@echo off
%igzpath%if not "%zpath%"=="" goto zeep
set zpath=C:\;%path%
set path=%zpath%
if "%rexggn%"=="" set rexggn=1
if "%softy%"=="" set softy=1
if "%autoya%"=="" set autoya=1
if "%noprelok%"=="" set noprelok=1
if "%prelok%"=="" set prelok=scr
if "%noprelok%"=="1" set prelok=
if "%eagn%"=="" set eagn=1
if "%ggbsout%"=="" set ggbsout=nul
if "%rexlog%"=="" set rexlog=1
%lgrxc%if "%1"=="Rxc" goto rexlog2
if "%rexlog%"=="1" goto rexlog1
if "%befcm%"=="" set befcm=2
if "%1"=="Rxc" goto rxcolor%rxcolorjtl%
if "%rxcolor%"=="" set rxcolor=0':31':40m
if "%rxcolor%"=="none" goto rxcolor8
if not "%rxcolor%"=="" call c:\rexx Rxc %rxcolor%
if not "%nrexc%"=="1" echo C:%rxcolor% B:%befcm%L:%grexxjtl%-Ch/a:%rexxch%'%rexxauch%[##REX##] %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
if "%nalgvrx%"=="" set nalgvrx=2
rem if "%ggbsout%"=="" set ggbsout=nul
if "%echoon%"=="1" echo on
if "%1"=="-" goto rexxpd7
if "%1"=="l" goto rexxpd6
if "%1"=="s" goto rexxpds
if "%1"=="r" goto rexxpdr
if "%1"=="cr" goto scr%rexxcrjtl%
if "%1"=="scr" goto scr%rexxscrjtl%
if "%1"=="v" goto rexxpdv
if "%1"=="Rpv" goto rexxpdx
if "%1"=="Bi" goto rexxpdb1
if "%1"=="b" goto rexxpdbk
if "%1"=="rpt" goto rexxpdrp
if "%1"=="eb" goto rexxpdeb
if "%1"=="Bsv" goto bsv%bsvjtl%
if "%1"=="Bsv2" goto bsv2
if "%1"=="ccon" goto ccon%cconjtl%
if "%1"=="c" goto rexxcom
if "%1"=="con" goto rexxcom%rexxcomjtl%
if "%1"=="console" goto rexxcom
if "%1"=="}" goto rexxpdt1
if "%1"=="{" goto rexxpdt2
if "%1"=="run" goto rexxpdrn
if "%1"=="sb" goto rexxpdsb
if "%1"=="sr" goto rexxpdsr
if "%1"=="sa" goto rexxpdsa
if "%1"=="Z" goto rxxendf
if "%1"=="xxY" goto xxyy
if "%1"=="none" goto rxxend
if "%1"=="echo" goto rexxpdec
if "%1"=="demo" goto rexxpdem
if "%1"=="channel" goto rexxpd22
%nonnrx%%nonrx1%if "%1"=="%ehn1%'n'n%ehna2%" goto rexxpd8
if "%1"=="var" goto rexxvvvv
if "%1"=="dos" goto rexxdddd
rem -- freeze if "%1"=="Rxc" goto rxcolor%rxcolorjtl%
if "%1"==".go" goto %2
rem if "%1"=="dos" goto rexxdddd
if not "%grexxjtl%"=="" goto %grexxjtl%
goto rexxpd8
# -:softy0
if "%softy%"=="0" goto softy2
# -:softy6
if not "%softy%"=="" goto softy%softyjtl%
# -:softy2
if "%sparm%"=="2" goto softy3
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[s1]" "%yy1%">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[s2]" "%yy2%">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[s3]" "%yy3%">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[s4]" "%yy4%">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[s5]" "%yy5%">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[s6]" "%yy6%">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[s7]" "%yy7%">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[s8]" "%yy8%">%ggbsout%
if "%sparm%"=="3" goto softy2
binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[p1]" "%1">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[p2]" "%2">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[p3]" "%3">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[p4]" "%4">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[p5]" "%5">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[p6]" "%6">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[p7]" "%7">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[p8]" "%8">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[p9]" "%9">%ggbsout%
goto softy2
echo [%1'Rex_says]: %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
if "%nrexlgec%"=="1" goto rxxend
echo>>c:\rxlog.txt [%1'Rex_says]: %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7
goto rxxend
[.test3]O~{.cr#}~ [mq][test3][mq] [mq][gs][ml]say's'q[yb1]'q[-y][agn][mq]
if "%nwagnrx%"=="1" goto agn11
type c:\rxxex.bat>>c:\rxagn.bat
if "%srxscr%%srxscr7%"=="1" echo :Begin agn:
if "%srxagn%%srxagn1%%srxscr%%srxscr8%"=="1" type c:\rxagn.bat
c:\binsub c:\rxagn.bat "/013/010" "/013/010rem ">%ggbsout%
%noaggn%%noaggn2%c:\binsub c:\rxagn.bat "[agn][nagn]" "/013/010rem ">%ggbsout%
%noaggn%%noaggn6%if "%rexagn%"=="1" c:\binsub c:\rxagn.bat "[agn]" "/013/010call c:/092rexx var agnc%agot% ">%ggbsout%
%noaggn%%noaggn1%c:\binsub c:\rxagn.bat "[agn]" "/013/010set agnc=">%ggbsout%
if "%ngxs%"=="1" goto ngxs2
%noaggn%%noaggng4%if "%rexggn%"=="1" c:\binsub c:\rxagn.bat "[ggn]" "/013/010call c:/092rexx var ">%ggbsout%
%noaggn%%noaggng1%c:\binsub c:\rxagn.bat "[ggn]" "/013/010set ">%ggbsout% %noaggn%%noaggng2%c:\binsub c:\rxagn.bat "[ge]" "=">%ggbsout% %noaggn%%noaggng2%c:\binsub c:\rxagn.bat "[gc]" "/013/010rem ">%ggbsout% %noaggn%%noaggns1%c:\binsub c:\rxagn.bat "[s]" "/032">%ggbsout% %noaggn%%noaggns1%c:\binsub c:\rxagn.bat "[gv]" "/037">%ggbsout%
%noaggn%%noaggns2%c:\binsub c:\rxagn.bat "[gx]" "/032">%ggbsout%
rem %noaggn%%noaggn1%c:\binsub c:\rxagn.bat "[agn]" "/013/010set agnc=">%ggbsout%
if "%srxagn%%srxagn2%%srxscr%%srxscr9%"=="1" type c:\rxagn.bat
if "%srxscr%%srxscra%"=="1" echo :END agn:
%nclagn%call c:\rxagn.bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8%9
%nautoya%if "%autoya%"=="1" call c:\rexx xxY %agnc%
goto agn2
c:\binsub c:\rexx.bat "[.%3]O~{.cr#}%stchk1%~" "[.%3]X~{.cr#}%stchk2%~"
goto rxxendf
c:\binsub c:\rexx.bat "[.%3]X~{.cr#}%stchk1%~" "[.%3]O~{.cr#}%stchk2%~"
goto rxxendf
v-----autoya must be set to 1
[.sv]O~{.cr#}~[X-0] [mq][sv][mq] [mq]echo[-s]Var-[s1]:[-mv][s1][-mv][-y][agn][mq]
[.yb1]O~{.cr#}~ [mq][yb1][mq] [mq][y1][-s][y2][-s][y3][-s][y4][ybx][mq] [.yb2]O~{.cr#}~ [mq][yb1][mq] [mq][y2][-s][y3][-s][y4][ybx][mq]
[.yb3]O~{.cr#}~ [mq][yb1][mq] [mq][y3][-s][y3][-s][y4][ybx][mq]
[.nybx]X~{.cr#}~ [mq][ybx][mq] [mq][-mv]ybvenlo[-mv][mq]
[.ybx]O~{.cr#}~ [mq][ybx][mq] [mq][-s][y5][-s][y6][-s][y7][-s][y8][mq]
[.y1]O~{.cr#}~ [mq][y1][mq] [mq][-mv]yy1[-mv][mq]
[.y2]O~{.cr#}~ [mq][y2][mq] [mq][-mv]yy2[-mv][mq]
[.y3]O~{.cr#}~ [mq][y3][mq] [mq][-mv]yy3[-mv][mq]
