• Horse-faced Felicity Huffman was desperate to get her dumb slut daughte

    From Elizabeth Paige Laurie@21:1/5 to All on Sat Mar 16 23:23:33 2019
    XPost: alt.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.democrat, alt.showbiz.gossip
    XPost: sac.sports


    Liberal Democrats, too lazy and stupid to compete
    scholastically. This is the result of the present day inferior
    California school system, once the envy of the entire free
    world, after 40 years of Democrat control and parasitic
    socialist union infestation.

    TAGS: Cheat Lie Bribe Obama Ignorant Liberal Dumb Crime College
    High School Sports USC Coach ACT Democrat LA Times, Washington
    Post, NY Times Elite Hollywood TV Media Twitter youTube Scumbags
    Kiss Your Job Goodbye


    “Desperate Housewives” star Felicity Huffman was desperate in
    real life to see her older daughter go to college.

    The award-winning actress made no secret of her academic
    aspirations for daughter Sofia Grace Macy, tweeting a photo of
    herself and “Shameless” star husband William H. Macy walking
    hand-in-hand along a tree-lined campus quad in December 2017.

    “Visiting colleges with our 17 year old. Makes me nostalgic
    .?.?. WHILE ITS HAPPENING!” she wrote.

    But behind the scenes, Huffman, 56, was secretly scheming with a
    crooked college counselor, William “Rick” Singer, to illegally
    boost Sofia’s score on the crucial SAT exams by 400 points,
    according to the feds.

    Singer, who pleaded guilty Tuesday to racketeering conspiracy
    and other crimes, began cooperating with authorities in late
    September and helped them gather evidence, including against
    Huffman, according to court papers.

    Huffman was among 33 wealthy parents charged Tuesday with
    conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud
    in a pair of related scams to cheat on college-entrance exams
    and corruptly recruit student athletes.

    Others accused of paying to illegally inflate their kids’ test
    scores include Gordon Caplan, co-chairman of the white-shoe law
    firm Willkie Farr & Gallagher, and Gregory and Marcia Abbott,
    whose daughter received a perfect 800 on the math SAT and 710 on
    the literature portion despite actually scoring in the “mid-
    600s,” court papers say.

    Much of the cheating was allegedly performed by Harvard grad
    Mark Riddell, who at the time was director of college entrance-
    exam preparation at the IMG Academy in Bradenton, Fla.

    Riddell, 36, would take SAT or ACT exams in place of the kids,
    give them the answers they needed while proctoring their exams,
    or review and correct wrong answers after the kids turned in
    their tests, the feds charge.

    In many cases, the kids were unaware the cheating was going on,
    according to Boston US Attorney Andrew Lelling.

    Riddell, who allegedly got $10,000 from Singer for each crooked
    test, began cooperating with the feds last month and is
    scheduled to plead guilty to conspiracy charges on April 12,
    according to court records.

    Parents who took part in the test-taking scam typically paid
    Singer $15,000 to $75,000 per test, with the money funneled
    through Singer’s IRS-approved charity, the Key Worldwide
    Foundation of Newport Beach, Calif.

    As part of the racket, the parents got letters from the
    foundation that let them claim the payoffs as deductions against
    their income taxes, according to Lelling.

    In Huffman’s case, she and Macy allegedly met with Singer in
    their Los Angeles home, where Singer explained how he could hire
    someone to proctor Sofia’s SAT “and secretly correct her answers
    afterward,” court papers charge.

    During the summer of 2017, Huffman and Singer allegedly
    exchanged a series of emails discussing how Huffman could get
    “100 percent extra time” for her daughters to take the SAT, with
    Huffman writing “Hurray! She got it,” on Oct. 16, 2017, when the
    extra time was approved for Sofia.

    The plan appeared to collapse the next day, court papers say,
    when Huffman got an email from Sofia’s high school counselor,
    who said the teen would have to take the test at the school
    instead of a testing center that the feds say Singer controlled.

    “Ruh ro! Looks like [my daughter’s high school] wants to provide
    own proctor,” Huffman wrote.

    But Huffman and Singer later agreed to tell the counselor that
    Sofia would take the test on a weekend — “so that she would not
    miss any school” — and had the location switched to a test
    center in West Hollywood, court papers say.

    There, Riddell “purported to proctor” Sofia’s exam, and when it
    was graded, she got a score of 1420, according to the feds.

    That was “an improvement over approximately 400 points over her
    PSAT, taken without [Riddell] one year earlier,” the feds

    Court papers don’t detail how Riddell allegedly improved the
    results or whether Sofia was in on the alleged scam.

    Huffman was arrested without incident Tuesday morning and was
    scheduled to appear in court in Los Angeles, where reports said
    Macy was waiting in a show of support.

    https://pagesix.com/2019/03/12/felicity-huffman-was-desperate-to- get-her-daughter-into-

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