I’m selling all of the children’s software that was used in my business (which
I am closing).
All run on the Mac, and many have a hybrid CD that also can run on PC’s, as noted. Ages indicated are as labeled on the box. Contact me for system requirements and whatever other details you need, including if you need help choosing what’s right for your child. Many, but not all, have the original box,
manual, etc. They can be picked up in Boston, or shipped at buyer’s expense. If
interested, contact me at StaceyY@aol.com.
I’ve grouped them into categories of $15, $10, $5, and cheapie grab-bags. Prices are firm unless you find a lower retail price, in which case I will be glad to beat it.
The following are $15 each:
Preschool Success Starter, hybrid CD’s, ages 3-5, includes Maggie’s Farmyard
Adventure, a story with lots of songs and games in it, and Eager’s Pet Show,
which uses many early learning skills
Kindergarten Success Starter, hybrid CD’s, ages 4-6, includes The Playroom, and
James Discovers Math, each of which has several fun activities that develop early learning skills.
1st Grade Success Starter, hybrid CD’s, ages 5-7, includes The Treehouse and
James Explores Math, each of which has several fun activities that develop specific skills.
Living Books, Hybrid CD’s, ages 3-7, storybooks with lots of interactivity.
Dr. Seuss’s ABC
Arthur’s Reading Race
Set of 2 Berenstein Bears titles
Sheila Rae, the Brave
Kid Pix Studio, CD, ages 3-12, Amazing variety of paint tools let kids create their own “electronic fingerpaintings,” or sophisticated pictures, animations,
and slide shows
Logical Jourir dilemmas
Carmen Sandiego, Junior Detective, hybrid CD, ages 5-8, Use maps and clues to help catch Carmen’s gang
Math Workshop, CD, ages 6-12, fun problem solving and logic activities
Big Thinkers Kindergarten, hybrid CD, huge variety of fun learning activities
Big Thinkers First Grade, hybrid CD, huge variety of fun learning activities
Kid Works Deluxe, Hybrid CD, ages 4-9, writing and painting tools for making original stories
Mario Teaches Typing 2, Hybrid CD, ages 6&up, Play to learn typing skills
The following are $10 each:
The Manhole, Masterpiece Edition (1.2 orig box etc), hybrid CD, all ages, click
to explore an imaginary world
The Manhole, Masterpiece Edition (1.0 cd case only), hybrid CD, all ages, click
to explore an imaginary world
Imagination Express, Destination Rain Forest, hybrid cd, 1st-6th grade, Learn about the rainforest and create multimedia stories
Stanley’s Sticker Stories, hybrid CD, preschool-2nd grade, Create multimedia
storybooks with characters from Millie’s Math House, Bailey’s Book House, and
other popular Edmark titles.