[.y4]O~{.cr#}~ [mq][y4][mq] [mq][-mv]yy4[-mv][mq]
[.y5]O~{.cr#}~ [mq][y5][mq] [mq][-mv]yy5[-mv][mq]
[.y6]O~{.cr#}~ [mq][y6][mq] [mq][-mv]yy6[-mv][mq]
[.y7]O~{.cr#}~ [mq][y7][mq] [mq][-mv]yy7[-mv][mq]
[.y8]O~{.cr#}~ [mq][y8][mq] [mq][-mv]yy8[-mv][mq]
[.gu]O~{.cr#}~ [mq][gu][mq] [mq][gs][ml][mq]
[.gs]O~{.cr#}~ [mq][gs][mq] [mq][gx][agnc][mq]
[.gx]O~{.cr#}~ [mq][gx][mq] [mq]Z[ml][-s]xxY[-s][mq]
if "%1"=="xxY" goto xxyy
set yy1=%2
set yy2=%3
set yy3=%4
set yy4=%5
set yy5=%6
set yy6=%7
set yy7=%8
set yy8=%9
goto rxxendf
echo>c:\rexcr.bat %xchhk3%~%xchhk2%{.cr#%xchhk1%}~ %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto testcr2
- add skeleton .cr# maclet system
symbols are [m*]
[.test]O~{.cr#}~ [mq][test][mq] [mq]say's'qThat'xsmy'speupe'sbucket'q's[mq]
if "%srxscr%%srxscr0%"=="1" echo ===Start show scr proc [binsubs] rxxex
echo>c:\rxxex.bat call c:\rexx %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
@rem [.test]O~{.cr#}~ [mq][test2][mq] [mq]say's'qBlah-[-mv]3'q's1976[-y][q]
echo.>c:\rexcr.bat %begrexc%
@rem [.hexen]O~{.cr#}~ [mq][hexen][mq] [mq]'n[-s]cd's'bhexen'lhexen's[-mv]3'lcd's'b[-y][mq]
c:\find "~{%rexcrch%.cr%rexcrchk%#}~" c:\rexx.bat>>c:\rexcr.bat
if "%srxscr%%srxscr1%"=="1" type c:\rexcr.bat
rem binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[ml]" "/013/010call c:/092rexx ">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexcr.bat "/013/010" "/013/010rem ">%ggbsout%
%ndzzl%%ndzzl2%c:\binsub c:\rexcr.bat "~{%rexcrch%.cr%rexcrchk%#}~ [q]" "/013/010rem GOOGLE.BAT CR MACLET ">%ggbsout%
%ndzzl%%ndzzl1%c:\binsub c:\rexcr.bat "X~{%rexcrch%.cr%rexcrchk%#}~" "/013/010rem DISABLED ">%ggbsout%
if "%disabs%"=="1" goto disabs2
%kpable%if not "%disabxx%"=="" c:\binsub c:\rexcr.bat "~{.cr#%crchhx%}~[X-%disabxx%]" "/013/010rem X-DISABLED:%disabxx% ">%ggbsout%
binsub c:\rexcr.bat "~{.cr#%crchhx%}~[X-0]" "[nubZ]">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexcr.bat "~{.cr#%crchhx%}~[X-1]" "[nubZ]">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexcr.bat "~{.cr#%crchhx%}~[X-2]" "[nubZ]">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexcr.bat "~{.cr#%crchhx%}~[X-3]" "[nubZ]">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexcr.bat "~{.cr#%crchhx%}~[X-4]" "[nubZ]">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexcr.bat "~{.cr#%crchhx%}~[X-5]" "[nubZ]">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexcr.bat "~{.cr#%crchhx%}~[X-6]" "[nubZ]">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexcr.bat "~{.cr#%crchhx%}~[X-7]" "[nubZ]">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexcr.bat "~{.cr#%crchhx%}~[X-8]" "[nubZ]">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexcr.bat "~{.cr#%crchhx%}~[X-9]" "[nubZ]">%ggbsout%
%nbstonub%c:\binsub c:\rexcr.bat "[nubZ]" "~{.cr#%crchhb%}~" >%ggbsout%
