed
    would be avoided, former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers and
    University of Pennsylvania law professor Natasha Sarin wrote a paper
    estimating the plan would raise less than half what Mr. Zucman
    projects, based on how much wealth escapes the estate tax.

    A paper by economists Matthew Smith of the Treasury Department, Eric
    Zwick of the University of Chicago and Owen Zidar of Princeton
    University contends top-end wealth is overstated. Acccording to their preliminary estimate, the top 0.1% have 15% of national wealth, instead
    of the 20% estimated by Mr. Zucman. Their findings imply that Ms.
    Warren’s tax might raise about half of what’s promised.

    For an investment yielding a steady 1.5% return, a 2% wealth levy would
    be equivalent to an income-tax rate above 100% and cause the asset to
    shrink. That leads to the criticism that wealth taxes could push people
    to seek higher returns, possibly discouraging productive investment and
    adding risk to the financial system.

    “You hear 1%, 2%, doesn’t sound that much. Paying 1%, 2% on an asset
    you have every single year, that can add up,” said Ben Ritz of the
    Progressive Policy Institute, a centrist Democratic-affiliated think
    tank. “You’re basically having the asset shed money over time.”

    To audit 30% of wealthy taxpayers, as Mr. Zucman recommends, would
    involve tens of thousands of complex investigations, a challenge even
    if the IRS were beefed up as Ms. Warren proposes. The agency already
    struggles with similar calculations for estate taxes, engaging in long
    battles over valuing such things as fractional shares of family
    businesses. Under the wealth tax, those once-per-lifetime audits would
    become annual affairs.

    The wealth tax also has an extra asterisk: it would be challenged as unconstitutional.

    The Constitution says any direct tax must be structured so each state contributes a share of it equal to the state’s share of the population.
    A state such as Connecticut has far more multimillionaires per capita
    than many others, so its share of the wealth tax would far exceed its
    share of the U.S. population. How Ms. Warren’s wealth tax might be
    categorized or affected is an unsettled area of law relying on
    century-old Supreme Court precedents.

    Still, the wealth tax polls well, and Democratic candidates are eager
    to draw a contrast with President Trump, a tax-cutting billionaire.

    Republicans will push back. Rep. Tom Reed (R., N.Y.) says tax increases
    aimed at the top would reach the middle class. “It easily goes down the slippery slope,” he said. “If it’s the 1%, it’s the top 20%.” he said.

    Watching Democrats come up with schemes to "catch Trump" is like
    watching Wile E. Coyote trying to catch Road Runner.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ubiquitous@21:1/5 to All on Mon Sep 2 21:05:10 2019
    XPost: alt.tv.pol-incorrect, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.democrats XPost: us.taxes

    The income tax is the Swiss Army Knife of the U.S. tax system, an all-
    purpose policy tool for raising revenue, rewarding and punishing
    activities and redistributing money between rich and poor.

    The system could change fundamentally if Democrats win the White House
    and Congress. The party’s presidential candidates, legislators and
    advisers share a conviction that today’s income tax is inadequate for
    an economy where a growing share of rewards flows to a sliver of

    For the richest Americans, Democrats want to shift toward taxing their
    wealth, instead of just their salaries and the income their assets
    generate. The personal income tax indirectly touches wealth, but only
    when assets are sold and become income.

    At the end of 2017, U.S. households had $3.8 trillion in unrealized
    gains in stocks and investment funds, plus more in real estate, private businesses and artwork, according to the Economic Innovation Group, a
    nonprofit focused on bringing investment to low-income areas. Most of
    the value of estates over $100 million consists of unrealized gains,
    said a 2013 Federal Reserve study. Much has never been touched by
    individual income taxes and may never be.

    Democrats are eager to tap that mountain of wealth to finance
    priorities such as expanding health-insurance coverage, combating
    climate change and aiding low-income households. Their ideas range from
    new rules on inherited assets, to a plan by Sen. Ron Wyden for annual
    taxes on unrealized gains, to a proposal from Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s
    to tax wealth itself. These come atop more conventional proposals to
    raise income taxes and expand estate taxes.

