• Media exec in college admissions scam claimed son was star athlete

    From Elizabeth Paige Laurie@21:1/5 to All on Sat Mar 16 22:58:00 2019
    XPost: alt.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.democrat, alt.showbiz.gossip
    XPost: sac.sports


    Liberal Democrats, too lazy and stupid to compete
    scholastically. This is the result of the present day inferior
    California school system, once the envy of the entire free
    world, after 40 years of Democrat control and parasitic
    socialist union infestation.

    TAGS: Cheat Lie Bribe Obama Ignorant Liberal Dumb Crime College
    High School Sports USC Coach ACT Democrat LA Times, Washington
    Post, NY Times Elite Hollywood TV Media Twitter youTube Scumbags
    Kiss Your Job Goodbye


    A wealthy media exec from La Jolla, Calif., falsely claimed her
    teenage son was a top athlete to get him into USC — and even
    submitted doctored photos to make him look like a champ,
    investigators said.

    Elisabeth Meyer Kimmel, 54, allegedly claimed son Thomas was an
    “elite high-school pole vaulter.”

    In the doctored image seen here, Thomas’ face was digitally
    pasted on that of a vaulter clearing a bar at 14 feet.

    However, Kimmel’s son never actually participated in track and
    field during his time at a private La Jolla prep school, probers

    The son’s application to USC falsely claimed he was a three-year
    varsity letterman in track and was “one of the top pole vaulters
    in the state of California.”

    Meanwhile, the family’s charitable foundation made a $50,000
    payment to the USC Women’s Athletics Board, records show.

    Another payment, of $200,000, was made to a group controlled by
    William “Rick” Singer, the man behind the sprawling scheme to
    get kids into elite schools by faking athletic credentials
    and/or test scores.

    Kimmel has been the owner and president of Midwest Television
    Inc. since 2007.

    https://nypost.com/2019/03/13/media-exec-in-college-admissions- scam-claimed-son-was-star-athlete/

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