• Re: Democrat sex offender Bob Archuleta.

    From Can't Tell Boys From Girls Party@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 6 04:12:52 2023
    XPost: alt.activism.student, alt.college.republicans, alt.education.management XPost: talk.politics.guns

    A former legislative employee for California Sen. Bob Archuleta is
    suing him and the state Senate, alleging she experienced workplace discrimination and retaliation after she refused the lawmaker’s
    romantic gestures while working in his district office.

    The complaint, filed Thursday in Los Angeles County Superior Court,
    outlines incidents in which she alleges Archuleta made inappropriate
    comments about her breasts, detailed affairs he had and publicly
    reprimanded and embarrassed her. She is referred to as “Jane Doe” in
    the lawsuit.

    The lawsuit alleges that the former legislative employee experienced retaliation and ultimately had “no choice but to resign because of
    her intolerable working environment” after she raised complaints of
    sexual harassment to a superior.

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