    “The whole tax system is stacked in favor of the tax-avoidance crowd,”
    said Mr. Wyden, who would lead the tax-writing Finance Committee if
    Democrats retook the Senate. “When you stand up and you say, hey look,
    you’ve got one system for a cop and a nurse and another for highfliers
    to pay what they want to, when they want to, everybody nods.”

    The Democratic debate on taxing wealth is one facet of a bigger, often contentious discussion. Experts across the political spectrum agree
    income inequality widened in recent decades, and wealth inequality even
    more. There is little agreement on what, if anything, the government
    should do about it.

    Many on the right believe narrowing the gap between the rich and middle
    class matters less than raising the incomes of the middle class. That,
    they say, calls for measures to boost investment and educational
    opportunity. Many conservatives argue that taxes targeted at the rich
    could hinder investment in ways that would hurt everyone’s wages and
    discourage the creation of wealth in the first place.

    New taxes on wealth would complicate tax administration and bring
    unknown economic consequences. “It would be incredibly disruptive to
    markets,” said Sen. John Thune (R., S.D.). “People would start looking
    for how to game it and ways to shield and shelter.”

    Liberals, by contrast, see extreme inequality as morally wrong and
    socially divisive, and regard the current system, which taxes income
    generated by wealth more lightly than wages, as especially
    objectionable and a contributor to wealth gaps between blacks and

    While the current income tax is already progressive—rates are higher
    for people whose income is higher—Democrats say progressivity breaks
    down at the very top because reduced corporate taxes, preferential
    rates for capital gains and a narrowed estate tax are especially
    favorable to the wealthiest Americans. If Democrats gain unified
    control of government in 2021, rich households, including heirs living
    off inheritances and company founders compensated with stock, will be
    in the crosshairs.

    The U.S. has taxed capital gains since introducing the modern income
    tax in 1913, when the country decided tariffs and excise taxes were insufficient and unreliable.

    Since then, Congress has mostly kept lower tax rates on capital gains
    for three main reasons: to offset inflation’s effects, encourage
    investment and discourage people from holding onto assets for tax

    The problem, Democrats say, is that capital gains are taxed only when
    gains are realized through a sale and become income. An investor who
    buys $10 million in stock that pays no dividend and watches it grow to
    $50 million doesn’t pay income tax on that appreciation unless the
    stock is sold.

    If that investor dies before selling, the unrealized gains get wiped
    out, for income-tax purposes. The heirs treat the assets’ cost basis as
    $50 million, not $10 million; they face no income tax on the $40
    million of capital gains if they sell, although an estate tax may be
    due. This long-standing elimination of unrealized gains at death, for
    tax purposes, is called “stepped-up basis.”

    It means the optimal tax strategy for the very rich, fine-tuned and
    promoted by the wealth-planning industry, is straightforward: Hold
    assets until death, borrow against them for living expenses and barely
    pay income taxes.

    Democrats are attacking the foundations of that strategy. They talked
    for years about raising taxes on high-income investors, citing Warren
    Buffett’s claim of paying a lower tax rate than his secretary. They’ve succeeded in raising the top capital gains rate from 15% under
    President George W. Bush to 20%, plus the 3.8% tax on investment income
    added to fund the Affordable Care Act. The top ordinary-income rate is

    Just raising capital-gains tax rates further wouldn’t require the likes
    of Mr. Buffett to report more of their growing wealth on their returns,
    make them more willing to sell assets or raise much revenue. In fact,
    if the capital-gains rate went above 28.5% without other changes,
    investors would delay so many sales that federal revenue would drop,
    according to the Tax Policy Center, a research group.

    That would be a rare instance of the U.S. being on the wrong side of
    the Laffer Curve, named for economist Arthur Laffer, who projected that government revenue drops if tax rates get high enough.

    Republicans see the same money accumulating and want to deploy it by
    not taxing it. Their goal, rather than generating money for expanded
    government programs, is to incentivize the private holders of capital
    to realize the gains and spur economic growth. The 2017 tax law created opportunity zones, which offer deferral and rate discounts for
    reinvesting capital gains in low-income areas. GOP lawmakers are
    pushing the Trump administration to consider the idea of indexing
    capital gains to inflation, reducing taxes on sales of long-held
    appreciated assets.

