• Stanford students first to sue colleges named in admissions scandal

    From Elizabeth Paige Laurie@21:1/5 to All on Sun Mar 17 02:08:06 2019
    XPost: alt.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.democrat, alt.showbiz.gossip
    XPost: sac.sports


    Liberal Democrats, too lazy and stupid to compete
    scholastically. This is the result of the present day inferior
    California school system, once the envy of the entire free
    world, after 40 years of Democrat control and parasitic
    socialist union infestation.

    TAGS: Cheat Lie Bribe Obama Ignorant Liberal Dumb Crime College
    High School Sports USC Coach ACT Democrat LA Times, Washington
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    Kiss Your Job Goodbye


    Four college students plus parents of three of them have filed a
    class-action suit against the colleges wrapped up in a
    nationwide admissions scandal — plus the scheme’s mastermind —
    claiming that the plot denied them a fair shot at entry to elite

    The students claim that their applications were undercut by
    William “Rick” Singer’s plot to fraudulently get undeserving
    kids into top schools in exchange for bribes from their well-
    heeled parents.

    The suit was originally filed Wednesday in the US District Court
    for California’s Northern District by two students at Stanford —
    which is among the eight schools named as a defendant, along
    with Singer, his college-counseling business, the bogus charity
    he used to launder money and seven other schools to which he
    directed kids.

    But the suit was amended and re-filed Thursday, with one of the
    Stanford students dropping out, but replaced by three other
    students from schools across the country.

    Despite the students’ top-notch grades and extracurriculars,
    their applications to such prestigious institutions as Yale and
    Georgetown were rejected — a fate the suit claims they might
    have avoided on a level playing field without Singer putting his
    thumb on the scale.

    All told, 50 people — including parents, college sports coaches
    and proctors — were charged Tuesday in the sweeping federal

    Among the well-off parents caught up in the bombshell case are
    TV actresses Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin.

    Singer pleaded guilty to charges including racketeering
    conspiracy Tuesday in Massachusetts federal court.

    https://nypost.com/2019/03/14/stanford-students-first-to-sue- colleges-named-in-admissions-scandal/

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