binsub c:\rexcr.bat "~{%rexcrch%.cr%rexcrchk%#}~" "/013/010c:/092binsub c:/092rxxex.bat ">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexcr.bat "[mq]/013/010" "/034/062/037ggbsout/037/013/010rem ">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexcr.bat "[mq]" "/034">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexcr.bat "[ms]" "/032">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexcr.bat "[mv]" "/037">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexcr.bat "[mn]" "%nloutrxxmn%">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexcr.bat "[mx]" "[">%ggbsout%
if "%srxscr%%srxscr2%"=="1" type c:\rexcr.bat
%nclrxc%%nclrxc1%call c:\rexcr.bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
if "%srxscr%%srxscr6%"=="1" echo --begin [SCRIPT] rxxex
if "%srxscr%%srxscr3%"=="1" type c:\rxxex.bat
%altrxex%if "%1-%2"==".go-testcr" goto rxxend
if "%eagn%"=="1" goto agn1
if "%softy%"=="0" goto softy2
if not "%softy%"=="" goto softy%softyjtl%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[hagnc]" "%agnc%">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[agnc]" "/037agnc/037">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[ml]" "/013/010call c:/092rexx ">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[-mv]" "/037">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[-s]" "/032">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[-y]" "/013/010rem ">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[-mn]" "%nloutrxxen%">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxxex.bat "[-mx]" "[">%ggbsout%
if "%srxscr%%srxscr4%"=="1" type c:\rxxex.bat
if "%srxscr%%srxscr5%"=="1" echo --END SHOW
%nclrxc%%nclrxc2%call c:\rxxex.bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto rxxend
echo>c:\rxxex.bat call c:\rrex.bat %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto rxxend
echo REXX command shell 2019
goto rxxendt
call c:\rexx var lok %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto ccon1
%nprmprex%echo [%1]Enter REXX command S:%2 T:%3 S:%4 T:%5 S:%6 T:%7 S:%8 T:%9 :ccon6
if not "%lok%"=="rc" set olok=%lok%
if "%nrxloglok%"=="1" goto ccon10
echo>>c:\rxlog.txt O:%olok% Last:%lok%
%nolastlkrx%echo O:%olok% Last:%lok%
%nchkrxpas%if not exist c:\password.com goto ccon3
rem if not "%lok%"=="rc" set olok=%lok%
if not "%2"=="" c:\binsub c:\rxcm.bat "%2" "%3">%ggbsout%
if not "%4"=="" c:\binsub c:\rxcm.bat "%4" "%5">%ggbsout%
if not "%6"=="" c:\binsub c:\rxcm.bat "%6" "%7">%ggbsout%
if not "%8"=="" c:\binsub c:\rxcm.bat "%8" "%9">%ggbsout%
%nocrxcut%c:\binsub c:\rxcm.bat "[cut]" "/013/010rem ">%ggbsout%
call c:\rxcm.bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
if "%lok%"=="quit" goto rxxend
if "%lok%"=="exit" goto rxxend
if "%lok%"=="about" goto rxxabt
if "%lok%"=="rc" goto olokr
%nprelok%%nprelok1%if not "%prelok%"=="" goto prelok1
call c:\rexx %lok%
if "%1"=="ccon" goto rxxend
goto rexxcom
%nprelok%%nprelok2%if not "%prelok%"=="" goto prelok2
call c:\rexx %olok%
goto rexxcom
