• Moonbat run Levi Strauss teams up with radical gun control group: 'We s

    From Gene Poole@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jul 31 07:32:32 2019
    XPost: alt.freespeech, alt.survival, alt.politics.usa.constitution
    XPost: soc.retirement

    American denim giant Levi Strauss & Co. announced Tuesday that
    it is launching a series of new initiatives to benefit groups
    working to prevent gun violence.

    Levi Strauss’s CEO and President Chip Bergh wrote in Fortune on
    Tuesday that the company “simply cannot stand by silently when
    it comes to issues that threaten the very fabric of the
    communities where we live and work.”

    “You may wonder why a company that doesn’t manufacture or sell
    guns is wading into this issue, but for us, it’s simple,” Bergh
    wrote. “Americans shouldn’t have to live in fear of gun
    violence. It’s an issue that affects all of us — all generations
    and all walks of life."

    Bergh said it was his responsibility to speak up for important
    issues since he leads a “values-drive company that’s known the
    world over as a pioneer of the American West and one of the
    great symbols of American freedom.”

    He added that he is not advocating to repeal the 2nd Amendment
    nor calling gun owners irresponsible.

    "We can’t insulate ourselves from every threat," Bergh wrote.
    "We can’t 'harden' every place we gather — whether it be our
    schools, workplaces, shops, churches, or entertainment venues.
    But we can take common-sense, measurable steps — like criminal
    background checks on all gun sales — that will save lives."

    Levi's, therefore, announced a new three-tiered initiative to
    support gun violence prevention.

    The company will donate more than $1 million over the next four
    years to nonprofits and youth activists that work to end gun
    violence, establishing the “Safer Tomorrow Fund.”

    The blue jean manufacturer also partnered with gun control group
    Everytown for Gun Safety and other executives to form Everytown
    Business Leaders for Gun Safety.

    Bergh called the group a coalition of business leaders who
    “believe, as we do, that business has a critical role to play in
    and a moral obligation to do something about the gun violence
    epidemic in this country.”

    Levi’s will also double all donations made by their employees to
    the Safer Tomorrow Fund.

    Bergh acknowledged that the decision to advocate for gun control
    is a controversial one.

    “While taking a stand can be unpopular with some, doing nothing
    is no longer an option,” he wrote.

    http://thehill.com/business-a-lobbying/404902-levis-teams-up- with-gun-control-group-we-simply-cannot-stand-by-silently

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