• Don't Fall into an H1B Education Trap

    From Sheila Danzig@21:1/5 to All on Thu Mar 24 11:40:21 2016
    H1B educational requirements are laden with sneaky traps that can tank your client's case in a hurry. To avoid these traps, it is essential to be aware of the unique educational requirements of each visa, as well as the educational equivalency
    requirements, which also vary from visa to visa, and change with USCIS trends. Attorneys should seek the help of credential evaluators who see a lot of RFE's, Denials, and difficult cases, and have an in-depth understanding of international education as
    well as CIS trends and visa requirements. This is specialized information you and your client need to know to sidestep the H1B education traps.

    Is the university your client's degree came from government accredited?

    For H1B visas, the biggest education trap is the candidate has education from an institution that is not government accredited. Two common examples of this are degrees from NIIT and Aptech. Your client's education can be legitimate, rigorous, and prepare
    your client with the education necessary to meet the requirements of the H1B job, but if the institution is not government accredited, CIS won't accept it.

    Is that REALLY a college degree? Or just a high school diploma?

    Read more:

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