• Vertex (trying to cure Insulinitis) - Recent Video

    From _@21:1/5 to All on Mon Mar 21 13:41:44 2022
    (correcting re-post to fix 3 typos)

    Just now I watched a recently released
    video about "How There Could Finally Be
    A Cure For Insulinitis (Islit, abbreviation
    for superior new clarifying word for near-
    total to total loss of endogenous insulin)".

    The video exhibited the typical flaw of the
    use of the diabetes word over & over & over
    again without clarifier, a flaw that is easily
    fixable if entities with vision & admiration
    for clarity invoked the new superior names
    for the 7 Disparate High Glucose Conditions
    that I created in 2010.

    Anyway, the article failed to indicate how
    many in the world have Islit. It did say 537
    million or so have any of the 7 Disparate
    High Glucose Conditions, failing to share
    that < 5% of that number have Islit, & about
    95% of that number have Cellosis (new ...

    ... superior clarifying name for type 2 dia-
    betes). The much less frequent Disparate
    High Glucose Conditions (Latent Autoim-
    mune Islit, Gestational Cellosis, Diminosis,
    Neonatal Diminosis, & Ohiglucons were
    not mentioned (see sig for details).

    Such is the nature of the outdated anachron-
    istic annoying confusing misleading Diabetes
    & Diabetic words used throughout the video,
    guessing required when correct clarifier is not
    used. They used type 1 a few times & type 2

    The video focused on an Islit individual who
    has had relief from his exogenous insulin dos-
    ing (92% reduced) thanks to a multi-year clini-
    cal trial, he being 1 of 2 that have received the
    insulin-lowering treatment thus far. The video
    indicates 17 more will receive the treatment ...

    ... during the multi-year clinical trial, finish date
    unknown. A scary aspect of the Vertex treat-
    ment, a requirement to use immunosuppres-
    sants for life, that's still involved.

    I appreciate the optimism of those at Vertex &
    JDRF, but I fail to share their optimism until or
    unless they can eliminate the requirement for

    The gentleman who received the Vertex treat-
    ment, the video says his glucose levels aver-
    age 146 mg/ml.


    Meanwhile, back in the land of the real, despite
    the FDA approving the Omnipod 5 tubeless in-
    sulin pump for auto-adjusting basin insulin dos-
    ages, I tried to get it via my Humana insurance
    today, & they said I couldn't do so. Don't know
    when it will be available. I suppose I'll try again
    in 3 months.

    My Dexcom G6 CGMs, I made the mistake of
    telling them I had changed doctors, & they are
    requiring my new doctor to give them a pre-
    scription for those (under the Durable Medical
    Equipment area). It was hard to set that up, &
    I dread having to go through that again, but ...

    ... the process has begun, & hopefully I'll get
    approval via the Humana / CCS Medical enti-
    ties before my Dexcom G6 supplies run out
    38 days from now. Oh joy.

    I had to go back to get an HbA1c test this morn-
    ing, & upon checking with my Doc's office, I found
    out about the unavailability of the Omnipod 5. I
    had to reinform them I needed the old Omnipod
    Dash pods (90 day supply) as they hadn't ordered
  • From _@21:1/5 to All on Mon Mar 21 13:34:57 2022
    Just now I watched a recently released
    video about "How There Could Finally Be
    A Cure For Insulinitis (Islit, abbreviation
    for superior new clarifying word for near-
    total to total loss of endogenous insulin)".

    The video exhibited the typical flaw of the
    use of the diabetes word over & over & over
    again without clarifier, a flaw that is easily
    fixable if entities with vision & admiration
    for clarity invoked the new superior names
    for the 7 Disparate High Glucose Conditions
    that I created in 2010.

    Anyway, the article failed to indicate how
    many in the world have Islit. It did say 537
    million or so have any of the 7 Disparate
    High Glucose Conditions, failing to share
    that < 5% of that number have Islit, & about
    95% of that number have Cellosis (new ...