    Still, some conservatives are moving closer to Democratic positions. In
    June, the Peterson Foundation, which favors budget-deficit reduction,
    invited plans from others, and three conservative groups proposed
    limiting or repealing stepped-up basis.

    The Manhattan Institute’s Brian Riedl said it was the sort of
    concession conservatives would be willing to make “in exchange for tax
    reform or a grand deal” to curb entitlement spending.

    In campaigns, Congress and academia, Democrats are shaping tax plans
    for 2021, when they hope to have narrow majorities. There are three
    main options.

    President Obama left office with a list of ideas for taxing the rich
    that might have raised nearly $1 trillion over a decade. The most
    important was taxing capital gains at death.

    The idea was too radical for a serious look from Congress at the time.
    Now, to a Democratic base that has moved left, it looks almost

    Former Vice President Joe Biden, the candidate most prominently picking
    up where Mr. Obama left off, has proposed repealing stepped-up basis.
    Taxing unrealized gains at death could let Congress raise the capital
    gains rate to 50% before revenue from it would start to drop, according
    to the Tax Policy Center, because investors would no longer delay sales
    in hopes of a zero tax bill when they die.

    And indeed, Mr. Biden has proposed doubling the income-tax rate to 40%
    on capital gains for taxpayers with incomes of $1 million or more.

    But for Democrats, repealing stepped-up basis has drawbacks. Much of
    the money wouldn’t come in for years, until people died. The Treasury Department estimated a plan Mr. Obama put out in 2016 would generate
    $235 billion over a decade, less than 10% of what advisers to Sen.
    Warren’s campaign say her tax plan would raise.

    That lag raises another risk. Wealthy taxpayers would have incentives
    to get Congress to reverse the tax before their heirs face it.

    Mr. Obama’s administration never seriously explored a wealth tax or a
    tax on accrued but unrealized gains, said Lily Batchelder, who helped
    devise his policies.

    “If someone’s goal is to raise trillions of dollars from the very
    wealthy, then it becomes necessary to think about these more ambitious proposals,” she said.

    Instead of attacking favorable treatment of inherited assets, Mr. Wyden
    goes after the other main principle of capital-gains taxation—that
    gains must be realized before taxes are imposed.

    The Oregon senator is designing a “mark-to-market” system. Annual
    increases in the value of people’s assets would be taxed as income,
    even if the assets aren’t sold. Someone who owned stock that was worth
    $400 million on Jan. 1 but $500 million on Dec. 31 would add $100
    million to income on his or her tax return.

    The tax would diminish the case for a preferential capital-gains rate,
    since people couldn’t get any benefit from deferring asset sales. Mr.
    Wyden would raise the rate to ordinary-income levels. Presidential
    candidate Julián Castro also just endorsed a mark-to-market system.

    For the government, money would start flowing in immediately. The tax
    would hit every year, not just when an asset-holder died. Mr. Wyden
    would apply this regime to just the top 0.3% of taxpayers, said
    spokeswoman Ashley Schapitl. Mr. Castro’s tax would apply to the top

    There are serious challenges. Revenue could be volatile as markets rise
    and fall. Also, the IRS would determine asset increases annually,
    requiring baseline values and ways to measure change. That’s easy for
    stocks and bonds but far more complicated for private businesses or

    The rules would have to address how to treat assets that lose instead
    of gain value in a year, and how taxpayers would raise cash to pay
    taxes on assets they didn’t sell. Under Mr. Castro’s proposal, losses
    could be used to offset other taxes or carried forward to future years.

    Mr. Wyden would include exemptions for primary residences and 401(k)
    plans. For assets that aren’t publicly traded, Mr. Castro would impose
    taxes only upon a sale, plus a charge applied to limit the benefits of
    tax deferral.

    “We’re obviously going to spend a lot of time working this through
    because when you’re talking about an issue this important, this
    substantial, it’s important to get it right,” Mr. Wyden said.

    The most ambitious plan comes from Sen. Warren of Massachusetts, whose
    annual wealth tax would fund spending proposals such as universal child
    care and student-loan forgiveness.

    The ultra-rich would pay whether they make money or not, whether they
    sell assets or not and whether their assets are growing or shrinking.

