• Re: Democrat sex offender Steven Roberts.

    From D) Misogynistic Gender Misappropria@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jun 17 09:11:10 2023
    XPost: alt.activism.student, alt.college.republicans, alt.education.management XPost: talk.politics.guns

    A Democratic state senator in Missouri who has been accused of rape
    more than once may be preparing to launch a primary campaign against
    a popular, progressive incumbent Congresswoman who has been
    outspoken about her own experience as a victim of sexual assault.

    Roberts, who identifies as Black, was first accused of rape in 2015
    after a law school student reported his alleged actions to the
    police, resulting in the then-assistant prosecutor at the St. Louis
    Circuit Attorney’s Office being arrested for “suspicion of second-
    degree sodomy.”

    The following year, Cora Faith Walker — then a candidate for
    Missouri State Rep. — also accused Roberts of rape following an
    apparent celebration of both winning their respective primary
    elections. Walker wrote a letter to the state legislature making the

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