    ... superior clarifying name for type 2 dia-
    betes). The much less frequent Disparate
    High Glucose Conditions (Latent Autoim-
    mune Islit, Gestational Cellosis, Diminosis,
    Neonatal Diminosis, & Ohiglucons were
    not mentioned (see sig for details).

    Such is the nature of the outdated anachron-
    istic annoying confusing misleading Diabetes
    & Diabetic words used throughout the video,
    gussing fequired when correct clarifier is not
    used. The used type 1 a few times & type 2

    The video focused on an Islit individual who
    has had relief from his exogenous insulin dos-
    ing (92% reduced) thanks to a multi-year clini-
    cal trial, he being 1 of 2 that have received the
    insulin-lowering treatment thus far. The video
    indicates 17 more will receive the treatment ...

    ... during the multi-year clinical trial, finish date
    unknown. A scary aspect of the Vertex treat-
    ment, a requirement to use immunosuppres-
    sants for life, that's still involved.

    I appreciate the optimism of those at Vertex &
    JDRF, but I fail to share their optimism until or
    unless they can eliminate the requirement for

    The gentleman who received the Vertex treat-
    ment, the video says his glucose levels aver-
    age 146 mg/ml.


    Meanwhile, back in the land of the real, despite
    the FDA approving the Omnipod 5 tubeless in-
    sulin pump for auto-adjusting basin insulin dos-
    ages, I tried to get it via my Humana insurance
    today, & they said I couldn't do so. Don't know
    when it will be available. I suppose I'll try again
    in 3 months.

    My Dexcom G6 CGMs, I made the mistake of
    telling them I had changed doctors, & they are
    requiring my new doctor to give them a pre-
    scription for those (under the Durable Medical
    Equipment area). It was hard to set that up, &
    I dread having to go through that again, but ...

    ... the process has begun, & hopefully I'll get
    approval via the Humana / CCS Medical enti-
    ties before my Dexcom G6 supplies run out
    38 days from now. Oh joy.

    I had to go back to get an HbA1c test this morn-
    ing, & upon checking with my Doc's office, I found
    out about the unavailability of the Omnipod 5. I
    had to reinform them I needed the old Omnipod
    Dash pods (90 day supply) as they hadn't ordered
  • From _@21:1/5 to All on Sat Mar 26 09:53:35 2022

    On Monday, March 21, 2022 at 3:41:45 PM UTC-5, _ wrote:

    Just now I watched a recently released
    video about "How There Could Finally Be
    A Cure For Insulinitis (Islit, abbreviation
    for superior new clarifying word for near-
    total to total loss of endogenous insulin)".

    The video exhibited the typical flaw of the
    use of the diabetes word over & over & over
    again without clarifier, a flaw that is easily
    fixable if entities with vision & admiration
    for clarity invoked the new superior names
    for the 7 Disparate High Glucose Conditions
    that I created in 2010.

    Anyway, the article failed to indicate how
    many in the world have Islit. It did say 537
    million or so have any of the 7 Disparate
    High Glucose Conditions, failing to share
    that < 5% of that number have Islit, & about
    95% of that number have Cellosis (new ...

    ... superior clarifying name for type 2 dia-
    betes). The much less frequent Disparate
    High Glucose Conditions (Latent Autoim-
    mune Islit, Gestational Cellosis, Diminosis,
    Neonatal Diminosis, & Ohiglucons were
    not mentioned (see sig for details).

    Such is the nature of the outdated anachron-
    istic annoying confusing misleading Diabetes
    & Diabetic words used throughout the video,
    guessing required when correct clarifier is not
    used. They used type 1 a few times & type 2

    The video focused on an Islit individual who
    has had relief from his exogenous insulin dos-
    ing (92% reduced) thanks to a multi-year clini-
    cal trial, he being 1 of 2 that have received the
    insulin-lowering treatment thus far. The video
    indicates 17 more will receive the treatment ...

