• If a judge is abusive to the prosecutor, is there any recourse?

    From S K@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 26 08:44:47 2021
    At a hearing yesterday Judge Schroeder in the Kyle Rittenhouse case was SNARLING at the prosecutor "I can't believe some of the things you are saying".

    If he does that during the trial, wouldn't that undermine the prosecution's case in the eyes of the jury?

    I just realized - the US is not ruled by the constitution - it is ruled by what judges think the constitution says and all their biases and prejudices can run rampant.

    Is abortion legal?

    It is legal if 5 judges of the supreme court think so. Whether 5 judges think so depends on which party appoints those judges.

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  • From Rick@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 26 10:43:34 2021
    "S K" wrote in message news:12de5a81-95ad-435f-b487-962c4a0d1023n@googlegroups.com...

    At a hearing yesterday Judge Schroeder in the Kyle Rittenhouse case was >SNARLING at the prosecutor "I can't believe some of the things you are >saying".

    If he does that during the trial, wouldn't that undermine the prosecution's >case in the eyes of the jury?

    I just realized - the US is not ruled by the constitution - it is ruled by >what judges think the constitution says and all their biases and prejudices >can run rampant.

    Is abortion legal?

    It is legal if 5 judges of the supreme court think so. Whether 5 judges >think so depends on which party appoints those judges.

    That's only because abortion is not mentioned or referenced anywhere in the Constitution. And judges are not necessarily influenced by the party that appointed them. Harry Blackman and John Paul Stevens were both appointed by republican presidents but were famously considered liberal justices.
    Blackmun in fact wrote the decision in Roe v. Wade and Stevens later
    expressed support for the ruling. Byron White was appointed by a democratic president but dissented in the Roe ruling and was regarded as a conservative justice.


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  • From Stuart O. Bronstein@21:1/5 to S K on Tue Oct 26 10:29:04 2021
    S K <skpflex1@gmail.com> wrote:

    At a hearing yesterday Judge Schroeder in the Kyle Rittenhouse
    case was SNARLING at the prosecutor "I can't believe some of the
    things you are saying".

    If he does that during the trial, wouldn't that undermine the
    prosecution's case in the eyes of the jury?

    I just realized - the US is not ruled by the constitution - it is
    ruled by what judges think the constitution says and all their
    biases and prejudices can run rampant.

    Is abortion legal?

    It is legal if 5 judges of the supreme court think so. Whether 5
    judges think so depends on which party appoints those judges.

    There are laws and other rules that judges are supposed to follow
    when making their decisions, so it's not completely arbitrary. That
    said, the current Supreme Court doesn't seem too concerned with those
    laws and rules.


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