• Teachers Plot Against Parents Who Question Racial Curriculum

    From Byker@21:1/5 to All on Thu Mar 18 15:16:26 2021
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.education, ok.general
    XPost: talk.politics.misc

    "Demented Joe" wrote in message news:49418abc-d4fe-4008-a09a-f80ad99726a0n@googlegroups.com...

    A cadre of current and former teachers in Loudoun County, Virginia,
    created a blacklist of parents suspected of disagreeing with controversial racial topics taught in schools.

    The group’s stated purpose in part is to “infiltrate” and use “hackers” to
    silence parents’ communications and to “expose them publicly.”

    That shit won't get off square one in Oklahoma County, Ok.

    In the VERY near future these vindictive "teachers" are going to find out
    that they fucked up BIG TIME when they wind up in FEMA camps, awaiting liquidation...

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