    ... during the multi-year clinical trial, finish date
    unknown. A scary aspect of the Vertex treat-
    ment, a requirement to use immunosuppres-
    sants for life, that's still involved.

    I appreciate the optimism of those at Vertex &
    JDRF, but I fail to share their optimism until or
    unless they can eliminate the requirement for

    The gentleman who received the Vertex treat-
    ment, the video says his glucose levels aver-
    age 146 mg/ml.


    Meanwhile, back in the land of the real, despite
    the FDA approving the Omnipod 5 tubeless in-
    sulin pump for auto-adjusting basin insulin dos-
    ages, I tried to get it via my Humana insurance
    today, & they said I couldn't do so. Don't know
    when it will be available. I suppose I'll try again
    in 3 months.

    My Dexcom G6 CGMs, I made the mistake of
    telling them I had changed doctors, & they are
    requiring my new doctor to give them a pre-
    scription for those (under the Durable Medical
    Equipment area). It was hard to set that up, &
    I dread having to go through that again, but ...

    ... the process has begun, & hopefully I'll get
    approval via the Humana / CCS Medical enti-
    ties before my Dexcom G6 supplies run out
    38 days from now. Oh joy.

    Dexcom G6, still working on getting approval
    for that - I'll have to call my doctor's office on
    Monday to see what's going on with that.

    I had to go back to get an HbA1c test this morn-
    ing, & upon checking with my Doc's office, I found
    out about the unavailability of the Omnipod 5. I
    had to reinform them I needed the old Omnipod
    Dash pods (90 day supply) as they hadn't ordered
    those, I began the Dexcom G6 process that I men-
    tioned above, & I re-informed them I needed my
    90 day supply of Fiasp insulin as they hadn't ord-
    ered those yet, mysteriously.

    Today, got 5 vials of Fiasp insulin & 90 day supply
    of Omnipod DASH pods ordered. Fiasp was deduc-
    tible of $19 per vial & Omnipod DASH pods was
    deductible of $1.50 per pod (30 pods), total deduc-
    tible for 90 days = $140.

    I'll call back tomorrow to follow-up. Shows you
    how _____-up our current medical system is, but
    hey, why complain, just documenting the facts,
    and I'll follow up with progress (or lack thereof)
    as the days proceed.

    Back to "the cure", the video doesn't address in
    specifics the alternatives to Vertex, but it does
    say that there are an array of methods being re-
    searched to find "the cure" or "near-cure" for In-
    sulinitis (among them, a smart artificial pancreas
    ideally, if possible, eliminating both hypoglycemia
    & hyperglycemia).

    Sidenote: An admirer of beautiful women am I, &
    the VP & Disease Area Executive at Vertex Pharm-
    aceuticals, Felicia Pagliuca, gets my vote for the
    most beautiful woman I've ever seen involved in
    trying to cure Islit (27 to 40 seconds into the video).

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Pro-Humanist FREELOVER, Insulinitis (Islit)
    since age 5. I got Islit 61 years ago, March 1961. https://prohuman.net/pix2/new_superior_clarifying_name_is_INSULINITIS.jpg

    C.ure I.nsulinitis A.ssociation
    ASAP! https://prohuman.net/cureinsulinitisassociation.htm

    Glucose Anomalies Research regarding
    Potential Cures / Improvements in Treatments
    The Sooner The Better! https://prohuman.net/glucoseanomaliesresearch.htm

    - - -

    The old confusing way which all-too-often
    involves folks using the diabetes / diabetic
    words without a clarifier:

    diabetes / diabetic without a clarifier,
    diabetes / diabetic guessing required https://prohuman.net/pix2/diabetesdiabeticguessinggame.jpg

    - - -

    Logic and reasoning behind ceasing using
    diabetes & diabetic & reactive hypoglycemia
    words and phrases, replacing all that with
    vastly superior names, ending diabetes &
    diabetic & reactive hypoglycemia confusion,
    misleading, & misunderstanding:

