• It's Totally Normal That Joe Biden's Son Works for a Ukrainian Ener

    From A Martha Stewart Moment@21:1/5 to none@none.nl on Wed Aug 31 07:07:00 2016
    XPost: alt.masturbation.female, alt.rectum.nearly.killed-um, alt.journalism.gay-press
    XPost: alt.tasteless.penis

    In article <m2ovgbtu0hskv65duqljocaqh8t4jdq4ik@4ax.com>
    mg <none@none.nl> wrote:

    It's a tough job being on the board of directors of Ukraine's
    largest private gas producer, but somebody's gotta do it:


    "It's Totally Normal That Joe Biden's Son Works for a Ukrainian
    Energy Company

    Adam Chandler, Jun 7, 2014 3:14PM ET

    The inauguration of Petro Poroshenko as Ukraine's new president was
    Europe's biggest story today. The billionaire confectioner promised
    to bring Ukraine closer to Europe and the West. He also had some
    tough words about Crimea, which he delivered in the presence of
    Mikhail Zurabov, the recently restored Russian ambassador to

    Russia occupied Crimea, which was, is and will be Ukrainian
    soil. Yesterday in the course of the meeting in Normandy, I told
    this to President Putin: Crimea is Ukraine soil. Period. There can
    be no compromise on the issues of Crimea, European choice and state structure.”

    Among the dignitaries in attendance was Vice President Joe Biden,
    which is where the story gets interesting. It hardly seems
    noteworthy that, given the scope of the crisis, Biden took his
    second trip to Ukraine in the past six weeks.

    However, Biden's trip also coincided with a story about his youngest
    son. Hunter Biden was tapped last month to join the board of Burisma Holdings, Ukraine’s largest private gas producer. At the time, The
    Guardian wryly explained the oddity of Biden-spawn's new gig.

    Isn't that a bit fishy? Why do you say that?

    Because he's the vice-president's son! That's a coincidence.
    "This is totally based on merit," said Burisma's chairman, Alan

    He doesn't sound very Ukrainian. He's American, as is the other
    new board member, Devon Archer.

    Who? Devon Archer, who works with Hunter Biden at Rosemont
    Seneca partners, which is half owned by Rosemont Capital, a private
    equity firm founded by Archer and Christopher Heinz.

    Who? Christopher Heinz … John Kerry's stepson.

    As the Associated Press reports today, there is more fishiness yet.
    While Hunter Biden's new company is said to be working to get
    Ukraine off its dependence on Russia for energy, Burisma also
    reportedly "leases natural gas fields in the breakaway
    Russian-backed state of Crimea."

    The company is also owned by Nikolai Zlochevskyi, whose "ties to
    Ukraine's ousted pro-Russian president" include serving as a senior
    minister in several government posts under Viktor Yanukovych.

    At the time of the appointment, Hunter Biden said this:

    As a new member of the Board, I believe that my assistance in
    consulting the Company on matters of transparency, corporate
    governance and responsibility, international expansion and other
    priorities will contribute to the economy and benefit the people of

    Said transparency seems to be elusive on the American side of this
    deal. . . ."


    Looks like the democrats all need to be lined up against a wall
    and shot.

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