• Phil Mickelson says he used consulting firm in college admissions scand

    From Elizabeth Paige Laurie@21:1/5 to All on Sun Mar 17 00:57:36 2019
    XPost: alt.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.democrat, alt.showbiz.gossip
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    Golfer Phil Mickelson says he got suckered into hiring William
    “Rick” Singer to help out with his kids’ college admission
    process, but insists there was no illegal activity involved.

    “Our kids would disown us if we ever tried to interfere,”
    tweeted Mickelson on Thursday.

    The PGA legend and five-time major winner claimed his family —
    “along with thousands of others” — used Singer’s college
    counseling company The Key to help guide them through the
    admission process.

    Mickelson has three children, ages 15 to 19. His oldest
    daughter, Amanda, currently attends Brown University.

    Mickelson on Thursday claimed he had no idea that Singer was
    allegedly laundering money and committing mail fraud for
    Hollywood celebrities — including actresses Lori Loughlin and
    Felicity Huffman — while working with him.

    “We are shocked by the revelations of these events,” the 48-year-
    old said of the bribery scandal. “Obviously, we were not part of
    this fraud.”

    Mickelson’s Twitter statement came Thursday, shortly after he
    competed in the opening round of The Players Championship in
    Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. Afterwards, he spoke to reporters
    about his relationship with Singer, whom he met through

    “He was highly recommended by numerous friends that checked out,
    so we ended up using him,” Mickelson said. “Where he and his
    company were helpful was helping our kids, who have such
    different personalities, to find the best place for them. And
    then knowing going in what you need to do academically, score-
    wise, to be able to get there.”

    Mickelson told reporters that he never even thought about
    engaging in any criminal activity while working with Singer.

    “Our kids….schools are like fighting to get them,” Mickelson
    explained. “And I say that as a proud dad. Their grades and
    their outside activities, and their worldly views on things have
    colleges recruiting them.”

    Reiterating what he wrote on Twitter, Mickelson said: “We’re not
    a part of this. Most every family that has used the company is
    not a part of it. So that’s why I think we’re all surprised.”

    https://nypost.com/2019/03/14/phil-mickelson-says-he-used- consulting-firm-in-college-admissions-scandal/

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