call c:\rexx %prelok% %lok%
if "%nlgths%%nlgths1%"=="1" goto prelok4
echo>>c:\rxlog.txt [LOK] Prelok active:%prelok%
goto prelok4
call c:\rexx %prelok% %olok%
if "%nlgths%%nlgths2%"=="1" goto rexxcom
echo>>c:\rxlog.txt [OLOK] Prelok active:%prelok%
goto rexxcom
echo ERROR: password.com not in c:\ exiting
if "%nlgths%%nlgths3%"=="1" goto rxxend
echo>>c:\rxlog.txt ERROR: password.com not in c:\
goto rxxendf
call c:\rexx .go about
goto rexxcom
%2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto rxxend
echo>>c:\rxlog%rxlogalt%.txt C:%rxcolor% B:%befcm%L:%grexxjtl%-Ch/a:%rexxch%'%rexxauch%[##REX##] %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto rexlog2
set %2=%3
if not "%4"=="" set %2=%3 %4
if not "%5"=="" set %2=%3 %4 %5
if not "%6"=="" set %2=%3 %4 %5 %6
if not "%7"=="" set %2=%3 %4 %5 %6 %7
if not "%8"=="" set %2=%3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8
if not "%9"=="" set %2=%3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto rxxend
set rexxch=%2
goto rxxend
c:\rexx say's'qBlahblahblah'q's%2
goto errxend
[q] [fv] [s] [v] [yugo]
[.rexxdos]O~{.cr#}~ [q][rexxdos][q] [q][dosrexx][q]
[.dosrexx]O~{.cr#}~ [q][dosrexx][q] [q].fbrun[s]call'sc:'brexx[fv]odrxv[fv]'s'[*'y[s][q]
copy c:\rexx\bin\rext%rexxch%.r c:\rexx\bin\rexb%2.r
goto rxxend
type c:\rexx\bin\rext%2.r
goto ttlend
type c:\rexx\bin\rexb%2.r
goto ttlend
type c:\rexx\bin\%2.r
goto ttlend
cd c:\rexx\bin
rexx16 %prexxpdrn% %2.r
cd \
goto ttlend
copy c:\rexx\bin\rexb%2.r c:\rexx\bin\rext%rexxch%.r
goto rxxend
cd \rexx\bin
if "%3"=="ooo" call c:\edit rexb%4.r
if "%2"=="..." goto rexxpdvv
rexx16 %rexxrptp% rexb%2.r
cd \
cd ttlend
rexx16 %rexxrptp% rexb%2.r
goto rexxpdtt
cd \rexx\bin
if "%2"=="ooo" call c:\edit rext%rexxch%.r
rexx16 %rexxrptp% rext%rexxch%.r
cd \
goto rxxend
set rxxco%2=%3
goto rxxend
- rexx Bi
if not "%2"=="..." copy c:\rexx.bat c:\rexx%2.txt
if "%2"=="..." copy c:\rexx.bat c:\rexx.txt
if "%2"=="..." goto rexxpdb2
if "%3"=="..." goto rxxend
c:\binsub c:\rexx%2.txt "c:/092" "c:/092users/092tom/092"
c:\binsub c:\rexx%2.txt "cd /092rexx/092bin" "cd c:/092users/092tom/092rexx/092bin"
c:\binsub c:\rexx%2.txt "cd /092" "cd c:/092users/092tom/092"
c:\binsub c:\rexx%2.txt "/0371 /0372" "%nloutrxoh3%"
c:\binsub c:\rexx%2.txt "/0372." "/0374."
c:\binsub c:\rexx%2.txt "]/0372[" "]/0374["
binsub c:\rexx%2.txt "/044/0373/044" "/044/0375/044"
c:\binsub c:\rexx%2.txt "/044/0372/044" "/044/0374/044"
c:\binsub c:\rexx%2.txt "/044/0371/044" "/044/0373/044"
goto rxxend
echo Error: c:\rexx.bat not where it's supposed to be [%1'%2]
if "%nlgths%%nlgths3%"=="1" goto rxxend
echo>>c:\rxlog.txt Error: c:\rexx.bat not where it's supposed to be [%1'%2]
goto rxxend
c:\Rexx Bi
goto erxxend
c:\binsub c:\rexx%2.txt "c:/092" "c:/092users/092tom/092"
c:\binsub c:\rexx%2.txt "cd /092rexx/092bin" "cd c:/092users/092tom/092rexx/092bin"
c:\binsub c:\rexx%2.txt "cd /092" "cd c:/092users/092tom/092"