    Diabetes Bubble / Diabetes Bubble Burst
    Splendid! https://prohuman.net/diabetesbubblediabetesbubbleburst.htm

    - - -

    Disparate High Glucose Conditions,
    DHGCs, 7 disparate categories of
    unpreventability / nonreversibility
    of all-but-one of the specific types
    of DHGCs (thus far, research actively
    trying to change that):

    o 15 specific types of rapid-onset Insul-
    initis (Islit), unpreventable & nonrevers-
    ible (thus far), the overwhelming majority
    with Islit have Insulitis Islit (sometimes
    called type 1 diabetes, often confusingly
    called diabetes with no clarifier) https://prohuman.net/pix2/new_superior_clarifying_name_is_INSULINITIS.jpg

    14 specific types of Islit are not caused
    by Insulitis, present in a small minority
    of those with Islit.

    o 1 specific type of slow-onset Islit, Latent
    Autoimmune Islit, also unpreventable &
    nonreversible (thus far) (sometimes called
    latent autoimmune diabetes in adults, often
    confusingly called diabetes with no clarifier)

    o Preventable Cellosis is the only specific
    type of DHGC that is preventable & revers-
    ible (in many, sometimes it's called type 2
    diabetes, often confusingly called diabetes
    with no clarifier)

    Risk for Preventable Cellosis, Hypertension,
    & Cardiovascular Disease increases as one's
    weight increases but BMI risk increases at
    lower BMI levels in non-white individuals: https://prohuman.net/pix2/BMI-WaistCircumference-Cellosis&Hypertension&CardiovascularDisease-Risk.jpg

    PreCellosis (often confusingly called pre-
    diabetes with no clarifier) is the oft-times
    preventable & reversible Cellosis precondi-
    tion that all-too-often the overwhelming ma-
    jority having it are unaware they have it

    o 20 specific types of Cellosis, unpreven-
    table & nonreversible (thus far, sometimes
    called type 2 diabetes, all-too-often con-
    fusingly called diabetes with no clarifier)

    o 1 specific type of DHGC only occurring
    in the late stage of impregnation in women,
    a type that's transient but that increases
    risk of later getting Cellosis, that ...

    ... condition called Gestational Cellosis
    (sometimes called gestational diabetes,
    sometimes confusingly called diabetes with
    no clarifier).

    o 11 specific types of Diminosis (new name
    created in 2010 for a monogenic condition
    age 6 months that sometimes is called
    maturity onset diabetes of the young, some-
    times confusingly called diabetes with no
    clarifier), unpreventable & non-reversible
    (thus far).

    o 12 specific types of Neonatal Diminosis
    (new name created in 2010 for a monogenic
    condition at age < or = 6 months that some-
    times is called neonatal diabetes, sometimes
    confusingly called diabetes with no ...

    ... clarifier), 8 types are permanent & unpre-
    ventable & nonreversible (thus far); 4 specific
    types are transient but can recur.

    o 25 specific types of Ohiglucons (new name
    created in 2010 for other diabetes mellitus,
    but often confusingly called diabetes with
    no clarifier).

    23 specific types are totally unpreventable.

    Hemochromatosis Ohiglucon, is only preventa-
    ble if Hemochromatosis is found and treated
    before it damages the pancreas.

    Immunosuppressants Ohiglucon, caused after
    a transplant with the required use of immun-
    osuppressants, 50% is temporary, but if it
    persists for over a year, most likely the condi-
    tion is permanent.

    If endogenous insulin production is near-totally
    to totally lost & does not recover after immuno-
    suppressants dosages reduced, it causes Im-
    munosuppressants Islit.

    - - -

    A mostly Non-Glucose Anomaly, Insipidus, it's
    also unpreventable & nonreversible (thus far):

    o 6 specific types of Insipidus (new name
    created in 2010 for diabetes insipidus, some-
    times confusingly called diabetes with no clar-
    ifier), 4 specific types don't include high glucose
    & are unpreventable & nonreversible (thus far),
    2 specific rare types do include high glucose &
    are unpreventable & nonreversible (thus far).

