• MEDIA: Mitch McConnell Gave GOP Base the Finger With Doomed Ukraine Pac

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Wed Mar 13 11:10:12 2024
    Matt Vespa for Townhall on whether Casey and Ron DeSantis considered
    launching a whisper campaign against Donald Trump insinuating that
    Vladimir Putin bribed or blackmailed Trump into endorsing the likes
    of Mitch McConnell and Jim Lankford: <URL:https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2024/02/21/mitch-mcconnell-gave-gop-base-the-finger-with-doomed-ukraine-package-n2635513>
    | Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) might have had some senior moments,
    | infamously freezing at the podium at a presser last year. Still, the
    | Ukraine deal was one where he probably knew it would be a political
    | suicide mission. The original agreement was a joke, where a little
    | around $20 billion was allocated to border security, whereas the
    | lion's share was earmarked for Ukraine. The $117 billion deal
    | collapsed when details, like a pathway to citizenship for unvetted
    | Afghan refugees, new protections from deportation for children of H-
    | 1B visas, and taxpayer-funded lawyers supplied to migrants under 13.
    | Yet, this was never intended to be a piece of legislation McConnell
    | wanted, it would seem. Daily Caller reported what many have already
    | suspected: That McConnell threw this out there to appease
    | conservatives to pave the way to pass a clean Ukraine aid package.

    Will Trump rehire Amy Swonger to pitch his legislative agenda to
    McConnell's Senate.GOV and Mike Johnson's House.GOV and does Swonger
    recommend Trump replace McConnell at Republican.Senate.GOV with
    NRSC.ORG's Steve Daines?

    "Rufo gets blackballed but a random person who flattered Trump and
    is highly incompetent ends up in the White House. Does this also
    apply to the smart Claremont people who have been helping DeSantis
    with policy in Florida?" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1639432742348652544>

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