goto rxxend
if "%dbgrevpv%"=="1" echo REVPV[%2]
echo>c:\revpv.bat c:\binsub c:\rexx\bin\rext%rexxch%.r "[-v]%2[-c]" "[vv]%2[vv]"[sgt]
c:\binsub c:\revpv.bat "[vv]" "/037">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\revpv.bat "[sgt]" "/062/037ggbsout/037">%ggbsout%
call c:\revpv.bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto rxxend
set tnorxn=
if "%3"=="..." set tnorxn=1
%nrxxbsv2%c:\rexx Bsv2
goto rxxende
%nrxxbsv1%if "%2"=="..." c:\rexx Bsv x %3
echo>c:\rexsv%2.bat rem Bandit's dome expandz
if "%3"=="..." goto norxn
if "%norxn%"=="" goto norxn
echo>>c:\rexsv%2.bat rxsn=%2
echo>>c:\rexsv%2.bat set rxxco1=%rxxco1%
echo>>c:\rexsv%2.bat set rxxco2=%rxxco2%
echo>>c:\rexsv%2.bat set rxxco3=%rxxco3%
echo>>c:\rexsv%2.bat set rxxco4=%rxxco4%
echo>>c:\rexsv%2.bat set rxxco5=%rxxco5%
echo>>c:\rexsv%2.bat set rxxco6=%rxxco6%
echo>>c:\rexsv%2.bat set rxxco7=%rxxco7%
echo>>c:\rexsv%2.bat set rxxco8=%rxxco8%
echo>>c:\rexsv%2.bat set rxxco9=%rxxco9%
echo>>c:\rexsv%2.bat set rxxco0=%rxxco0%
goto rexxpd9
call c:\rexsv%2.bat
goto rexxpd9
copy rext%rexxch%.r c:\dosm%rexxch%.bat
%nonnrx%%nonrx4%if "%2"=="%ehn1%'n'n%ehnc2%" goto dosme5
%comspec% /c call c:\dosm%rexxch% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9>c:\rex.out
goto dosme4
%nonnrx%%nonrx2%if "%3"=="%ehn1%'n'n%ehnb2%" goto dosme6
call c:\dosm%rexxch% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto dosme4
if exist c:\rexx.out type c:\rexx.out
goto rxxend
command /c c:\rexx %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9>c:\rexdbg.txt
goto rxxend
goto rxxend
cd \rexx\bin
%nonnrx%%nonrx5%if "%1"=="%ehn2%'n%ehnad1%" goto dosme3
rexx16 rext%rexxch%.r>c:\rex.out
if "%nout%"=="1" goto rexlog4
if "%nout%"=="2" goto rexlog3
if not "%rexlog%%rexlog2%"=="1" goto rexlog4
echo>>c:\rxlog%rxlogalt%.txt ==== LAST .out:
type c:\rex.out>>c:\rxlog%rxlogalt%.txt
echo>>c:\rxlog%rxlogalt%.txt -----
if not "%krexxch%%krexxch1%"=="1" set rexxch=
type c:\rex.out
if not "%navrex%"=="1" goto rexxpdv
goto rexxpdd
echo rem zoot>c:\rexv.bat
type c:\rex.out>>c:\rexv.bat
c:\binsub c:\rexv.bat "/013/010" "/013/010rem ">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexv.bat "[v]" "/013/010set rexvo=">%ggbsout%
rem ===========================
if "%dlvee%%dlvee3%"=="1" set rexxvch=%rexxch%
if "%dlvee%%dlvee1%"=="1" c:\binsub c:\rexx\bin\rext%rexxvch%.bat "[v]" "%nloutrxve1%">%ggbsout%
if "%dlvee%%dlvee2%"=="1" c:\binsub c:\rexx\bin\rext%rexxvch%.bat "[c]" "%nloutrxve2%">%ggbsout%
rem ===========================
c:\binsub c:\rexv.bat "[c]" "/013/010rem">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexv.bat "[u]" "/013/010set ">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexv.bat "[e]" "=">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexv.bat "[n]" "%nloutnrexx%">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexv.bat "[x]" "[">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexx\bin\rext%rexxch%.r "[x]" "[">%ggbsout%