    - - -

    The following condition is apart from the
    diabetes confusion problem, but has confu-
    sion issues of its own.

    A Low Glucose Condition, Hut:

    o The 21 specific types of Hut (new name
    created in 2010 for Hypoglycemia Uncaused
    by Treatments for High Glucose, often con-
    fusingly called reactive hypoglycemia, con-
    fusing in that it does not occur as a reac-
    tion to treatment for High Glucose; one ...

    ... form sometimes called hyperinsulinism),
    some specific types are preventable & rever-
    sible, some aren't (thus far).

    - - -

    Stop Diabetes/Diabetic Confusion
    with New Superior Clarifying Terms https://www.change.org/stopdiabetesdiabeticconfusionwithNewSuperiorClarifyingTerms

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From _@21:1/5 to All on Mon Mar 28 09:27:16 2022
    Follow-up 2:

    Dexcom G6 CGM, it showed up on the CCS
    Medical website today. I called them & was
    told it will ship today, so I should receive it
    by next week. I didn't inquire about the de-
    ductible amount but think it will be $140 or
    so for 9 sensors & 1 transmitter.

    On Saturday, March 26, 2022 at 11:53:37 AM UTC-5, _ wrote:


    On Monday, March 21, 2022 at 3:41:45 PM UTC-5, _ wrote:

    Just now I watched a recently released
    video about "How There Could Finally Be
    A Cure For Insulinitis (Islit, abbreviation
    for superior new clarifying word for near-
    total to total loss of endogenous insulin)".

    The video exhibited the typical flaw of the
    use of the diabetes word over & over & over
    again without clarifier, a flaw that is easily
    fixable if entities with vision & admiration
    for clarity invoked the new superior names
    for the 7 Disparate High Glucose Conditions
    that I created in 2010.

    Anyway, the article failed to indicate how
    many in the world have Islit. It did say 537
    million or so have any of the 7 Disparate
    High Glucose Conditions, failing to share
    that < 5% of that number have Islit, & about
    95% of that number have Cellosis (new ...

    ... superior clarifying name for type 2 dia-
    betes). The much less frequent Disparate
    High Glucose Conditions (Latent Autoim-
    mune Islit, Gestational Cellosis, Diminosis,
    Neonatal Diminosis, & Ohiglucons were
    not mentioned (see sig for details).

    Such is the nature of the outdated anachron-
    istic annoying confusing misleading Diabetes
    & Diabetic words used throughout the video,
    guessing required when correct clarifier is not
    used. They used type 1 a few times & type 2

    The video focused on an Islit individual who
    has had relief from his exogenous insulin dos-
    ing (92% reduced) thanks to a multi-year clini-
    cal trial, he being 1 of 2 that have received the
    insulin-lowering treatment thus far. The video
    indicates 17 more will receive the treatment ...

    ... during the multi-year clinical trial, finish date
    unknown. A scary aspect of the Vertex treat-
    ment, a requirement to use immunosuppres-
    sants for life, that's still involved.

    I appreciate the optimism of those at Vertex &
    JDRF, but I fail to share their optimism until or
    unless they can eliminate the requirement for

    The gentleman who received the Vertex treat-
    ment, the video says his glucose levels aver-
    age 146 mg/ml.


    Meanwhile, back in the land of the real, despite
    the FDA approving the Omnipod 5 tubeless in-
    sulin pump for auto-adjusting basin insulin dos-
    ages, I tried to get it via my Humana insurance
    today, & they said I couldn't do so. Don't know
    when it will be available. I suppose I'll try again
    in 3 months.

    My Dexcom G6 CGMs, I made the mistake of
    telling them I had changed doctors, & they are
    requiring my new doctor to give them a pre-
    scription for those (under the Durable Medical
    Equipment area). It was hard to set that up, &
    I dread having to go through that again, but ...