Kid Desk, disks, preschool and up, Kid’s computer desktop separates what they
can use from all the other stuff on your computer
Millie’s Math House, hybrid CD, preschool-2nd grade, Fun activities develop math abilities
Millie’s Math House, disk, preschool-2nd grade, Fun activities develop math abilities
Bailey’s Book House, hybrid CD, preschool-2nd grade, Fun activities develop abilities in language arts
Bailey’s Book House, disk, preschool-2nd grade, Fun activities develop abilities in language arts
Sammy’s Science House, hybrid CD, preschool-2nd grade, Fun activities develop
abilities in sciences
Sammy’s Science House, disk, preschool-2nd grade, Fun activities develop abilities in sciences
Trudy’s Time and Place House, hybrid CD, preschool-2nd grade, Fun activities
develop abilities in time and geography
Mighty Math Carnival Countdown, hybrid CD, K-2nd grade, Fun activities develop
abilities in math
Thinkin’ Things, hybrid CD, preschool-4th grade, Fun activities develop abilities in critical thinking and creativity
Thinkin’ Things, disk, preschool-4th grade, Fun activities develop abilities in
critical thinking and creativity
Thinkin’ Things 2, CD, 1st-6th grade, Fun activities develop abilities in critical thinking and creativity
Thinkin’ Things 2, disk, 1st-6th grade, Fun activities develop abilities in critical thinking and creativity
Thinkin’ Science, hybrid CD, 1st-2nd grade, Fun activities develop abilities in
critical thinking and problem solving
Thinkin’ Science Zap, hybrid CD, 3rd-6th grade, Fun activities develop scientific knowledge
Thinkin’ Things Sky Island Mysteries, hybrid CD, ages 8-12
Astro Algebra, hybrid CD, 7th-9th grade
Build-a-Book with Roberto, hybrid CD, ages 3-6, fun environment for problem solving and story-making
Bumptz Science Carnival, Hybrid CD, ages 6-10, play with and manipulate items on the screen to practice scientific process
Snootz Math Trek, Hybrid CD, ages 6-10, fun logic and problem solving activities
The Backyard, Disks, ages 3-6, Fun learning sequel to The Playroom
The Treehouse, Disks, ages 5-8, Fun activities that develop skills
The Playroom, Disks, ages 3-6?, Fun activities that develop early learning skills
Kid Pix, Kid Pix Companion, and Kid Pix Companion Animation and Slide Show, Disks, Ages 3-12, Amazing variety of paint tools let kids create their own “electronic fingerpaintings,” or sophisticated pictures, animations, and slide
Kids World, disks, use stamps and paint to create animations and screen savers
EA*Kids Art Center, disks, ages 3&up, dress up characters in clothing and costumes, build pictures with shape blocks, other art activities and tools
Mother Goose’s Farm 4 Learning, Hybrid CD’s, ages 3-6, large variety of fun
learning activities
With Open Eyes, Hybrid CD, Virtual museum and activities based on the Art Institute of Chicago’s collection
My First Incredible Amazing Dictionary, CD, Explore words though activities and
a multimedia dictionary
My First Amazing World Explorer, Hybrid CD
The Way Things Work, Hybrid CD
What is a Bellybutton? CD, Interactive questions and answers about the human body
Bricks, CD, ages 5&up, like legos for the computer
Gigglebone Gang titles, hybrid CD, ages 4-8, quirky, funny, creative activities
AlphaBonk Farm
Infinity City
World Tour
The following are $5 each:
McGee, disks, ages 2-6, clickable picture book good for young beginners
Katie’s Farm, disks, ages 2-6, clickable picture book good for young beginners
Spelunx, disks, ages 5-12, Whimsical and educational activities in underground
Peanuts Yearn2Learn, disks, ages 3-10
Get Ready for School, Charlie Brown, hybrid CD, ages 4-8
Scooter’s Magic Castle, disks, ages 5-8
Peter Pan, disks, ages 5-9
Richard Scarry’s Busytown, disks, ages 3-7
Zurk’s Learning Safari, CD, ages 3-6, Puzzles, hide-and-seek games, and other
developmentally appropriate activities that kids love
Zurk’s Rainforest Lab, CD, ages 5-9
Zurk’s Alaskan Trek, hybrid CD, ages 6-10
World Walker, Destination Australia, hybrid CD, ages 8-12
Word Tales, CD, ages 4-7, Hunt-and-find parts of pictures that start with each
letter sound
In addition to the titles above, which children I’ve worked with have regularly
used and enjoyed, I have a bunch of other software that I don’t know well. Much
of it I have never explored or tested out. Lots of them are sure to be enjoyable, I just don’t know which! I’ve organized them into grab-bags of several titles each, and I’ll sell each group for $9. Specify which group(s)
you want, or I can pick them for you. They are being sold as is, some with their boxes and other original materials, others with only the disks or CDs. If
you want a particular title or have a particular age-range or system requirement in mind, contact me.