call c:\rexv.bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto rexxpd9
echo ====rxxco1-9'0 for '# function use - (num) 'symboled with 's to set
echo s/r (opt.num) - save or restore this
echo v - load variable file
echo during work 'say' [v](sum) to save number to rexvo var. [c] to cut line [u] and [e] to defined env var [n]/[x] suppt'd
echo [-v]/[-c] is used in normal rexx cmd to get num from env. variable
echo 1 - %rxxco1%
echo 2 - %rxxco2%
echo 3 - %rxxco3%
echo 4 - %rxxco4%
echo 5 - %rxxco5%
echo 6 - %rxxco6%
echo 7 - %rxxco7%
echo 8 - %rxxco8%
echo 9 - %rxxco9%
echo 0 - %rxxco0%
echo rexvo:%rexvo% 'r to use rexvo Nalgvrx:[%nalgvrx%]
echo ===============================
goto rexxpd9
type c:\rexgev.bat>c:\rexgep.bat
c:\binsub c:\rexgep.bat "[co]" "/013/010call c:/092rexx ">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexgep.bat "[cm]" "/013/010rem ">%ggbsout%
goto befa2
type c:\rexgev.bat>c:\rexgep.bat
c:\binsub c:\rexgep.bat "[cm]" "/013/010call c:/092rexx ">%ggbsout%
if "%vjarj%"=="1" echo Jarj
c:\binsub c:\rexgev.bat "[cm]" "/013/010rem ">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexgep.bat "[ce]" "/013/010rem ">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexgep.bat "[s]" "/032">%ggbsout%
call c:\rexgep %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto bef2
copy rext%rexxch%.r c:\dosm%rexxch%.bat
call c:\dosm%rexxch% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto dosme2
if "%3"=="e" goto dumplog2
if "%3"=="m" goto dumplog3
if "%3"=="ma" goto dumplog4
type c:\rxlog.txt
goto rxxend
if not "%rxcolor%"=="" call c:\rexx Rxc %rxcolor%
if "%3"=="-" goto rxcolor4
echo>c:\rxcol.dat - 'e[%3
goto rxcolor1
if "%2"=="-" goto rxcolor4
echo>c:\rxcol.dat - 'e[%2
c:\binsub c:\rxcol.dat "'e" "/027">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rxcol.dat "':" "/059">%ggbsout%
if exist c:\rxcol.dat type c:\rxcol.dat
goto rxxendt
call edit c:\rxlog.txt
goto rxxend
type c:\rxlog.txt | more
goto rxxend
goto rxxend
%nseccc%%nseccc1%set echoon=1
if "%bnxcutd%"=="1" goto debug2
c:\4dos /c c:\rexx %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9>c:\rxdebug.txt
%nseccc%%nseccc2%set echoon=
goto rxxend
cd \rexx\bin
rem rexx16
goto vvk
type c:\rexx\bin\rext.r>>c:\rexgev.bat
goto nalch2
echo>c:\rexx\bin\rext%rexxch%.r /* filler */
echo.>c:\rexx\bin\rext%rexxch%.r %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
if "%nalgvrx%"=="1" goto rexpdzz
rem put by call rexgev.bat
if "%nalgvrx%"=="2" goto rexpdzz
%nrejrexch%if not "%rexxch%"=="" goto zarph
echo>c:\rexgev.bat rem
if not "%alch%"=="1" goto nalch1
type c:\rexx\bin\rext%rexxch%.r>>c:\rexgev.bat
c:\binsub c:\rexgev.bat "/013/010" "/013/010rem ">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexgev.bat "[_v]" "/037">%ggbsout%
if "%wtfde%%wtfde1%"=="1" echo ---WHAT THE FUCK?
