• Hawaiian Perspective on CELLOSIS, BMI 30 or higher, & exercise

    From _@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 4 09:01:48 2021
    The following, translating the inaccurate
    confusing misleading diabetes / diabetic
    words without clarifier -to- what they're
    actually talking about, solely, CELLOSIS,
    superior new clarifying word for type 2
    diabetes, continued insulin production ...

    ... no longer able to keep HbA1c < 6.5,
    caused by excessive weight &/or lack
    of sufficient exercise &/or poor diet &/or
    other adverse lifestyle factors &/or old
    age &/or relatives, especially 1 or both
    parents, having CELLOSIS. https://www.hawaiitribune-herald.com/2021/07/04/opinion/your-views-for-july-4-4/

    [in addition to previously mentioned trans-
    lations, clarification not part of the original
    article added in brackets]


    By undeniable observation, America’s
    current health context is tilting on the
    brink of a CELLOSIS epidemic. More
    than 42% of Americans are coping with
    BMI 30 or higher, and it is projected ...

    ... within four years 50% of America will
    be BMI 30 or higher — which will make
    CELLOSIS even more of a national mal-


    1. a condition of general bodily weakness
    or discomfort, often marking the onset of a

    2. a vague or unfocused feeling of mental
    uneasiness, lethargy, or discomfort.


    Regarding BMI 30 or higher, the hard science
    of health research indicates and indicts:

    o a shortened life span,
    o stroke danger,
    o cardiac disease,
    o sleep apnea,
    o high blood pressure,
    o high cholesterol,
    and of course,

    Also accompanying social factors can be mental
    illness. ... Even in the face of indisputable scien-
    tific evidence that BMI 30 or higher and CELLOSIS
    is seriously deleterious to health, there is little moti-
    vation for people to make changes. [I don't under-
    stand why the writer makes such a strong case ...

    ... followed by saying that, seems motivation to
    change would be very high, it's just that actually
    changing (overcoming temptations & keeping the
    new lifestyle going if one endeavors to change) is
    very hard for most to pull off.] ...

    [The following, pertaining to Hawaii] ... The conta-
    gion of BMI 30 or higher, PRECELLOSIS and
    CELLOSIS in Hawaii is somewhat “heavier” (pun
    not intended), than the continental states. ...

    [The following, the writer's effort at motivation]

    Reasonable health is a potential for everyone!

    [Hmmm, pertaining to many things, yes, but if
    you include problems entailing unpreventable
    currently incurable conditions, limitations exist]

    Don’t we all want to feel better, look better, live
    longer, have fewer medical costs, have more
    life developmental opportunities, and be less

    [Some, like myself, facing a severe life-long
    recurrent life-threatening depression, only
    cured thanks to finding the 'right' doctor who
    prescribed the 'right' -2- medications]

    This is all predicated on personal discipline, con-
    sistency, reasonable and healthy calories, and
    enjoyable forms of exercise [see above for areas
    outside of that]. For those who have achieved a
    lifestyle of exuberant well-being, it’s difficult to
    adequately describe to others the exhilaration ...

    ... of that higher level of living. It’s similar for an
    islander trying to describe the beauty of a Pacific
    sunrise to someone who has just arrived from

    When Rodger Bannister became the first person
    to break the four-minute mile, his public declara-
    tion was: ” I am not so concerned about the rec-
    ord, but the incredible sense of freedom I felt
    reaching it!”

    From the depths of Hawaiian culture, in the spirit
    and footsteps of the king’s runners, and the sanc-
    tity of the body being a physical temple, we all
    deserve to savor the ambrosia of greater freedom.

    [Hmmm, having lost almost 38 pounds since Feb-
    ruary 2021, I do enjoy seeing my normal weight
    body, and do enjoy fitting into my jeans I could
    not wear after I went up to 186 pounds, but as
    for freedom, hmmm, now restricted to 1600 or
    so calories per day, must exercise in 30 minute ...

    ... indoor cycling sessions an average of 3 times
    per day, doesn't feel like freedom to me, but hey,
    each person's definition of freedom is a matter of
    personal perspective.]

    ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~


    New SUPERIOR clarifying name for near-
    total to total loss of endogenous insulin https://prohuman.net/pix2/new_superior_clarifying_name_is_INSULINITIS.jpg

    The overwhelming majority of Islit caused
    by autoimmune attacks on pancreatic beta
    cells (Insulitis Islit) but there are

    o 15 specific types of rapid onset Islit, a
    rare condition (only present in < one-half
    of 1% of Americans & in a much lower rate
    in most of the world), when present is typ-
    ically diagnosed at age under 30
    (50% at age < 18, 20% at age 19 to 29)

    o 1 slow onset specific type, Latent Auto-
    immune Islit, frequency unknown but per
    a recent report, misdiagnosed as Cellosis
    (new clarifying name for type 2 diabetes)
    almost 40% of the time due to slow onset
    & occurrence typically at age over 30

    Old outdated anachronistic name for Islit is
    type 1 diabetes, confusing in that diabetes
    without clarifier is often used to describe this
    & the other 6 Disparate High Glucose Con-
    ditions (DHGCs).

    That makes figuring out which DHGC is actu-
    ally being referred to (& it can be any 1, some,
    or all of them when diabetes or diabetic word
    used without clarifier) confusing / difficult: https://prohuman.net/pix2/diabetesdiabeticguessinggame.jpg https://prohuman.net/pix2/diabetesdiabeticconfusion.jpg https://prohuman.net/pix2/diabetesdiabeticendingthemisunderstanding.jpg

    Recent estimate that 20 million have Islit in the
    world, 1 in 394 (2.583/10ths of 1%), less than
    5% of the almost 470 million in the world who
    have any of the 7 DHGCs, 95% having Cellosis
    (see below for causalities): https://groups.google.com/g/misc.health.diabetes/c/58ZoHZEZ51w/m/EBejqoJQAQAJ

    Notably, one's relatives and one's birthplace
    dramatically impact one's risk of getting the
    Insulitis-caused Islit, as listed in details of all
    15 specific types of rapid-onset Islit & the sole
    specific type of slow onset Latent Autoimmune
    Islit at https://groups.google.com/g/misc.health.diabetes/c/aOsrugeqYqs/m/MlI8I6PzAAAJ

    - - -

    Insulin / Insulin Pump / CGM I use

    Fiasp Ultra-Fast-Acting Insulin in a tubeless
    Omnipod insulin pump catheter placed into
    skin / pod with adhesive stuck onto skin every
    80 hours, control via PDM (Personal Data
    Manager) https://prohuman.net/pix2/Fiaspinsulin_tubelessOmnipodDASHinsulinpump.jpg

    Dexcom G6 CGM (continuous glucose monitor) https://prohuman.net/pix2/Dexcom_G6_CGM.jpg

    - - -

    Stop Diabetes/Diabetic Confusion
    with New Superior Clarifying Terms https://www.change.org/stopdiabetesdiabeticconfusionwithNewSuperiorClarifyingTerms

    - - -

    o Preventable Cellosis is the only specific
    type of Disparate High Glucose Condition
    that is preventable & reversible (in many,
    sometimes it's called type 2 diabetes, often
    confusingly called diabetes with no clarifier)

    Risk for Preventable Cellosis, Hypertension,
    & Cardiovascular Disease increases as one's
    weight increases but BMI risk increases at
    lower BMI levels in non-white individuals: https://prohuman.net/pix2/BMI-WaistCircumference-Cellosis&Hypertension&CardiovascularDisease-Risk.jpg

    o PreCellosis (often confusingly called predia-
    betes with no clarifier) is the oft-times preven-
    table & reversible Cellosis precondition that all-
    too-often the overwhelming majority having it
    are unaware they have it (almost 3 times more
    have PreCellosis than have Cellosis).

    o 20 specific types of Cellosis, unpreventable
    & nonreversible (thus far, sometimes called
    type 2 diabetes, all-too-often confusingly called
    diabetes with no clarifier)

    Per the following article, 5.3% with Cellosis
    used exogenous insulin in 2019. https://www.bloomberg.com/press-releases/2019-12-13/tandem-diabetes-care-announces-fda-clearance-of-the-t-slim-x2-insulin-pump-with-control-iq-advanced-hybrid-closed-loop

    - - -

    o 4 other Disparate High Glucose Conditions
    exist (Gestational Cellosis, Diminosis, Neonatal
    Diminosis, Ohiglucons), all 7 DHGCs fully des-
    cribed in the following article:

    Logic and reasoning behind ceasing using
    confusing / misleading / misinforming diabetes
    & diabetic & reactive hypoglycemia words and
    phrases, replacing all of that with vastly superior
    clarifying names:

    Diabetes Bubble / Diabetes Bubble Burst https://prohuman.net/diabetesbubblediabetesbubbleburst.htm

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