My last words...again
Daniel Urtiz@21:1/5 to
All on Thu Dec 12 08:45:08 2019
Twelve brief and non sequitar thoughts follow:
i. I consider myself to in certain ways perhaps be more brave than I am physically strong or fit, such bravery possibly stemming in its own way from a psychological rigidity of sorts, the likes of which might perhaps even incline me at times to possible
ii. I swear to God that I have never in my life sold any illicit substances at all, on the streets or anywhere else. I furthermore assert that I have only but once purchased a very small amount of marijuana, when I was a very young man, which I swear to
God I never even once imbibed.
iii. I do not enjoy being racially stereotyped. Except perhaps for a tendency to infrequently speak oddly on certain internet venues, I am basically a law abiding citizen of the United States.
iv. I do not very much like country music, tending to find such kind of music to have an ambience of unpleasantly overdone American jingoism.
v. I would typically find the punishment of mortal execution to be an overdone and fascist punishment for the simple “crime” of farting.
vi. As I grow older and perhaps a bit wiser, I come to see more and more that it can perhaps sometimes be crude to simply say what one is thinking. Yet despite such discretion, I still sometimes find an affinity for the innocence of what might sometimes
be called “childlike honesty”.
vii. I have faith in the auspices of the US Constitution’s right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
viii. I might sometimes delude myself into thinking that I might be stubborn enough to perhaps have certain ultra conservative tendencies.
ix. I suggest that my possible overall ugliness of appearance means that I should remain relatively passive, politically speaking, avoiding the public eye.
x. I suggest that within a cosmos, perhaps even a multiverse, that might gravitate toward order and life, perhaps not every single reality is truly possible.
xi. I conjecture that certain popular ideals of the world might perhaps eventually fade or fail the test of time. But I further assert that simple overall goodness of virtue might perhaps often be a “longer art”.
xii. Based on my perhaps limited concept of such organizations, I do not often find the existence of anti-defamation leagues to be pleasant, the existence of which might impede open communication and even at times make the protected party seem to be a
bit “wimpy” or hegonomicaIly terse. I am mostly cognizant of three of such leagues, that of the Jews, the Arabs, and the Italians.
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