• STIs soaring in gay men - warning

    From Legalizing Gay Child Molestation Is@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 13 23:13:28 2015
    XPost: alt.politics.miserable-failure, alt.journalism.gay-press, alt.politics.greens
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    The number of sexually transmitted infections being spread in
    gay men is soaring, according to Public Health England.

    Figures for 2014 showed a 46% increase in syphilis infections,
    32% in gonorrhoea and 26% in chlamydia.

    The report said there were "high levels of condomless sex" in
    general and "rapid" transmission of infections in HIV-positive

    Public Health England recommends regular STI testing.

    Across all groups in England, the number of sexually transmitted
    infections fell by 0.3% from the previous year, to 439,243 new

    Chlamydia was the most common STI, accounting for nearly half of
    all diagnoses.

    But there is a very different picture in men who have sex with

    Syphilis infections increased from 2,375 to 3,477

    Gonorrhoea increased from 13,629 to 18,029

    Chlamydia diagnoses increased from 9,118 to 11,468

    Genital warts increased by 10% from 3,156 to 3,456

    Gonorrhoea is one of the biggest worries because of the rise of antibiotic-resistant strains of the infection, which are very
    hard to treat.

    Dr Gwenda Hughes, the head of STI surveillance at Public Health
    England, said: "The stats published today show that too many
    people are getting STIs, reducing this spread must be a public
    health priority.

    "We are particularly concerned about the large rises in
    diagnoses among gay men."

    The report said high levels of sex without a condom "probably
    account for most of this rise", but it also drew attention to
    the rapid spread of infections "in dense sexual networks of HIV-
    positive men who have sex with men".

    Dr Hughes added: "Health promotion and education to increase
    risk awareness and encourage safer sexual behaviour remain the
    cornerstones of STI prevention.

    "Ensuring easy access to sexual health services and STI
    screening is a vital component in the control of STIs."

    Gay men are advised to have HIV and STI testing every year, or
    every three months if they have sex without a condom or with
    casual partners.

    Public Health England adds that all sexually active under-25-
    year-olds should have a chlamydia test each year and whenever
    they have a new sexual partner.

    Dr Michael Brady, the medical director of the Terrence Higgins
    Trust, said: "The continued rise in both syphilis and gonorrhoea
    is a worry and evidence that we still have much to do to address
    the nation's poor sexual health and rates of STIs in those most
    at risk.

    "We should make better use of new technologies and approaches -
    local awareness raising through targeted social media based on
    the geographical breakdown of the data we are seeing today and
    an offer online testing - to reach those who are not accessing
    'traditional' services".


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