• Lori Loughlin Gets Lavish Home Theater Supplies Delivered To Her Home A

    From Elizabeth Paige Laurie@21:1/5 to All on Tue Mar 19 12:54:04 2019
    XPost: alt.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.democrat, alt.showbiz.gossip
    XPost: sac.sports


    Liberal Democrats, too lazy and stupid to compete
    scholastically. This is the result of the present day inferior
    California school system, once the envy of the entire free
    world, after 40 years of Democrat control and parasitic
    socialist union infestation.

    TAGS: Cheat Lie Bribe Obama Ignorant Liberal Dumb Crime College
    High School Sports USC Coach ACT Democrat LA Times, Washington
    Post, NY Times Elite Hollywood TV Media Twitter youTube Scumbags
    Kiss Your Job Goodbye


    Lori Loughlin is just one of the people caught up in the
    shocking college admissions scandal. The Fuller House star was
    arrested earlier this week with about 50 others, including her
    husband, Mossimo Giannulli, and actress Felicity Huffman. Lori
    eventually posted $1 million in bail and was set free for the
    time being.

    According to The Daily Mail, just days after being arrested and
    posting bail, Lori Loughlin received six TV panels for a home
    theater delivered to her mansion in Bel Air on Saturday.

    Photographers snapped photos of workers unloading the huge
    panels from trucks and taking them into Lori’s home. The outlet
    suggests that Loughlin and her family are doing their best to
    remain out of the public eye following the scandal, and that
    they may be treating themselves to a new home theater system in
    order to enjoy their time at home a bit more.

    As many fans already know, Lori, Mossimo, and many others were
    indicted this week after authorities claim that they spent large
    sums of money to cheat and bribe their children’s way into
    esteemed colleges and universities.

    It was revealed that those arrested had paid test administrators
    to help their children cheat on college entrances exams, such as
    the ACT and SAT, as well as paid off college coaches to claim
    their kids were recruited athletes in hopes of landing them
    spots at coveted schools.

    According to The Hollywood Reporter, since being arrested, Lori
    Loughlin has lost her job at The Hallmark Channel, a company
    known for wholesome family values and entertainment. Lori
    starred in many of the network’s films, as well as in the
    popular television series, When Calls The Heart.

    Loughlin was also reportedly cut from the fifth and final season
    of Fuller House, where she played the beloved character of Aunt

    As previously reported by The Inquisitr, the sketch artist who
    was in the courtroom with both Loughlin and actress Felicity
    Huffman during their court hearings claims that the actress came
    across as defiant and arrogant during her time in front of the

    “It was so defiant. Loughlin came off, and I think it showed in
    my drawings, a little arrogant. An illustrator can bring that
    out maybe more than a camera. However, I wasn’t being
    subjective. I was just drawing what I saw. The way people stand,
    their body language, their attitude — it all plays a part in an
    illustration,” artist Mona Shafer Edwards told Fox News.

    Lori Loughlin has yet to publicly speak out on the college
    admissions scandal.

    https://www.inquisitr.com/5346262/lori-loughlin-home-theater- college-admissions-scandal-bail/

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