Saint Catherine of Siena 10-13-95
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All on Sun Feb 14 13:40:36 2016
St. Catherine of Siena says,
"The Soul of every human life is dependent upon
the individual within whom It was placed at the moment
of conception, but also, this Soul is an Independent
Portion of God, and The Father is constantly aware
of Its Presence, and what the Soul is enduring because
of the individual in whom It was placed. The Soul
is a Purity beyond what mankind knows purity to be,
so anything that is impure to the slightest degree affects
the Soul, because the Soul in many ways, never before
described like this, is on a Mission for God, as Part
of a human being."
ON OCTOBER 13,1995 AT 1:04 P.M.
" I am Saint Catherine of Siena. Wherever
this little one is We are able to speak openly, to instruct
mankind, to give mankind hope, through Words that
The Father desires to be given. It is important that
mankind understand that this Miracle of Divine Love
has many facets to It, and through All the Instructions
that are passed through It, Each One is to gather the
attention of people of all cultures, all creeds, throughout
the world.
The Father has given to the world at this time,
this Gift that is beyond human ability, comprehension,
because mankind, in many ways, has a structured life
that is practiced in a daily manner, not just with habits,
but with many areas in which human life is associated.
Daily life to mankind is sometimes routine, but very
often this routine can be detrimental in some ways,
because the routine involves one's habits, one's personal
practices, one's ability to associate with others, and of
course, this list is endless. The Father has brought to
the world a Gift of Instruction for every living human
being, helping mankind to be aware of more than daily
routine, habits, but to also be aware of the Purpose for
which human life was created, and that is to one day
return to God a Saint.
After We hear some who have read Our Words
that were given through this Gift of The Father's, it is
sometimes sad to hear their interpretations, their coldness,
and yet know their needs. Then We hear some who
automatically, deliberately, have extreme opinions on
what this Miracle is all about, and then some say, 'How
could it be, why her, why not you or me?' It is
important for all, who ever have the privilege of this
Miracle touching them in any degree, either personally,
or through the Written Words, for them to see the
Value in What they are partaking in, and grow in a
personal way from having been touched by this Miracle,
even in the slightest degree.
This Miracle can be compared to when The Son
of God walked the earth. He found that Instruction had
to be consistent, constant, and not have any lengthy
period when nothing was said, because human nature
needs a consistent manner of reminders, else something
else distracts them. The Father, in His Design of this
Gift to mankind, left nothing out, and in each area of
this Miracle mankind can be assured that all ages, all
degrees of intelligence, all who have different talents,
are included somewhere in this Gift. There is always
something to get their attention, to remind them that
human life has a Purpose, and that human life must be
seen for what it truly is.
The Soul of every human life is dependent upon
the individual within whom It was placed at the moment
of conception, but also, this Soul is an Independent
Portion of God, and The Father is constantly aware
of Its Presence, and what the Soul is enduring because
of the individual in whom It was placed. The Soul
is a Purity beyond what mankind knows purity to be,
so anything that is impure to the slightest degree affects
the Soul, because the Soul in many ways, never before
described like this, is on a Mission for God, as Part
of a human being.
I will say no more on this. I feel that what has
been spoken thus far is sufficient for mankind of all
mentalities to see the Magnitude, the Logic, the Purpose,
and of course, the Responsibility. So be it."
Saint Joseph's Hill Of Hope
Brea, California 92822 U.S.A.
All Revelations are delivered spontaneously
and continuously as witnessed by all those
present at the time.
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