    ... the process has begun, & hopefully I'll get
    approval via the Humana / CCS Medical enti-
    ties before my Dexcom G6 supplies run out
    38 days from now. Oh joy.

    Dexcom G6, still working on getting approval
    for that - I'll have to call my doctor's office on
    Monday to see what's going on with that.

    I had to go back to get an HbA1c test this morn-
    ing, & upon checking with my Doc's office, I found
    out about the unavailability of the Omnipod 5. I
    had to reinform them I needed the old Omnipod
    Dash pods (90 day supply) as they hadn't ordered
    those, I began the Dexcom G6 process that I men-
    tioned above, & I re-informed them I needed my
    90 day supply of Fiasp insulin as they hadn't ord-
    ered those yet, mysteriously.

    Today, got 5 vials of Fiasp insulin & 90 day supply
    of Omnipod DASH pods ordered. Fiasp was deduc-
    tible of $19 per vial & Omnipod DASH pods was
    deductible of $1.50 per pod (30 pods), total deduc-
    tible for 90 days = $140.

    I'll call back tomorrow to follow-up. Shows you
    how _____-up our current medical system is, but
    hey, why complain, just documenting the facts,
    and I'll follow up with progress (or lack thereof)
    as the days proceed.

    Back to "the cure", the video doesn't address in
    specifics the alternatives to Vertex, but it does
    say that there are an array of methods being re-
    searched to find "the cure" or "near-cure" for In-
    sulinitis (among them, a smart artificial pancreas
    ideally, if possible, eliminating both hypoglycemia
    & hyperglycemia).

    Sidenote: An admirer of beautiful women am I, &
    the VP & Disease Area Executive at Vertex Pharm-
    aceuticals, Felicia Pagliuca, gets my vote for the
    most beautiful woman I've ever seen involved in
    trying to cure Islit (27 to 40 seconds into the video).

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Pro-Humanist FREELOVER, Insulinitis (Islit)
    since age 5. I got Islit 61 years ago, March 1961. https://prohuman.net/pix2/new_superior_clarifying_name_is_INSULINITIS.jpg

    C.ure I.nsulinitis A.ssociation
    ASAP! https://prohuman.net/cureinsulinitisassociation.htm

    Glucose Anomalies Research regarding
    Potential Cures / Improvements in Treatments
    The Sooner The Better! https://prohuman.net/glucoseanomaliesresearch.htm

    - - -

    The old confusing way which all-too-often
    involves folks using the diabetes / diabetic
    words without a clarifier:

    diabetes / diabetic without a clarifier,
    diabetes / diabetic guessing required https://prohuman.net/pix2/diabetesdiabeticguessinggame.jpg

    - - -

    Logic and reasoning behind ceasing using
    diabetes & diabetic & reactive hypoglycemia
    words and phrases, replacing all that with
    vastly superior names, ending diabetes &
    diabetic & reactive hypoglycemia confusion,
    misleading, & misunderstanding:

    Diabetes Bubble / Diabetes Bubble Burst
    Splendid! https://prohuman.net/diabetesbubblediabetesbubbleburst.htm

    - - -

    Disparate High Glucose Conditions,
    DHGCs, 7 disparate categories of
    unpreventability / nonreversibility
    of all-but-one of the specific types
    of DHGCs (thus far, research actively
    trying to change that):

    o 15 specific types of rapid-onset Insul-
    initis (Islit), unpreventable & nonrevers-
    ible (thus far), the overwhelming majority
    with Islit have Insulitis Islit (sometimes
    called type 1 diabetes, often confusingly
    called diabetes with no clarifier) https://prohuman.net/pix2/new_superior_clarifying_name_is_INSULINITIS.jpg

    14 specific types of Islit are not caused
    by Insulitis, present in a small minority
    of those with Islit.