Grab-bag 1: Ozzie’s World, hybrid CD, ages 3-8. Body Park, CD, ages 4-10. Colorforms Sailor Moon, disks, ages 3-10. Phonics Workbook, Hybrid CD, ages 6-8. My Own Stories, disks. Wacky Jacks, CD, ages 7&up.
Grab-bag 2: A to Zap!, disks. Bodyland, CD. Colorforms Sailor Moon, disks, ages
3-10. Preschool Workbook, hybrid CD, ages 3-5. Batman and Robin Activity Center, Hybrid CD, ages 5&up. Word Gallery, disks. Once Upon a Time..., disks,
ages 4-12
Grab-bag 3: Preschool Parade, disks, ages 3-6. Alfoobet, disks, ages 3-8. Colorforms Sailor Moon, disks, ages 3-10. First Grade Workbook, hybrid CD, ages
5-7. The Three Little Pigs, demo disk. Hot Dog Stand, disk
Grab-bag 4: Hillary and the Beast, Disks. Big Bug Alphabet Book, CD, ages 3-7.
Stepping Stones, disks, ages 2-7. Amazing Animation, CD. Stickybear’s Math Town, disks. My House, disks
Grab-bag 5: Jack and the Beanstalk, disks. Allie’s Playhouse, CD, ages 3-8. Colorforms Sailor Moon, disks, ages 3-10. Draw and Paint Plus, Hybrid CD, ages
4&up. Stickybear’s Early Learning, disks. Number Readiness, disks
Grab-bag 6: Dinosaur Adventure, disks, ages 3&up. World Discovery, hybrid CD, ages 8-adult. Colorforms Sailor Moon, disks, ages 3-10. Children’s Classics II,
disks, ages 4-7. Batman and Robin Activity Center, Hybrid CD, ages 5&up. Dot-to-Dot, hybrid CD, ages 4-7
Grab-bag 7: Murmurs of Earth, hybrid CD. Mazes, hybrid CD, ages 4-7. Daisy Quest, disks. Colorforms Blinky Bill, disks, ages 3-10. Children’s Classics,
disks, ages 4-7. Addition, disks
Grab-bag 8: SuperPrint, disks. 4 Graphics Activity Packs for SuperPrint, disks.
Cosmic Osmo, disks. Count Down, CD. 2 Start to Read stories, hybrid CD, ages 4-7. American Heritage Children’s Dictionary, cd
Grab-bag 9: Storybook Theatre, disks. Murmurs of Earth, hybrid CD. The Amazing
Writing Machine, Hybrid CD. Theo, Leo, and Manda, hybrid CD, ages 3&up. Batman
and Robin Activity Center, Hybrid CD, ages 5&up. Alphabet, hybrid CD, ages 3-6
Grab-bag 10: KidsTime, disks, ages 3-8. Daisy’s Castle, disks, ages 4-7. Movie
Select, disks. Colorforms Blinky Bill, disks, ages 3-10. Test Success Workbook,
hybrid CD, ages 6-7. Rosie the Counting Rabbit, demo disk
Grab-bag 11: Zookeeper, disks, ages 6-adult. Foo Castle, disks, ages 3-10. Hyperstudio, disks. Colorforms Blinky Bill, disks, ages 3-10. I Can Color, hybrid CD, ages 3-7. Whales, demo disk
Grab-bag 12: Spelunx, disks, ages 5&up. The Musical World of Professor Piccolo,
CD, ages 8-adult. Colorforms Blinky Bill, disks, ages 3-10. Kindergarten Workbook, hybrid CD, ages 4-7. My Town, disks. Batman and Robin Activity Center, Hybrid CD, ages 5&up
Grab-bag 13: Word Tales, disks. Rock, Rap ‘N Roll, disks. Colorforms Blinky Bill, disks, ages 3-10. 2 Start to Read stories, hybrid CD, ages 4-7. Batman and Robin Activity Center, Hybrid CD, ages 5&up. My School, disks
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