• You won't believe how much (That faggot..) Obama is spending on 'gender

    From Iraq@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 13 22:30:30 2015
    XPost: alt.politics.miserable-failure, alt.journalism.gay-press, alt.politics.greens
    XPost: alt.dislocated.ass

    NSF spending big bucks to design a “feminist computer”

    Is your computer sexist?

    Obama thinks so.

    “The National Science Foundation (NSF) is spending over $300,000
    to create ‘feminist theory’ for human interaction with
    computers, and aims to make computer systems more ‘gender
    sensitive,’” The Washington Free Beacon reports.

    “A project led by a researcher at Drexel University theorizes
    that there are fewer women in computing fields because computers
    are made by men,” the Beacon reports.

    Even though it’s named the National Science Foundation, the NSF
    apparently rejects the scientific finding that more men are in
    the computer field because male brains tend to do better with
    spatial skills, while female brains do better with language,
    expression and impulse control.

    The project’s grant is a left-wing word salad.

    The [Principal Investigator] PI’s long-term goal is to create
    theory to inform [Human-Computer Interaction] HCI design
    practices, to ensure the production of egalitarian designs that
    reflect all users’ values.

    In particular, she aims to create feminist theory for HCI, which
    she hopes will close the gap in women’s participation in

    Previously, the PI has shown how approaches to designing for
    women are questionable when viewed in light of feminist theory.

    Feminist scholars argue that the lack of women in computing
    further discourages women from pursuing programming-related
    careers, and that women are also excluded because technologies
    created by men better address male needs.

    The PI believes the problem lies not only in who is excluded but
    in that the design processes inherently alienate women.

    Her approach is to address the problem by bridging previously
    unrelated aspects of the learning sciences, human-computer
    interaction, and the science and technology studies of gender,
    which will be combined with findings from a multi-year
    ethnographic study to acquire a deep understanding of how girls
    co-construct their gender and technical identities, how
    technologies come to be associated with one gender or the other,
    and how this affects girls’ career choices.

    So far the NSF has spent $345,019 studying how to build a
    “feminist computer.”

    The project claims computers have a gender, and it’s male.

    Researchers hope to learn how “young women co-construct their
    gender and technical identities, what appeals to them about
    technical careers, and the process by which technology artifacts
    acquire symbolic gender.”


    LaRae Bailey • 6 days ago
    I think the man has a true gender identity issue and is hell
    bent to prove something
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    http://www.americanpatriotdaily.com/latest/you-wont-believe-how- much-obama-is-spending-on-gender-neutral-computers/

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