• Let's book the stolen property into evidence, Danno

    From micky@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 29 14:26:46 2023
    On TV, the police arrest someone for theft and if they can find the
    goods or money he stole, the book it into evidence and the owner doesn't
    get it back until ... when? When the trial is over? When all the
    appeals have been heard? When the thief finishes his jail sentence?

    The third is a joke, but do they really keep this stuff, that the owner
    needs, when they could take pictures of it, write an affidavit about

    One might say that from the owner's pov, it would almost make them
    accesories to the original thief.

    I think you can tell, but just to be sure:
    I am not a lawyer.

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