October 29 2021
That article does not hint at the capability
displayed in the following photo at the art-
The article offers the following:
An international team of researchers have
identified a new method for clearing senes-
cent cells, which could transform treatments
for aging and related conditions.
... Cellular senescence is an irreversible phe-
nomenon that occurs when the natural pro-
cess of cell division ceases in human tissue.
It is thought to contribute to the development
of aging itself, as well as various aging-related
diseases, including
o Alzheimer’s disease,
o Cellosis (superior new term for outdated
type 2 diabetes phrase), and
o various cancers.
It is known that, in lab specimens, clearing senes-
cent cells from tissues slows age-related degen-
eration and prolongs lifespan. The challenge is
to find a way to do this in humans.
Researchers have now devised a new method for
removing build-ups of these senescent cells, using
antibodies as ‘smart bombs’ designed to recognize
and kill them.
A so-called antibody-drug conjugate (an antibody
loaded with a drug) was designed against a mem-
brane marker of senescent cells ... and was shown
to be effective at specifically eliminating them.
The results of this proof-of-concept study will now
be used as the basis for further studies of targeted
treatments of senescence, which could represent
a huge improvement in the treatment of aging ail-
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Pro-Humanist FREELOVER, I got Insulinitis
(Islit) which was caused by Insulitis at age 5
in March 1961, requiring multiple exogenous
insulin doses to try to stay alive. There are
15 specific types of rapid-onset Islit.
There is 1 specific type of slow-onset Islit,
Latent Autoimmune Islit, also unpreventable
& nonreversible (thus far).
- - -
Insulin / Insulin Pump / CGM I use
Fiasp Ultra-Fast-Acting Insulin in a
tubeless Omnipod insulin pump catheter
placed into skin / pod with adhesive
stuck onto skin every 80 hours, control
via PDM (Personal Data Manager)
Dexcom G6 CGM (continuous glucose monitor)
- - -
C.ure I.nsulinitis A.ssociation
Glucose Anomalies Research regarding
Potential Cures / Improvements in Treatments
- - -
o Preventable Cellosis is the only specific
type of Disparate High Glucose Condition
that is preventable & reversible (in many,
sometimes it's called type 2 diabetes, often
confusingly called diabetes with no clarifier)
Risk for Preventable Cellosis, Hypertension,
& Cardiovascular Disease increases as one's
weight increases but BMI risk increases at
lower BMI levels in non-white individuals:
o PreCellosis (often confusingly called predia-
betes with no clarifier) is the oft-times preven-
table & reversible Cellosis precondition that all-
too-often the overwhelming majority having it
are unaware they have it
o 20 specific types of Cellosis, unpreventable
& nonreversible (thus far, sometimes called
type 2 diabetes, all-too-often confusingly called
diabetes with no clarifier)
Per the following article, 5.3% with Cellosis
used exogenous insulin in 2019.
- - -
o 4 other Disparate High Glucose Conditions
exist (Gestational Cellosis, Diminosis, Neonatal
Diminosis, Ohiglucons), all 7 DHGCs fully des-
cribed in the following article:
Logic and reasoning behind ceasing using
confusing / misleading / misinforming diabetes
& diabetic & reactive hypoglycemia words and
phrases, replacing all of that with vastly superior
clarifying names:
Diabetes Bubble / Diabetes Bubble Burst
- - -
Stop Diabetes/Diabetic Confusion
with New Superior Clarifying Terms
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