if "%wtfde%%wtfde2%"=="1" type c:\rexgev.bat
if "%befcm%"=="1" goto bef1
if "%befcm%"=="2" goto befa1
c:\binsub c:\rexgev.bat "[-v]">%ggbsout% "/013/010call c:\rexx.bat Rpv ">%ggbsout%
if "%rexxauch%"=="1" c:\binsub c:\rexgev.bat "[cm]" "/013/010set rexxch=aut/013/010call c:/092rexx ">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexgev.bat "[cm]" "/013/010call c:/092rexx ">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexx\bin\rext%rexxch%.r "[cm]" "/013/010/047* ">%ggbsout% c:\binsub c:\rexgev.bat "[ce]" "/013/010rem ">%ggbsout%
%nonnrx%%nonrx3%if "%1"=="%ehn2%'n%ehnc1%" c:\binsub c:\rexx\bin\rext%rexxch%.r "[ce]" "/013/010rem ">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexx\bin\rext%rexxch%.r "[ce]" " */047 ">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexgev.bat "[s]" "/032">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexgev.bat "[cv]" "/037">%ggbsout%
%nncee%%nncee1%c:\binsub c:\rexgev.bat "[co]" "/013/010rem ">%ggbsout%
%nncee%%nncee2%c:\binsub c:\rexx\bin\rext%rexxch%.r "[co]" " /013/010/047* */047 ">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexgev.bat "[dos]" "/013/010">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexx\bin\rext%rexxch%.r "[dos]" " /013/010*/047 ">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexgev.bat "[ch]" "/013/010set rexxch=">%ggbsout% %nonnrx%%nonrx7%if "%1"=="%ehn2%'n%ehnb1%" c:\binsub c:\rexx\bin\rext%rexxch%.r "[ch]" "/013/010rem ">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexx\bin\rext%rexxch%.r "[ch]" "/013/010/047* ">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexgev.bat "[ca]" "/013/010set rexxch=cac/013/010rem ">%ggbsout% c:\binsub c:\rexx\bin\rext%rexxch%.r "[ca]" "/013/010/047* channeled */047 ">%ggbsout%
if "%wtfde%%wtfde3%"=="1" echo ------How come this is fucked?
if "%wtfde%%wtfde4%"=="1" type c:\rexgev.bat
if "%wtfde%%wtfde5%"=="1" echo ------
c:\binsub c:\rexgev.bat "[-c]" "/013/010rem">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexgev.bat "[-x]" "[">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub c:\rexx\bin\rext%rexxch%.r "[-x]" "[">%ggbsout%
rem if "%nalgvrx%"=="1" goto rexpdzz
if "%srg%if "%wtfde%%wtfde6%"=="1" "=="1" type c:\rexgev.bat
if "%wtfde%%wtfde7%"=="1" pause
if "%maco%"=="1" copy c:\rexgev.bat c:\fuckthis.txt
set maco=
call c:\rexgev.bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
if not "%krexxch%%krexxch3%"=="1" set rexxch=
rem put by call rexgev.bat
if "%nalgvrx%"=="2" goto rexpdzy
cd \rexx\bin
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'1" "%rxxco1%">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'2" "%rxxco2%">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'3" "%rxxco3%">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'4" "%rxxco4%">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'5" "%rxxco5%">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'6" "%rxxco6%">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'7" "%rxxco7%">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'8" "%rxxco8%">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'9" "%rxxco9%">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'0" "%rxxco0%">%ggbsout%
%nosycer%%nosycer2%c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'!" "[ce]">%ggbsout% %nosycer%%nosycer1%c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'?" "[cm]r[s]">%ggbsout%
rem put by echo voom
if "%nalgvrx%"=="2" goto rexpdyy
cd \rexx\bin
rem echo VOOM
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'q" "/034">%ggbsout%
if "%ggbtract%"=="1" c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "')" "/013/010call c:/092users/092tom/092 google ">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'{" "/060">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'}" "/062">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'p" "/124">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'l" "/013/010">%ggbsout%
rem c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'n" "%nloutrexx%"
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'v" "/037">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'c" "/044">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'e" "=">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'s" "/032">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'f" "/047">%ggbsout%
if "%nobell%"=="1" c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'#" "%nloutbell%">%ggbsout% c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'#" "/007">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'b" "/092">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "':" "/059">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'r" "%rexvo%">%ggbsout%
%nocutyz%%nocutyz3%c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "''y'y" "/047* ">%ggbsout% %nocutyz%%nocutyz1%if "%1"=="'n" c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'y" "/013/010rem ">%ggbsout%
%nocutyz%%nocutyz2%c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'y" "/047* */047">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'n" "%nloutrexx%">%ggbsout%
c:\binsub rext%rexxch%.r "'x" "'">%ggbsout%
if not "%oorex%"=="1" goto rexxpdo
%nonnrx%%nonrx6%if "%1"=="%ehn2%'n%ehne1%" goto dosme1
rexx16 rext%rexxch%.r
if not "%krexxch%%krexxch2%"=="1" set rexxch=
cd \
%noceedbrx%cd \
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)