    o 1 specific type of slow-onset Islit, Latent
    Autoimmune Islit, also unpreventable &
    nonreversible (thus far) (sometimes called
    latent autoimmune diabetes in adults, often
    confusingly called diabetes with no clarifier)

    o Preventable Cellosis is the only specific
    type of DHGC that is preventable & revers-
    ible (in many, sometimes it's called type 2
    diabetes, often confusingly called diabetes
    with no clarifier)

    Risk for Preventable Cellosis, Hypertension,
    & Cardiovascular Disease increases as one's
    weight increases but BMI risk increases at
    lower BMI levels in non-white individuals: https://prohuman.net/pix2/BMI-WaistCircumference-Cellosis&Hypertension&CardiovascularDisease-Risk.jpg

    PreCellosis (often confusingly called pre-
    diabetes with no clarifier) is the oft-times
    preventable & reversible Cellosis precondi-
    tion that all-too-often the overwhelming ma-
    jority having it are unaware they have it

    o 20 specific types of Cellosis, unpreven-
    table & nonreversible (thus far, sometimes
    called type 2 diabetes, all-too-often con-
    fusingly called diabetes with no clarifier)

    o 1 specific type of DHGC only occurring
    in the late stage of impregnation in women,
    a type that's transient but that increases
    risk of later getting Cellosis, that ...

    ... condition called Gestational Cellosis
    (sometimes called gestational diabetes,
    sometimes confusingly called diabetes with
    no clarifier).

    o 11 specific types of Diminosis (new name
    created in 2010 for a monogenic condition
    age 6 months that sometimes is called
    maturity onset diabetes of the young, some-
    times confusingly called diabetes with no
    clarifier), unpreventable & non-reversible
    (thus far).

    o 12 specific types of Neonatal Diminosis
    (new name created in 2010 for a monogenic
    condition at age < or = 6 months that some-
    times is called neonatal diabetes, sometimes
    confusingly called diabetes with no ...

    ... clarifier), 8 types are permanent & unpre-
    ventable & nonreversible (thus far); 4 specific
    types are transient but can recur.

    o 25 specific types of Ohiglucons (new name
    created in 2010 for other diabetes mellitus,
    but often confusingly called diabetes with
    no clarifier).

    23 specific types are totally unpreventable.

    Hemochromatosis Ohiglucon, is only preventa-
    ble if Hemochromatosis is found and treated
    before it damages the pancreas.

    Immunosuppressants Ohiglucon, caused after
    a transplant with the required use of immun-
    osuppressants, 50% is temporary, but if it
    persists for over a year, most likely the condi-
    tion is permanent.

    If endogenous insulin production is near-totally
    to totally lost & does not recover after immuno-
    suppressants dosages reduced, it causes Im-
    munosuppressants Islit.

    - - -

    A mostly Non-Glucose Anomaly, Insipidus, it's
    also unpreventable & nonreversible (thus far):

    o 6 specific types of Insipidus (new name
    created in 2010 for diabetes insipidus, some-
    times confusingly called diabetes with no clar-
    ifier), 4 specific types don't include high glucose
    & are unpreventable & nonreversible (thus far),
    2 specific rare types do include high glucose &
    are unpreventable & nonreversible (thus far).

    - - -

    The following condition is apart from the
    diabetes confusion problem, but has confu-
    sion issues of its own.

    A Low Glucose Condition, Hut:

    o The 21 specific types of Hut (new name
    created in 2010 for Hypoglycemia Uncaused
    by Treatments for High Glucose, often con-
    fusingly called reactive hypoglycemia, con-
    fusing in that it does not occur as a reac-
    tion to treatment for High Glucose; one ...

    ... form sometimes called hyperinsulinism),
    some specific types are preventable & rever-
    sible, some aren't (thus far).

    - - -

    Stop Diabetes/Diabetic Confusion
    with New Superior Clarifying Terms https://www.change.org/stopdiabetesdiabeticconfusionwithNewSuperiorClarifyingTerms

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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