• House nigger Democrat introduces articles of impeachment against Trump

    From Dave Cross@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jul 22 09:20:37 2019
    XPost: alt.politics.democrat, ca.politics, alt.religion.christian
    XPost: alt.mountain-bike

    Rep. Al Green, D-Texas, introduced articles of impeachment
    against President Donald Trump on Tuesday evening, a move that
    could force the House to take up the controversial subject later
    this week over the opposition of Democratic leaders.

    Green, who has pushed to impeach Trump since 2017, and
    unsuccessfully pushed the House to vote on impeachment multiple
    times in the last session of Congress, introduced the measure
    after the House voted to condemn Trump's Twitter attacks against
    four Democratic congresswomen of color.

    Nearly 60 Democrats backed an earlier version of Green's measure
    in December 2017, which was successfully killed by Republican
    leaders at the time.

    The White House declined to comment.

    The Texas Democrat said the effort was prompted by Trump's
    tweets over the weekend, as well as previous statements from the
    president about immigrants and in the wake of the violence in
    Charlottesville after a white supremacist rally in 2017.

    "I believe we must check him now or we might find somebody
    harmed," Green said on MSNBC Tuesday evening.

    Trump, Green said Tuesday, reading from his impeachment
    resolution, "has, by his statements, brought the high office of
    the president of the United States in contempt, ridicule,
    disgrace and disrepute."

    Because the resolution is privileged, Green could force a vote
    on the floor within two legislative days. Democratic leaders
    could decide to take up the articles of impeachment, table the
    measure indefinitely, or refer the matter to the House Judiciary

    The vote, something party leaders would like to avoid, would
    effectively force the House Democratic caucus on the record on
    impeachment, including dozens of moderate freshmen who would
    rather discuss the party's agenda, and the unpopular and
    controversial topic of impeachment, before they return home for
    the August recess.

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters it would be up to
    Democratic leadership to consider.

    "I haven't talked to him about it, and I know he feels strongly
    about it," House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said Tuesday
    morning, adding that leadership hadn't yet discussed the matter.

    Any vote would likely divide the caucus. While at least 86 House
    Democrats support launching impeachment proceedings against
    President Trump, according to an ABC News analysis, Green's
    effort is not based on the findings of the Mueller report -
    which Democrats have labored to highlight in a series of
    hearings and additional investigations.

    Many Democrats are also reluctant to consider the topic and go
    on the record ahead of special counsel Robert Mueller's
    testimony next week.

    Stupid niggers. Stupid Democrats.

    https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/house-democrat-introduces- articles-impeachment-trump/story?id=64380733

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