• Re: Democrat sex offender Brian Jones.

    From Can't Tell Boys From Girls Party@21:1/5 to All on Fri Aug 25 05:12:46 2023
    XPost: alt.activism.student, alt.college.republicans, alt.education.management XPost: talk.politics.guns

    According to state police, a trooper on patrol Monday night
    discovered an intoxicated man and a woman having sex inside a van in
    the Park and Ride in West Gardiner. The woman, who owned the van,
    identified herself, but the man refused to give his name. It didn't
    take long for the trooper to figure out who he was because an empty
    vehicle with state legislature license plate was parked across the
    street at the Service Plaza.

    The vehicle with the District 45 plate belongs to Democratic state
    Rep. Brian Jones, 56, of Freedom, Maine. He is charged with indecent
    conduct and failure to properly identify himself.

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