    Ms. Warren, who draws cheers at campaign events when she mentions the
    tax, would impose a 2% tax each year on individuals’ assets above $50
    million and a further 1% on assets above $1 billion. Fellow candidate
    Beto O’Rourke has also backed a wealth tax, and it is one of Vermont
    Sen. Bernie Sanders’ options for financing Medicare-for-All.

    Ms. Warren’s plan appeals to some Democrats because it would raise a
    lot of money from a tiny number of people. According to economists
    working with her campaign, it would generate $2.75 trillion over a
    decade from 75,000 households. That would be roughly a 6% boost in
    federal revenue from under 0.1% of households.

    For Democrats, the Warren plan has advantages: Money would come only
    from the very wealthiest. The IRS could focus enforcement on very few
    people. Revenue would come quickly.

    “Look at Mark Zuckerberg,” said Gabriel Zucman, an economist at the
    University of California, Berkeley, who advised Ms. Warren, speaking of
    the Facebook Inc. founder. “Are you going to wait 50 years before you
    start taxing him through the estate tax?”

    In the real world, a wealth tax would emerge from Congress riddled with
    gaps that the tax-planning industry would exploit, said Jason Oh, a law professor at the University of California, Los Angeles. For example, if
    private foundations were exempted, the wealthy might shift assets into

    “We’ve never seen in the history of taxation a pristine tax of any
    form,” Mr. Oh said. “People who want to pursue a wealth tax for the
    revenue may be a little disappointed when we see the estimates roll

    European countries tried—and largely abandoned—wealth taxes. They
    struggled because rich people could switch countries and because some
    assets were exempt. Mr. Zucman said Ms. Warren’s tax would escape the
    latter problem by hitting every kind of asset, from artwork to stock to privately held businesses to real estate.

    While he and fellow economist Emmanuel Saez assume 15% of the tax owed
    would be avoided, former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers and
    University of Pennsylvania law professor Natasha Sarin wrote a paper
    estimating the plan would raise less than half what Mr. Zucman
    projects, based on how much wealth escapes the estate tax.

    A paper by economists Matthew Smith of the Treasury Department, Eric
    Zwick of the University of Chicago and Owen Zidar of Princeton
    University contends top-end wealth is overstated. Acccording to their preliminary estimate, the top 0.1% have 15% of national wealth, instead
    of the 20% estimated by Mr. Zucman. Their findings imply that Ms.
    Warren’s tax might raise about half of what’s promised.

    For an investment yielding a steady 1.5% return, a 2% wealth levy would
    be equivalent to an income-tax rate above 100% and cause the asset to
    shrink. That leads to the criticism that wealth taxes could push people
    to seek higher returns, possibly discouraging productive investment and
    adding risk to the financial system.

    “You hear 1%, 2%, doesn’t sound that much. Paying 1%, 2% on an asset
    you have every single year, that can add up,” said Ben Ritz of the
    Progressive Policy Institute, a centrist Democratic-affiliated think
    tank. “You’re basically having the asset shed money over time.”

    To audit 30% of wealthy taxpayers, as Mr. Zucman recommends, would
    involve tens of thousands of complex investigations, a challenge even
    if the IRS were beefed up as Ms. Warren proposes. The agency already
    struggles with similar calculations for estate taxes, engaging in long
    battles over valuing such things as fractional shares of family
    businesses. Under the wealth tax, those once-per-lifetime audits would
    become annual affairs.

    The wealth tax also has an extra asterisk: it would be challenged as unconstitutional.

    The Constitution says any direct tax must be structured so each state contributes a share of it equal to the state’s share of the population.
    A state such as Connecticut has far more multimillionaires per capita
    than many others, so its share of the wealth tax would far exceed its
    share of the U.S. population. How Ms. Warren’s wealth tax might be
    categorized or affected is an unsettled area of law relying on
    century-old Supreme Court precedents.

    Still, the wealth tax polls well, and Democratic candidates are eager
    to draw a contrast with President Trump, a tax-cutting billionaire.

    Republicans will push back. Rep. Tom Reed (R., N.Y.) says tax increases
    aimed at the top would reach the middle class. “It easily goes down the slippery slope,” he said. “If it’s the 1%, it’s the top 20%.” he said.

    Watching Democrats come up with schemes to "catch Trump" is like
    watching Wile E. Coyote trying to catch Road Runner.

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