• Income Opportunities: Reliable Midstream/MLP Dividends

    From ETF Database@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 9 18:12:58 2022
    Following the hawkish comments from Jackson Hole, it seems like the dynamic seen for much of 2022 is set to continue (i.e., rising interest rates to combat high inflation). If so, energy may provide ongoing relative outperformance, as strong free cash
    flow generation and returning capital to investors through dividends and buybacks helps offset some of the macro volatility. Less sensitivity to interest rates may also work in energy's favor. For energy exposure with generous income, midstream/MLPs are
    an obvious choice, but some investors may be reluctant to consider this space given painful dividend cuts in the past. Today's note explains why income investors can have greater confidence and comfort around midstream/MLP payouts.


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